A long-time friend of mine who I had not heard from in a long while got a hold of me this morning out of the blue. Let's call him "Deep Throat." He lives across the river from the District of Criminals and has, shall we say, considerable ground-level experience in explaining American foreign policy to the violent and wayward across the planet.
He informs me that his sources tell him that the White House is now fully briefed on the "Walking Gun-gate" scandal and is now calling the shots. "They are in desperate need of a cover-up, but aren't competent enough to arrange one," he said with a laugh. "They don't know whether to shit or go blind."
Senators' offices are asking questions (I'm working on a generic briefing paper for one right now), with staffers seeking out sources, trying to corroborate stories here at Sipsey Street and at David Codrea's War on Guns and Examiner column. Three (at least) major outlet news reporters are seeking out ATF agents to go on deep background on the story of the "walking guns" and the death of BP officer Brian A. Terry.
Among the things we know:
1. ATF’s Phoenix office allowed the guns to go across the border.
2. The ATF office in Mexico was denied permission to share this information with their Mexican counterparts. Believing this was wrong, they went over the heads of the Phoenix office and requested permission directly from headquarters in DC.
3. The higher-ups sided with the Phoenix decision to withhold the information from Mexican authorities.
As David asks: "That would make this an international law enforcement incident, would it not?"
Yes it does, and that is reported to be part of the White House dilemma.
In terms of proof that one of ATF "walking guns" was used to murder Brian Terry, it can be simply answered under oath by settling two questions:
1. What does ATF trace data show?
2. Were any prior traces ever run on this particular firearm, and what did they show?
Prediction from "Deep Throat": Eric Holder is finished as AG. My likely candidate for his replacement? The premier Clintonista cover-up queen, Jamie S. Gorelick.
Also, a warning from DT: Those agents of the ATF who have first-hand knowledge of this scandal are in, to quote him directly, "'suicide' territory." This category would include some guilty personages on the fifth floor of the "Concrete Asshole of the Universe." I would like to take this moment to remind the DOJ-gers who are recently signing on to Sipsey Street Irregulars in record numbers of this recent post: A message that Eric Holder understands perfectly well: No more free William Colbys. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the Doctrine of One Hundred Heads still applies to deadly tyrannical acts and extends to protecting the lives of honest whistle blowers.
The CleanUpATF.org website continued to hacked overnight with posts offensive to the ATF removed by a person (or persons) unknown. This amounts to mere petty harassment that only confirms the ATF, DOJ and White House desperation. This demotivational poster pretty much sums up their present position:

I just can't wait for the hearings.
I will broach this with my congresscritter next week, but I do not see hearings happening.
Mike wrote "I just can't wait for the hearings."
You reckon there really WILL be hearings? I don't. Don't get me wrong, I'd love for there to be hearings and all (or at least a good part) of the shit those people have been pulling for years dragged into the light.
But I'm not holding my breath. I figure we can trust most of the old hands in the GOP at least a couple of nanometers farther'n we can the Dems but I still don't think we can trust them. And even if they DO manage to dredge up some of that shit, the lame stream media won't report any of it.
I figure the chances of any of this coming to light are roughly on a par with the truth about Vince Foster's "suicide" ever coming out. COULD happen. But I won't hold my breath waitin' for it to.
DAMN! Getting awful cynical in my old age. Awful cynical.
Bad Cyborg X
You can call one of those little black coated with white stripes/spots members of the weasel family a greyhound till hell freezes over. Ain't gonna make 'em run any faster or smell any better.
"I would like to take this moment to remind the DOJ-gers who are recently signing on to Sipsey Street Irregulars in record numbers of this recent post: A message that Eric Holder understands perfectly well: No more free William Colbys. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the Doctrine of One Hundred Heads still applies to deadly tyrannical acts and extends to protecting the lives of honest whistle blowers."
Pull up a chair.
Grab some popcorn and a cold one (flavor of your choice).
Sit back and wait for the show to start.
Big fun.
B Woodman
Well, I'd say impeach the SOB but President Biden would be worse...
I hope to see grown men cry as they are led away in handcuffs knowing their last day of freedom ever was yesterday.
Ditto on the 100 heads.
Defender said...
I hope to see grown men cry as they are led away in handcuffs knowing their last day of freedom ever was yesterday.
Holy Shit!! Talk about a cockeyed optimist. When was the last time anyone did time for misdeeds in govt. service? Has anyone gone down since Ollie North? Whose gonna prosecute them? The Holder DOJ? Give me a break.
Bad Cyborg X
White House sing along with us please: "Jailhouse Rock"
For Defender and Anonymous at 5:01 AM:
Look, these are PIGS that you're talking about. "Rule of Law" wouldn't even touch LON HORIUCHI after he murdered Vicki Weaver. Why would you expect ANYTHING to be done in this case? I mean, it's not like this Administration has ANY respect for the Border Patrol.
The stench is overwhelming.
And it smells like pig.
The US government is operating WROL, there's unlikely to be hearings, or if there are, they'll be the same type as the Waco Massacre Hearings, using barrels of white wash.
Depending on the US government to investigate itself is a lot like masturbating and falling in love with your hand, wishing it to become pregnant with your child.
BUMPED IN IT'S AWESOME FULLNESS: http://freedomguide.blogspot.com/2011/01/sipsey-street-white-house-now-in.html
Something that may get in the way however: Representative Giffords shot dead in Arizona, gunman held.
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