The ORIGINAL gathering place for a merry band of Three Percenters. (As denounced by Bill Clinton on CNN!)
One day Gideon and all his men got up early and camped beside Harod Spring. The Midianite camp was in the valley to the north of them by Moreh Hill The LORD said Gideon, "The men you have are too many for me to give them victory over the Midianites. They might think that they had won by themselves, and so give me no credit. Announce to the people, "Anyone who is afraid should go back home, and we will stay here at Mount Gilead.' " So twenty-two thousand went back, but ten thousand stayed.
Then the LORD said to Gideon, "You still have too many men. Take them down to the water, and I will separate them for you there. If I tell you a man should go with you, he will go. If I tell you a man should not go with you, he will not go." Gideon took the men down to the water, and the LORD told him, "Separate everyone who laps up the water with his tongue like a dog, from everyone who gets down on his knees to drink." There were three hundred men who scooped up water in their hands and lapped it; all the others got down on their knees to drink. The LORD said to Gideon, "I will rescue you and give you victory over the Midianites with the three hundred men who lapped the water. Tell everyone else to go home. So Gideon sent all the Israelites home, except the three hundred, who kept all the supplies and trumpets.
The Midianite camp was below them in the valley. That night the LORD commanded Gideon, "Get up and attack the camp; I am giving you victory over it. But if you are afraid to attack go down to the camp with your servant Purah. You will hear what they are saying and then you will have the courage to attack." So Gideon and his servant Purah went down to the edge of the enemy camp. The Midianites, the Amalekites, and the desert tribesman were spread out in the valley like a swarm of locusts, and they had as many camels as there are grains of sand on the seashore.
When Gideon arrived, he heard a man telling a friend about a dream. he was saying, "I dreamed that a loaf of barley bread rolled into our camp and hit a tent. The tent collapsed and lay flat on the ground." His friend replied, "It's the sword of the Israelite, Gideon son of Joash! It can't mean anything else! God has given him victory over Midian and our whole army!" When Gideon heard about the man's dream and what it meant, he fell to his knees. Then he went back to the Israelite camp and said, "Get up! The LORD is giving you victory over the Midianite army!"
He divided his three hundred men into three groups and gave each man a trumpet and a jar with a torch inside it. He told them, "When I get to the edge of the camp, watch me, and do what I do. When my group and I blow our trumpets, then you blow yours all around the camp and shout, 'For the LORD and for Gideon!'
Gideon and his one hundred men came to the edge of the camp a while before midnight, just after the guard had been changed. Then they blew the trumpets and broke the jars they were holding, and the other two groups did the same. They all held the torches in their left hands, the trumpets in their right, and shouted,
"A sword for the LORD and for Gideon!"
Every man stood in his place around the camp, and the whole enemy army ran away yelling. While Gideon's men were blowing their trumpets, the LORD made the enemy troops attack each other with their swords. They ran toward Zarethan as far as Beth Shittah, as far as the town of Abel Meholah near Tabbath. Then men from the tribes of Naphtali, Asher, and both parts of Manasseh were called out, and they pursed the Midianites.
Gideon sent messengers through all the hill country of Ephraim to say, "Come down and fight the Midianites. Hold the Jordan River and the streams as far as Bethbarah, to keep the Midianites from crossing them." The men of Ephraim were called together, and they held the Jordan River and the stream as far as Bethbarah, They captured the two Midianite chiefs, Oreb and Zeeb; they killed Oreb at Oreb Rock, and Zeeb at the Winepress of Zeeb. They continued to pursue the Midianites and brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon, who was now east of the Jordan. -- Judges, Chapter 7.
”All the ‘artists’ with a capital A, the parlor pinks, and the soprano voiced men are banded together…I am afraid they are a sabotage front for Uncle Joe Stalin." --Harry S. Truman 1946
"The word 'Homintern', which I coined in 1939, is attributed to Auden, who used it in an article in the Parisian Review about 1941, and has passed into the language. A takeoff on Comintern (Communist International), it was meant to convey the idea of a global homosexual community." –Harold Norse
"Anthony Powell suggested that his friend Jocelyn Brooke invented the term that Harold Nurse tells us Auden stole from him. Whoever invented it provided us with a splendid word to explain the social and cultural power of homosexuality." –Patrick Higgins
The Homintern
Of course the NRA protects Kagan. She’s part of the Homintern. Prominent members include: Larry Craig, David Brock, Wayne LaPierre, Chris Cox, Mike Huffington, Emmett Tyrrell, David McGreevey etc.
