And this just in, for the hard-of-hearing or anybody else, the Washington Post is still dead.
And then there was this email from a DC friend:
Mike -- while I admire your persistence re the WoPo, reality is that you cannot not shame someone with no sense of same...
They are just so deeply embedded with The Establishment inside the Beltway, that their good reporters -- and they have some (Rick Leiby being one) -- cannot get the management okay to rock the boat. Not on an issue involving guns!!!
Keep up the fire... I'll bet the NYT does Gunwalker before the Post.
So, we have a bet on the table. The Grey Lady will beat Pravda to the Gunwalker story. Any takers?
I think the WoPo is an example of what the prophet Jeremiah was speaking of when he pronounced "Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even KNOW[emphasis mine BC] how to blush." (Jeremiah 6:13)
You cannot embarrass someone who has forgotten how to blush.
But keep up the "still dead" reports. It could get SOMEONE'S attention in the District of Criminals.
How can the Gay Lady beat Pravda? Aren't they one and the same?
Are the NY Slimes and the Washington Compost still participating in Operation Mockingbird?
This is the NY Slime and the WA Compost we're talking about.
What makes you think the outcome of the bet will be determined in your lifetime?
Us Texans aren't taking that bet, but we have good money on the .308 (or 7.62 if you prefer).
My personal bet is that a red-skinned dude with horns and a tail will be selling ice skates before either one of those fishwraps covers Gunwalker.
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