September 29, 2010
Obama, top Democratic leaders plan WH huddle
Erica Werner
Associated Press
President Barack Obama will meet Thursday with top congressional Democrats for one last strategy session before lawmakers flee town to campaign for re-election.
A Democratic aide said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and other top leaders of the House and Senate will attend the White House meeting. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the private gathering.
The session will give the president and his top allies on Capitol Hill a chance to talk politics and discuss their legislative agenda, including plans for a lameduck session after November's election. Democrats have punted action on extending expiring tax cuts until then.

"Sh-shoot all the other Blue Dogs who have retreated, and their chiefs of staff, too."

"M-m-m-make some examples. D-d-d-d-d-d-deport the families of the B-b-blue Dog d-d-d-deserters."

"Yes, yes, that's all been done."

"Give them hope!"

"Look, the voters' only choice is between GOP policies and ours. They're screwed either way. But there's another way. The way of courage. The way of love of the Homeland. Without getting our fingerprints on it, we must scare the shit out of them with something more frightening than us or the GOP. Then we must give them hope. We must rescue the friendly newspapers again. We must tell magnificent stories, stories that extol sacrifice, bravery. We must make them believe in the victory over this evil. We must give them hope, pride, a desire to fight. Yes... we need to make examples. But examples to *follow*. What we need are heroes."

"Do you know any heroes around here?"

"Yes, comrade. I know one."


"Hmmm. Eric, the FBI dogs jump through your hoop. You think you can arrange something like that?"

"And if that doesn't work, Mr. President, George Soros says we can always have you assassinated!"

That was a great "slideshow"!
Considering that Mr. Obama (not MY president) sounded surprised and grateful yesterday for NEW IDEAS such as, oh, not raising taxes on productive job-creating small business owners because that would further damage the moribund economy -- you don't hear such wild talk outside the DC "bubble" -- I think the only voters his allies have left are those who've never worked, and those in the bloated bureaucracy that rations out the support payments to them. Certainly, some dramatic event to get that "United We Stand" feeling back would help.
Village Voice reporter says "White people have gone f---ing insane" because they've lost the power to a black prez.
No, to an America-hating socialist apologist, regardless of melanin content.
LOL, awesome.
Whatchoo talkin' bout' Willis?
A Classic Dutchman . . . an absolute Classic!!!!!
I vote the Alabama rebel terrorist for President! :-)
word verification = kihume (sounds like some Hawaiin death threat to me)
While I appreciate the creativity and humor of the post, I harbor an unsettling feeling that the comedy is not beyond the pale. Mike, you be careful. It appears to me that Leviathan is a bit agitated of late.
Thanks for the laugh,
"Say WHAT?!?!?
and that was a shot of Hillary too.
That's great, Mike. That's so linked.
Quality edutainment.
Hilarious! On the other hand, I concur with Alan.
Did they say that between hits of crack and underage congressional pages servicing them?
Thanks for the laugh...
Spider Monkey
Background on COICA, being peddled by BOTH parties in Congress as an Internet copyright infringement regulation mechanism. They seem to have backed off, but the Odministration already has the workaround in mind that talks about.
Hand them each a Tokarev pistol with only one bullet and suggest "Perhaps you'd prefer to avoid the red tape..."
F#$*in' priceless, Mike! Almost swallowed my late night decadent dip!
. . . . .The October Surprise. . . . .
B Woodman
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