The HomIntern, Pt 2
carlosperdue Saturday, October 16th at 10:48PM EDT (link)
“Of course the NRA protects Kagan. She’s part of the Homintern. Prominent members include: Larry Craig, David Brock, Wayne LaPierre, Chris Cox, Mike [& Ariana] Huffington, Emmett Tyrrell, David McGreevey etc.”
Forgot to include Lindsey Graham (and many more). Graham’s the RINO Queen of SC who drooled over Kagan in the hearings. No wonder LaPierre made sure Kagan was confirmed and put Larry Craig back on the NRA board.
This is interesting, from a lefty website:
“Subject: Wayne LaPierre
I don’t care where a person’s compass may point them. But, it does bother me when someone is a hypocrite in the political arena…Wayne Lapierre is endorsing Jerry Kilgore for governor of Virginia in media ads saying Kilgore stands for the same family values that Wayne had as a child growing up in Roanoke.
Well, while Wayne Lapierre was in high school in Roanoke (Patrick Henry High class of ‘67) he was my brother’s lover. Their affair lasted past graduation and on during the anti Vietnam war protest marches they attended in 1969. Not only is Wayne Lapierre gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that) but he protested the Vietnam war. Now he’s touting his high ground morality and family values. That I have a problem with. -Archie in Roanoke”
Pretty specific. Is there anything to this? If only some patriot with money would put a PI on the case. It’s a pinko website, but they probably have a natural edge in knowing who’s gay…
Also interesting:
Confessions of a [Homosexual] Hit Man for the Right
David Brock, whose article sparked Paula Jones’ suit, has second thoughts.
By Lars-Erik Nelson
“[Brock] retaliates by charging that there is a “secret society” of homosexuals in high-level posts at the Republican National Committee and on the staffs of conservative congressmen and think tanks.”
I.e., the “Republican” HomIntern caucus. David Brock is the American Spectator’s homosexual former “investigative journalist” who protected Wayne LaPierre by doing a hit piece on the board faction that was trying to wrestle the NRA back from the beltway vampires who have now taken over. Brock was later fired for being too nice to Hillary Clinton in one of his books. Angry over being fired, he outs the existence of a secret “Republican” homosexual society in an Esquire magazine interview.
Anyone see a pattern?
“If you're an average bright-eyed conservative and you really want to understand leftists, begin by viewing them as aliens. Because they really aren't like you, and the difference isn't simply ideology, either.”
And the truth is that in this election, as in every one, some races will be close enough so that vote fraud can be a factor. So how should we proceed once results are in? First, conservatives need an attitude adjustment: They have to understand the nature of their enemy (as outlined above) and become warriors. We mustn't for a moment entertain the notion that the best thing for the nation after a suspicious loss is to concede the race graciously. Rather, the best thing for the nation is to oust the alien vote-snatchers from power by any moral means necessary.
Second, we must recognize that razor-close races almost always go Democrat for a reason (think Al Franken in Minnesota) and view every such loss as a probable vote-fraud scenario. Then we must analyze exit polling -- which has become a very precise science -- for discrepancies between its findings and election results. And when they are found, the matter must be sifted to the very bottom.
Alien vote-snatchers are worse than murderers. They not only steal votes, but also our future; they undermine the rule of law and threaten the republic itself. In a saner time, they would probably be hanged. And if it becomes apparent that the government -- the Eric Holder DOJ, judges, and others -- has become so corrupt that it will preserve its power by negating the votes of the people, then we should consider our Founding Fathers' words: "whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it."
Short and Sweet:
Take I-20 or I-59 to US 231. Go north until you see the Horse Pens 40 signs. (From I-20: 22 miles or so north.) (From I-59: 3 miles or so north.) Drive slowly and carefully and follow the signs. We're on top of the mountain on the right. Turn on in and be sure to stop at the country store and sign in. We look forward to seeing you soon up on the mountain!
