From Katie Pavlich at Townhall comes the proof that in the middle of Fast and Furious came a politically motivated demand to "Gunwalker Bill" Newell from ATF HQ:
"Internal ATF emails seem to suggest that ATF agents were counseled to highlight a link between criminals and certain semi-automatic weapons in order to bolster a case for a rule like the one the DOJ announced yesterday [Monday]."
Townhall has obtained the email which states "Can you see if these guns were all purchased from the same FfL and at one time. We are looking at anecdotal cases to support a demand letter on long gun multiple sales. Thanks Mark R. Chait Assistant Director Field Operations."
Get that, they were creating through the Gunwalker Scandal the "evidence" to achieve the political inroads on the Second Amendment that they wanted. And wasn't that the whole point of Gunwalker?
A perfect example of the inner workings of the innumerable number of 'Empires' in the FedGov. This goes on at ALL levels in ALL agencies and is THE justification for the downsizing efforts required to eliminate them and their influence in ruling over our lives.
Well done.
Plain and simple.. by any other name. You can mince words if you want but it remains TREASON and should be dealt with by those in authority who still honor their oath or be declared accomplices.
The link to Katie Pavlich article is here:
God in Heaven, there it is! A "smoking gun".
Wow, didn't think we'd get one of those.
Actual link:
Thank you, Sipsey Street Irregulars.
On a possibly related note, I just came across this...http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/mexico-town-dissolves-police-dept-gun-smuggling-scandal-184408968.html#more-13679....Seems the state has been relieved of the investigation and the feds intend to take over. I'm shocked. Criminals acting badly.
Don't let the volume of work run you down. You & Codrea are the Woodward & Bernstein of Gunwalker.
The intended link:
Absolutely! Probably the reason Obama has been complacent on guns since he took office. With his anti-gun reputation it is a cinch he has been working "under radar" to get new gun laws in place. Obama may or may not have ordered the gun walking program but you can be sure he & Holder both were aware of a scheme that would put teeth in a military type weapon ban.
Regardless "Gun walker" was the vehicle designed to accomplish just that.
So, are the "guns" Chait is referring to in the email part of the ones that ATF let walk?
If so, isn't this the proof we've been waiting for that Fast and Furious was really about undermining the 2nd Amendment and instituting new gun control measures?
Smoking gun?
The link you mentioned does not go to Townhall magazine, it goes to Tampa Bay Online, and it is not written by the author you mentioned. I tried searching for the article by the author's name (Katie Pavlich) and can't find what you are referring to. I would like to read her original article if you could correct the link.
For those still trying to "fix" the long URL, HERE YOU GO!
There was another point; to arm the growing narco-insurgency for the purpose of increasing its threat potential as a pretext for expansion of powers of the police state.
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