Barton Gellman
Thanks to those of you who pointed this graph out that I missed.
And yet there are exceptions, and law-enforcement officials say domestic terrorists are equally the products of their movements. Those most inclined toward violence sometimes call themselves three percenters, a small vanguard that dares to match deeds to words. Brian Banning, who led local and interagency intelligence units that tracked radical-right-wing violence in Sacramento County, California, says, "The person who's interested in violent revolution may be attracted to a racist group or to a militia or to the Tea Party because he's antigovernment and so are they, but he's looking on the fringe of the crowd for the people who want to take action."
My email response to the author:
TO: Barton Gelman, Time Magazine
RE: Your dirty, copulating lie about the Three Percent.
I note in your article on militias shot through with elision and conflation that you have this line:
"Those most inclined toward violence sometimes call themselves three percenters, a small vanguard that dares to match deeds to words."
Really? Can you name one Three Percenter who has committed a crime of violence? What "deeds" do you refer to? Broken windows in a few political party offices? This is your justification for linking us to the domestic terrorism referred to in the rest of the paragraph? Does petty political vandalism against property and property alone now constitute domestic terrorism?
And how do you write an article without exploring the provocation by a tyrannical federal government that prompts the rise in the number and activity of constitutional militias? This is not a "conspiracy theory," as the bureaucratic functionaries of the previous Democrat administration proved on a number of occasions. Many of those same people, notably Eric Holder, are now positions of even greater authority than before. This is why I wrote the Attorney General a letter entitled, "No More Free Wacos." They had their free Waco in the 90s. No one was ever disciplined for the massacre of 80 men, women and children. The constitutional militias are a reminder that when the rule of law no longer protects the people, it no longer protects their oppressors either.
Ancient history, you may say. But the way we look at it, in the present day it was Nancy Pelosi and her ilk who first brought the threat of violence to the table by plunking down the pistol of mandatory "health care" on the table. If we refuse out of principle to participate in this unconstitutional tyranny, we will be fined. If we refuse to pay the fine, at some point we will be ordered to be arrested. If we refuse to be arrested on our doorsteps at the point of an IRS agent's gun, we will be killed -- all in the interest of our "health."
That is the logical progression, is it not? Ask Vicki Weaver or the Davidians if you can find any yet alive. It was this threat that prompted me to call for the breaking of the windows of local headquarters of Pelosi's predatory party. Given that Pelosi would use the entire paramilitary police force of the federal leviathan to force us to her will, a few windows broken in warning seem to me to be simple manners.
I also note that you quote me in your article though you did not trouble your lazy, royal editorial ass to seek an interview with me, though I am the founder of the Three Percent movement. Neither did you quote Professor Robert Churchill, whose book, To Shake Their Guns in the Tyrant's Face is the definitive history of the militia movement up to the year 2000.
A simple visit to my blog, http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com, would have shown you that although it is true that we insist that we will not accept any further infringements on our liberty, we are also insistent that the federal government be the agent to fire the first shot. The sentiment "No Fort Sumters, No Oklahoma City Bombings" is woven through all of my writing and into the credo of the Three Percent. Does that sound to you like a call to pro-active deadly violence?
I rather suspect that your lie about us was handed to you by one of the federal "authorities" quoted (by name or anonymously) in your story, and being the sloppy/lazy "journalist" common to your breed, you simply plugged it in there without verification. Doesn't Time do fact-checking any more?
I will take the Feds seeming fear of the Three Percent as a complement, but I insist upon a formal retraction from you and your magazine.
Mike Vanderboegh
The alleged leader of a merry band of Three Percenters.
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126
American Thinker magazine visits the New Black Panther Party website and manifesto. Now THERE'S a crazy racist militia.
"They're" scared shitless by what's in progress, Mike, and this fright is producing all manner of lies and other ginned up lies about, well, about anyone who opposes the progressive/fascist philosophy.
This is a great revelation as to their mental status, and as long as they produce stories that say these things, we'll know where their collective heads are at.
Remember, these limp wrists are mewling girlly men, with thin necks and no arms at all.
"Ancient history, you may say. But the way we look at it, in the present day it was Nancy Pelosi and her ilk who first brought the threat of violence to the table by plunking down the pistol of mandatory "health care" on the table. If we refuse out of principle to participate in this unconstitutional tyranny, we will be fined. If we refuse to pay the fine, at some point we will be ordered to be arrested. If we refuse to be arrested on our doorsteps at the point of an IRS agent's gun, we will be killed -- all in the interest of our "health."
That is the logical progression, is it not?"
Logical, Mike. You may become an anarchist yet, if you follow that logic to its proper conclusions. The principle of non-aggression in action.
Just add "mandatory healthcare" to "mandatory police," "mandatory paying for indoctrinating other people's kids," "mandatory saving for retirement," or any other mandatory good or service, and you're on the logical path to anarchism.
Do I smell a libel suit?
Use the ACLU method against them! Sue their sorry asses off.
Remember, the process is the punishment!
Great response, Mike!
The time is rapidly approaching for the gloves to come off I fear. Leviathan and Co. will do something before to much longer as soon as like, Klinton, he Obumas feels his irrelevance. Remember his speach about how people were talking about him like he was a dog. I still defend my dog.
I doubt that you, or we will get anything like a retraction much less an apology. Which is due because as you pointed out no one had performed any act of VIOLENCE yet. We still wait for THEM to do that first. We know they will Tyrants Aways do.
Great letter, man. I really enjoyed reading it. You have opened a lot of eyes today.
Well said, Mike. You sure can write.
The stink of fear is coming off them like cholesterol from McDonalds.
Since the 8/28 rally in Washington, as ultra-peaceful and well behaved a rally that ever was, the have gone into panic mode. Why you ask? Because they know their math and for each person that showed up how many dozens could not be there. Take this not as an attack but as the thrashing of the cornered beast.
Stalin was a master at this; successfully demonizing each group on his list of "wreckers" so as to turn public opinion against them before each purge. I believe we may possibly be seeing "pre-purge" propaganda. Maybe a peaceful public protest with a Time Magazine burning is in order?
Only problem is he'll read "your breed" and concluded it's a anti semitic slur.
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