For RV's, Buses, Trailers, and Large Vehicles:
( And all other's who want to take
Take I-59 to exit 174, then exit and go north on Steele Station Rd. Go to US11 and take a left (south). In about 1/4 of a mile, (go slow) you will come to a 'Horse Pens 40' sign (watch for it!) at County Rd. 42 (Chandler Mountain Rd). Take a right onto Co. Rd. 42 and go to the top of the mountain. County Rd. 42 will turn left at Roger's Store at the top of the mountain. (There is a 'Horse Pens 40 sign there). Turn left onto Co. Rd. 42 and follow it around for 3 miles or so and you will see our split rail fence and large gate on the left. Turn on in and be sure to stop at the Country Store to sign in. We look forward to seeing you soon up on the mountain!
From Birmingham and Points West:
From Chattanooga and Points North and East:
Take I-59 to exit 166 (Ashville), exit and turn onto US231 north. (There are 'Horse Pens 40' signs on the Interstate). Go 3 miles or so and you will see the 'Horse Pens 40' signs on US231. Turn right onto County Rd. 35. Go a mile or so and look for the 'Horse Pens 40' sign. (Go slow and watch for it!) Turn right here onto County Rd. 42 and go to the top of the mountain (Be careful! Steep road, sharp turns). Look for our split rail fence and large gate on the right. Turn on in and be sure to sign in at the Country Store. We look forward to seeing you soon up on the mountain!
From Atlanta and Points East:
Take I-20 west to exit 158A (Ashville) and merge onto US231 north. Continue north on US231 for about 20 scenic miles and you will reach the town square of historic Ashville, AL. After giving the statue of the Confederate soldier a respectful salute, go to the right all the way around the courthouse square and continue north on US231 for about 4 miles or so and you will see the 'Horse Pens 40' signs. Turn right here onto County Rd. 35 and go about 2 miles or so. Turn right onto County Rd. 42 (Hyatt Gap Rd.)at the 'Horse Pens 40' sign (Go slow and watch for it!), and go up to the top of the mountain (Be careful. Steep road, sharp turns.) and you will see our split rail fence and large gate on the right at the top of the mountain. Turn on in and be sure to stop at the country store and sign in. We look forward to seeing you soon up on the mountain!
In the Soviet Union, psychiatry was used for punitive purposes. Psychiatric hospitals were used by the authorities as prisons in order to isolate hundreds or thousands of political prisoners from the rest of society, discredit their ideas, and break them physically and mentally; as such they are considered a form of torture. This method was also employed against religious prisoners, including especially well-educated atheists who converted to a religion; in such cases their religious faith was determined to be a form of mental illness that needed to be cured.
Psikhushka (Russian: психушка) is a Russian colloquialism for psychiatric hospital. It has been occasionally used in English since the dissident movement in the Soviet Union became known in the West. -- Wikipedia, Punitive psychiatry in the Soviet Union.
There is one aspect of CSGV's philosophy, though, that I now realize I had completely misunderstood. The strongest reason for their aversion to gun rights isn't "gun violence," or the supposed threat of "right wing terrorism" (although they exploit both of those to the maximum extent possible)--it's that they believe that a strong-willed, vigilant citizenry, prepared to say "No!" to government excess, and equipped to back that denial up, is right now impeding the "progressive" agenda.
Ok then, can I ask you your predictions for the November election, now that we are just days away? How bad do you think it’s going to be for the Democrats?
I have been given access to a significant amount of internals all across the country. Senate, House, and governor races, and…well, it is going to be a very tough night for the Democratic Party. It is as bad as I and some others feared it would be for us a couple months ago. Nothing has improved - maybe a few races here and there have tightened, but overall, it’s looking very bad for us. Actually worse than the national polling data currently suggests even.
So how many seats do you see Democrats losing in the House?
At least 50 – possibly a bit more. It will be worse than what we saw in 1994, and I was around for that ass-kicking.
How about the Senate?
That one is just a bit tougher to call. I think the Republicans right now have a 50/50 chance of taking a very slim majority. But at the very least, they are going to gain seven seats, which will basically shut down any sure-thing Democratic Party agenda in the Senate. We don’t fear that as much as what is going on with the House. It is going to be very difficult working with the House – the Republicans are taking on an increasingly aggressive tone heading into the election, and I think in 2011, they are going to putting on an all out offensive against the Obama agenda.
