From Vanderleun by way of Pete at WRSA:
Obama after the GOP sweep.
This man hates the culture that produced him and with reason. Far from reining him in, the coming destruction of the Democrats only frees him to get his hate on in a more direct and unrestrained manner.
Elected under the cloak of being a "uniter," this is a man whose one central wish is to disassemble the Constitution and the United States at the same time. When the oath was given, his heart said, "destroy, dissolve, and leave defenseless the Constitution of the United States, so help me Me."
He doesn't need the congress to go on. He's the commander in chief without an anchor or a center. He can do quite enough all by himself.
Depend upon it.

He also understands that he has NOTHING to fear from the GOP. While SOME of the incoming people will be honorable men and women, many others will instead be McCain/Snowe/Graham/Collins who go along to get along. And he can ALWAYS rely on the media to brew his tea.
I find the final lines of the piece especially discomfiting "Elected under the cloak of being a "uniter," this is a man whose one central wish is to disassemble the Constitution and the United States at the same time. When the oath was given, his heart said, "destroy, dissolve, and leave defenseless the Constitution of the United States, so help me Me."
He doesn't need the congress to go on. He's the commander in chief without an anchor or a center. He can do quite enough all by himself.
Depend upon it." Considering the author's characterization of Obama as "isolated, insular, arrogant and clueless about how to get along with or persuade members of Congress, the media, the business community or working-class voters" and "a hater, a wrecker, and a racist" I honestly believe that the President will be the author of the final straw; the spark that ignites the 2nd American Revolution.
I fear I must disagree with Mark Mathis on one point. Mark wrote that Obama "can ALWAYS rely on the media to brew his tea." but these days tea is not a beverage of which the left is at all fond. I do believe the MSM is entirely willing to prepare, dispense, AND DRINK all the cool-aide Mr. Obama desires.
Gonna get mean, people; gona get REAL MEAN.
Bad Cyborg X
Zero is a complete fraud and we already are in the greatest Constitutional crisis which the media, judiciary and government don't want to deal with. All the evidence show's he is a foreign born usurper who can never be president, (Coast Provincial General Hospital, Mombasa, modern day Kenya), much like the foreign born McCain who was helped put on the ballot by Zero and Hillary.
Investigators have found:
1. Obama’s social security number being from CT where he never lived or worked, as well as dozens of other SS#’s.
2. Forged selective service registration
3. Obama’s passport records breached 3 times - to sanitize the records, according to someone familiar with the investigation
4. A seemingly forged “cable” submitted by the Passport Office in an affidavit, used to claim that Obama’s mother’s passport records from 1965 and earlier may have been destroyed.
5. The Passport Office’s year-long obfuscation on a FOIA request to show index records for all passports issued to Obama’s mother, even though the microfilmed records could be easily located at any time.
6. Fukino’s refusal to disclose the “vital records” she referenced in her July 2008 statement, even though Hawaii’s UIPA law requires her to disclose them once she had used them to “inform the public”.
7. HDOH refusal to disclose Obama’s non-certified abbreviated BC as required by UIPA.
8. The HDOH’s claim that critical permanent records (original birth index from 1961 and the index to foreign births) no longer exist.
9. The Hawaii Democratic Party’s seeming refusal to certify Obama’s Constitutional eligibility, and their refusal to answer any questions about why they changed their procedures in order to avoid certifying his eligibility.
10. UIPA responses from the HDOH indicating that Obama’s BC is amended, which means it is not legally valid.
There have already been individuals killed in this matter. Lt. Quarles Harris, 2 missionaries in Kenya.
"much like the foreign born McCain"
McCain was born of US parents (both of them) in the Canal Zone (US territory at that time) and he PRESENTED his BC to the Senate when asked.
Now, what did the certifying member of the Senate see to verify Obama's constitutional qualifications to be seated in the US Senate?
Yes, McCain submitted birth certificate:
John Sidney McCain III was born at the Colon Hospital, a civilian hospital, Manzanillo Island, City of Colon, Republic of Panama. The birth certificate issued by Panama Railroad Company which owned the Colon Hospital.
This is not a U.S. military hospital or on U.S. soil. He has failed jus solis, allegiance by being born on U.S. soil. He was delivered by a U.S. military doctor if you think that counts -- it doesn't.
(Roger Calero, Socialist Workers Party was also on the ballot in 5 states in 2008. Born in Nicaragua.)
