The Guinness World Book of Records, acknowledged the world champion song title holder, to be "I'm a Cranky Old Yank, in a Clanky Old Tank, on the Streets of Yokahama with My Honolulu Mama, Doing Those Beat-o, Beat-o, Flat on My Seat-o, Hirohito Blues." According to lyricist Hoagy Carmichael, the original title was only "I'm a Cranky Old Yank", but the joke got out of hand after that.

Sounds like the title of an old Hoagy Carmichael World War 2 tune, don't it? Problem is, no "vision thing," no writey thing. Maybe tomorrow.
I buy three or four pairs at a time for much less than ONE pair used to cost me.
Mike, I'm sorry you had a rough time with the glasses. That being said...everyone should have 2 spare pairs of glasses. Vision is simply not an option.
Rx Glasses, frame and lenses - shipped, for less than 14 bucks. For real. Legit. (Yes, I have 3 pairs.)
The optometrist can make new glasses without a prescription, by analyzing your old ones. Take em in and get new ones...
To Have And Have Not - one of Bogie and Bacall's lighter flicks.
I've worn glasses my whole life Mike. I know of what you speak. I went through most of my life without a spare pair, and when they break, you can get the blues in a hurry. Hang in there and hope you get them fixed or replaced PDQ.
Go to WalMart get a new prescription in hand, order glasses on-line for ~$15 instead of $250. Tell current eye doctor to kiss butt.
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