As a Democrat, do you see that as a bad thing?
Not necessarily, but at the same time, I don’t wish to see the political extremes swing back the other way. (Smiles) Then again, maybe I do, because if that happens, the Republicans could be right back on their ass in 2012 – IF the Democrats can get their -expletive- together, which at this point, I am not too hopeful of.
So who do you place the most blame for the Democratic Party’s troubles today?
President Obama and his administration -without a doubt. The Obama White House has been a political train wreck from day one, and it isn’t getting any better at the moment. You already know my feelings on that.
Previously you stated that Obama could be re-elected in 2012, and that if he improved himself on the job – that if he took a more active and responsible role as President, that you would support him. Do you still feel that way?
Is that what I said? (shakes head) Well…(pauses) Ok, I’ll just come out and say what is already underway, and to hell with the possible consequences to me. I will not support Barack Obama in 2012. That possibility has left the table for me. Based on what I know, what I have been told, what I have seen in recent weeks…no, I cannot support the President for a second term. My concern for the party, for the country…my conscience does not allow me that option any longer. Obama is not fit to be president. He simply does not possess the inclinations necessary to lead the country. And I don’t like saying that. I helped the man get elected. I was in the trenches day after day from city to city helping things get done in 2008…I take no pleasure in saying I was a part of that. And I take no pleasure in saying Obama should not be re-elected in 2012.
That is a very strong statement – anything recent that causes you to now say you will not support Obama in 2012? (Long pause – question is repeated)There is much I have been told, some I know, some more that will probably develop in the coming weeks and months. But you want specifics, right? I understand that…I’ll give you an example of why President Obama is not right for America. He sure as hell has not been right for the party. Not long ago, the president took a meeting. He’s late, which apparently is becoming more and more common with him. The meeting was almost cancelled. In strolls the president, joking with an aide. He plops down on a sofa, leans over and claps another guy on the back asking how he’s been. Apologizes for being late, says he was “held up”. He laughs some more. The meeting begins. After just ten minutes, during which time the president appears to almost totally withdraw into himself, an aide walks in and whispers something to the president, who then nods and quickly stands up, shakes a few hands and tells another aide to update him later on the rest of the meeting. As the president is walking out he is laughing at something yet again. He asked no questions of those at the meeting – not one. He left after just ten minutes, coming in laughing and leaving laughing. His behavior during that brief time he was there was described as “borderline manic”.
Ok, you have already stated previously that the president doesn’t show much interest in the day to day business of being president – why is this example so bad, or different?
Care to know what that particular meeting was about on that day?
Afghanistan. That meeting was an update on Afghanistan, and the President of the United States, the Commander in Chief, could give a -expletive-.
Were you actually there to witness this?
No, I was long gone from the White House by then. It was told to me though by someone who was. They were there. First hand. They were also left to apologize to the ones left in the room after the president left. Some of these were military. They were not happy. No…that is not accurate. They were pissed. They didn’t say much at the time, but word got back. They were in shock at the president’s behavior. The country had just lost a number of soldiers the week prior, the public opinion on the war was falling…and the president didn’t seem to care. He arrives late, leaves early, appears to emotionally shut down during the actual discussion, and to then start laughing once again as he is leaving…how does someone reconcile with that kind of behavior? I can’t. It turns my stomach. I didn’t want to believe what I was being told, but I had seen similar kinds of behavior from the president myself, and I can’t dispute the credibility of the source. They have no reason to lie.
Press Release
29 October 2010
Mike Vanderboegh, long-time constitutional militia advocate and founder of the Three Percent movement, will speak on the subject of the unintended consequences of election fraud in a speech at the armed Restore the Constitution rally at Horse Pens 40 park, just off Interstate 59 in northeast St. Clair County Alabama on Saturday, 30 October, from 12 Noon to 4 PM.
Amid a growing number of credible reports of election fraud from all across the country, Vanderboegh will observe, among other things:
"You know, we don't have the death penalty in this country for simple thievery, except in the case of federal elections. That law isn't on the books. Yet. But it does exist. How do I know? Try it and find out."