Which is why McCain wasn't going to make an issue of Obama and Obama of McCain, with Hillary (the one with nothing to lose) as chief blackmailer. This is what's called in the halls of power as a DEAL. Do we have this much criminal conspiracy in our government with both parties? Apparently so.
It explains the following circumstances:
February 2008 Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) with Barry n Hillary as co-sponsors attempted Bill S. 2678 Children of Military Families Natural Born Citizen Act, to change requirements on the Constitution’s natural born citizenship provision to no avail for McCain.
One month later McCaskill is back again w/co-sponsors Barry and Hillary for Resolution 511 declaring John McCain eligible as “both parents were U.S. citizens at the time of his birth...”
So — never minding the fact this bill is toilet paper and Barry didn’t even qualify said criteria (he's the first overtly with one foreign parent, his father British National) — WHY were there two Senators co-sponsoring such an issue, TWICE, who were in direct COMPETITION with John McCain in the 2008 election?
Amazing how Hillary got Secretary of State wasn't it?
"Now what did the certifying member of the Senate see to verify Obama's constitutional qualifications to be seated in the US Senate?"
Excellent question. The answer:
Nancy Pelosi saw nothing.
We know Hawaii Dept of Health has confirmed no UIPA requests of Obama's birth record by Nancy Pelosi or many other Hawaiian officials from Jan 2008 to Feb 2010, and that Pelosi perjured herself certifying Barry is eligible, DESPITE THE RED FLAG THAT THE HAWAII DEMOCRATIC PARTY REFUSED TO CERTIFY OBAMA'S CONSTITUTIONAL ELIGIBILITY.
Nancy Pelosi certified Obama for Hawaii. Hawaii never did, that’s why there is a special form for Hawaii, different than all the other 49 states with the Natural born Citizenship Constitutional Provision,
"This is to Certify....legally qualified to serve under the provisions of the United States Constitution:”
The other version, that does not include the Constitutional provision was filed with the other 49 states has no such language:
Comparing the DNC procedures for their candidates in the 2000 and 2004 elections, EVERYTHING was changed for Obama to get elected.
The larger scandal is the MASSIVE citizenship fraud and welfare fraud committed from the date the Hawaiian Islands became a state which officials want to keep under wraps.
Ever heard of another state with a similar "Certificate of Hawaiian Birth"???
Its how Hawaii got more federal assistance, sign up more babies for every program on the books from schools to immunization, to welfare..etc.
Anyone could get a certificate of live birth with little verification, they made it easy to “late” register births of babies, which is where Obambi falls in.
@Anonymous 10:48AM 10-18-10
Pelosi would certify a Senator??? I figured it would be the Judiciary Committee chair (Feinstein or Shumer) or the President Pro Tem (Senate Majority Leader Reid).
@Anonymous 10:41AM 10-18-10
"This is not a U.S. military hospital or on U.S. soil." Was that the hospital used by US military personnel or was there a US military hospital with a maternity ward in the Zone?
Hadn't heard this info before; interesting to say the least.
Spellbinding read. Almost poetic.
McCain was born at Colon hospital in Colon, Panama, about 20 miles outside the zone. Regardless, Resolution 511 which "authorized" McCain to be on the ballot is full of B.S. statements:
"Whereas previous presidential candidates were born outside of the United States of America and were understood to be eligible to be President;"
McCain, had he won, would have been challenged at Supreme Court level.
Normally the DNC does not certify the Constitutional eligibility of their candidate because they say that is the responsibility of the state party. The DNC claims to certify the national candidate in each of the individual states based on that state allowing the candidate to be on the ballot, which is supposed to mean that the state has verified that the person is eligible for the job.
But they ran into a problem with Hawaii because the HDP refused to certify Obama’s Constitutional eligibility. According to the DNC protocols that should have meant that the DNC wouldn’t certify Obama as their candidate in Hawaii, if at all. Instead, they made an exception and Nancy Pelosi signed the certification of eligibility without having done ANY verification at all. She knew she was perjuring herself by claiming to know he was eligible. And she had to have some idea why the HDP refused to certify eligibility. Fraud by Pelosi and DNC Attorney Joseph Sandler, who had the special certificate drawn up.
The attorney who has represented the HDP the past 15 years is one William H Gilardy, Jr. -- The very same attorney who represented Obama’s mother in her divorce from Lolo Soetoro. Think he's seen Zero's real birth certificate?! LOL
Where do you think place of birth was?
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