"When elections are stolen -- when democracy turns to tyranny -- citizens with rifles still get to vote."
Vanderboegh will also quote with approval these words from Selwyn Duke, writing at American Thinker in an article entitled "The Democrats' Final Recourse: Massive Vote Fraud":
"(V)ote-snatchers are worse than murderers. They not only steal votes, but also our future; they undermine the rule of law and threaten the republic itself. In a saner time, they would probably be hanged. And if it becomes apparent that the government -- the Eric Holder DOJ, judges, and others -- has become so corrupt that it will preserve its power by negating the votes of the people, then we should consider our Founding Fathers' words: 'whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it.'"
Vanderboegh's Three Percent movement was denounced by former President Bill Clinton in a speech given at the Center for American Progress on April 19 this year. He is also notorious for having issued the call to break the windows of local Democrat party headquarters in advance of the passage of the "Obamacare" Law -- a call which was answered by vandalism at offices from New York to Alaska.
The overall purpose of this rally is to remind everyone that:
1. a right which is not regularly exercised is a right denied, and,
2. that it is past time for the Constitution and the rule of law first crafted by the Founders, securing our God-given and inalienable rights to liberty and property be restored. In fact, we insist upon it.
More details are available by responding to Mike Vanderboegh at GeorgeMason1776@aol.com.
Restore the Constitution website: http://restoretheconstitution.ning.com/
Horse Pens 40 website: http://horsepens40.tripod.com/
Mike Vanderboegh's Three Percenter website: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com
Selwyn Duke's article on voter fraud: http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/10/the_democrats_final_recourse_m.html
You know, we don't have the death penalty in this country for simple thievery, except in the case of federal elections. That law isn't on the books. Yet. But it does exist. How do I know? Try it and find out. -- Mike Vanderboegh.
Most of all, though, we have to remember that leftists are, well, leftists. They are simply much more corrupt than those on the right. I know this sounds like blind partisanship, so I'll explain.
I'll introduce this with a point once made by former military-intelligence man Ralph Peters about how you could understand the Taliban: You have to view them as aliens. His point was that most people have trouble conceiving of mindsets radically different from their own and, consequently, often mistakenly assume that others operate by the same principles they do. Even liberals recognize this phenomenon -- when they warn of "ethnocentrism." I, however, am more concerned about conservocentrism.
If you're an average bright-eyed conservative and you really want to understand leftists, begin by viewing them as aliens. Because they really aren't like you, and the difference isn't simply ideology, either. They truly are far more dishonest, deceitful, and manipulative than conservatives.
In explaining why this is so, I'll again draw an analogy to Islamists. Many have pointed out that Western and Islamic thought dictate very different things with respect to honesty. While the West's formative religion, Christianity, teaches that lying is a sin, period, Islam states that lying to an infidel for the glory of Allah is a good. In other words, Christians can lie, but they must commit what they consider a sin to do so. Muslims can do so with what they view as divine approval.
Another difference is that Islamic thought includes a concept known as "dual truth," which basically states, writes American Thinker's Patrick Poole, "that what may be true in the realm of religion may be contrary to what is true in nature." Thus, even if an action is forbidden in Islamic texts, Muslims may be able to take it in the "real world." It's always convenient when you have more than one "truth" with which to justify behavior.
This brings us to liberals. Like Islamists, they have more than one "truth" from which to choose, something they readily admit to with pronouncements such as "that is your truth; someone else's might be different." To be precise, however, they use the word "truth" loosely, as a synonym for taste, and don't actually believe in Truth, properly defined (i.e., divinely ordained morality). They are moral relativists.
What does this mean? It means the sky -- or perhaps I should say the netherworld -- is the limit for behavior restrictions. Unlike Islamists, liberals don't have to find their justifications in medieval texts or complex philosophical contortions, as their credo is simple: "If it feels good, do it." Without belief in anything that transcends man to use as a yardstick for behavior, they ultimately have nothing left to use but the "god within," which is just a gussied-up name for emotion. And their emotion-driven ends really do justify their means. If they feel that conservatives are "evil," conservatives must be. And if they feel that any tactic necessary to vanquish that evil is fair game, it must be. Understand that beneath the light of their deified feelings, lying, cheating or stealing to win elections is not merely justifiable -- it is a "good," and one they do with the only approval they need: self-approval. They are aliens from a planet much like the Hell described by the Devil in an old comic strip (in The New Yorker, I think) when he said, "There's no right or wrong down here. It's whatever works for you." It is a place where there is a wall of separation between man and Truth. . .
And the truth is that in this election, as in every one, some races will be close enough so that vote fraud can be a factor. So how should we proceed once results are in? First, conservatives need an attitude adjustment: They have to understand the nature of their enemy (as outlined above) and become warriors. We mustn't for a moment entertain the notion that the best thing for the nation after a suspicious loss is to concede the race graciously. Rather, the best thing for the nation is to oust the alien vote-snatchers from power by any moral means necessary.
Second, we must recognize that razor-close races almost always go Democrat for a reason (think Al Franken in Minnesota) and view every such loss as a probable vote-fraud scenario. Then we must analyze exit polling -- which has become a very precise science -- for discrepancies between its findings and election results. And when they are found, the matter must be sifted to the very bottom.
Alien vote-snatchers are worse than murderers. They not only steal votes, but also our future; they undermine the rule of law and threaten the republic itself. In a saner time, they would probably be hanged. And if it becomes apparent that the government -- the Eric Holder DOJ, judges, and others -- has become so corrupt that it will preserve its power by negating the votes of the people, then we should consider our Founding Fathers' words: "whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness], it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it."
"If they get 6 rounds of 1 vote each, can I have 1 vote of 30 rounds?" -radiowave
-----Original Message-----
From: georgemason1776
To: kctew
Cc: jthomas
Sent: Thu, Oct 28, 2010 10:58 pm
Subject: Are you lying out of both sides of your fusion center mouth, or just have an inability to "man up," as Sharron Angle would say?
CPT Bob Kolenda
Director, Kansas City Terrorism Early Warning Group (KCTEW)
C/O Mid-America Regional Council
600 Broadway, Suite 200
Kansas City, MO 64105
CPT Kolenda,
A week ago I made you an offer that I would have thought was a no-brainer.
I would be happy to venture out amongst the clueless heathen in our newly-federalized system of political police spying (aka "fusion centers" and "joint task forces") and give an in-service to KCTEW or any other law enforcement group who would like a direct briefing on the constitutional militia movement and the Three Percent concept straight, as they say, "from the horse's mouth.".
My only conditions are that
a. at such briefings my presentation would be video taped by my assistant so that a permanent record of the presentation, your questions and my responses would be available for public consumption afterward on the Internet (of course I'm certain that any shyness of the audience could be accommodated by seating them behind the camera), and,
b. that I pay all my expenses under the time-validated principle that you cannot take the King's shilling and not be the King's man.
Thus, what I offer to you is entirely free to you and your agency.
Of course the SPLC would never submit their lies to such a public airing subject to later fact-checking, and they certainly would never do it at no cost to your agency. The word "poverty" in their name makes it an oxymoron.
Besides sticking my thumb in SPLC's deserving eye, such a presentation would more fully inform your future ability to separate fact from lie which is certainly a positive result tending to make any potential conflict based on misapprehension less likely.
That is what "intelligence gathering" is all about, is it not?
I await your response with great interest.
Of course as you know I'm still waiting.
This is odd because you told Kansas City Star reporter Judy Thomas that you were "willing to talk to me" on this issue.
Now, are you lying out of both sides of your fusion center mouth, or do you just have an inability to "man up," as Sharron Angle would say? Or is it that your federal bosses disapprove?
If I'm reading this situation incorrectly, feel free to set me straight.
I still await your response -- ANY response -- with great interest.
Mike Vanderboegh
The alleged leader of a merry band of Three Percenters.
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126*
*(But you knew that already, didn't you?)
OH, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet,
Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat;
But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth,
When two strong men stand face to face, tho’ they come from the ends of the earth!
-- Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936), The Ballad of East and West
We are, as even some Fed Governors now publically admit, in a “liquidity trap,” where interest rates or trillions in QEII asset purchases may not stimulate borrowing or lending because consumer demand is just not there. Escaping from a liquidity trap may be impossible, much like light trapped in a black hole.
Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff says U.S. government debt is not $13.5-trillion (U.S.), which is 60 per cent of current gross domestic product, as global investors and American taxpayers think, but rather 14-fold higher: $200-trillion – 840 per cent of current GDP. “Let’s get real,” Prof. Kotlikoff says. “The U.S. is bankrupt.”
I am a follower of your blog and I was wondering if you could email me the template for the avery labels. I know this was started last April, but better late than never I guess. I hope to put some in the area around the capital building of my state this weekend.
“Knocking off a bank or an armoured truck is merely crude. Knocking off an entire republic has, I feel, a certain style.” -- Sir James Manson, The Dogs of War by Frederick Forsyth.
You know, we don't have the death penalty in this country for simple thievery, except in the case of federal elections. That law isn't on the books. Yet. But it does exist. How do I know? Try it and find out. -- Mike Vanderboegh.
-----Original Message-----
From: georgemason1776
To: horwitzs; grimaldij
Sent: Tue, Oct 26, 2010 11:44 am
Subject: Are you intellectually honest enough to critically examine HOW the ATF does its business?
Because if you are, you might want to examine:
* The David Olofson case. -- A malfunctioning semi-auto rifle became the basis of a "machinegun transfer charge" even after the ATF's own experts initially found it was simply a malfunctioning semi-auto. The rifle was returned to the testers with the order to find differently. Olofson, a Wisconsin Army reservist and firearms instructor with a wife and kids was sent to federal prison. He is now out and available for interview.
* The lack of published standardized testing procedures and deliberately vague rule making. This is done deliberately so the ATF has the option of testifying both ways in a case depending up which is more advantageous to them.
* The joke that is the National Firearms Registry. People have been sent to federal prison based on ATF testimony that the weapon in question wasn't on the NFRTR and therefore illegal when the ATF is painfully aware that the not only is the NFRTR full of holes, but THEY ADD FIREARMS TO IT REGULARLY, even though there have been no machine guns imported or manufactured since 1986. This travesty was exposed in the recent Freisen case, and when that threatened to upset the ATF regulatory applecart, the feds folded and allowed Friesen to plead guilty to a paperwork violation with a fine of $25 after spending more than a million dollars to prosecute him. How's that for a waste of precious taxpayer dollars? I can put you in touch with experts who can rip the lying facade off this ATF scandal, if you are looking for the truth and not merely acting out an agenda.
* The "Economic Waco" that the ATF has waged for years on Georgia firearms designer Len Savage, as "payback" for his expert testimony on behalf of ATF victims such as Olofson and Friesen. Millions more have been wasted on their jihad against Len. I am told by my own sources within the Justice Department that there is a back story on that as well about an unlawful ex parte communication with a federal judge which is a scandal in itself.
* As part of the Savage persecution, ATF' wasted millions of dollars of resources searching for R.A. Bear, a man alleged by a highly placed ATF confidential informant (who used his position with friendly agents to get away with his own crimes) to be an "associate" of Len's. ATF agents searched nationwide for R.A. Bear, demanded to know about him from defense witnesses under discovery in the Savage case, only to find after years of search that "R.A. Bear" was the name of the stuffed toy bear belonging to the daughter of one of Len's friends who was being pressured for information on Savage by the confidential informant. Want to have some fun? Get in front of any of your ATF sources you used on that story and ask them about R.A. Bear and watch the blood drain out of their face.
* The existence of a website run by dissident ATF agents who have been victimized by their own agency, CleanUpAtf.org. Some of their stories of betrayal by ATF senior executives, especially the Chief Counsel's Office, should curl your hair if you have any.
* The inside story behind the granting of permission by the State Department, then denial, of the importation of Korean War surplus arms from South Korea. An ATF mid-level supervisor was ordered to produce a report to deny the deal. He has now come clean. Senator Jeff Sessions office is now interested in his case. It is my belief that the recent Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on "ATF Reform" was canceled out of fear that questions would be asked UNDER OATH of ATF command leadership about this and other misdeeds of the ATF Chief Counsels' Office.
Which begs the original question: Are you intellectually honest enough to critically examine HOW the ATF does its business? Or are you just a couple of agenda-driven hacks?
Mike Vanderboegh
Pinson, AL