Agitprop, from Russian: агитпроп [ɐɡʲɪtˈprop]) is derived from agitation and propaganda. The term originated in Soviet Russia (the future USSR), where the term was a shortened form of отдел агитации и пропаганды (otdel agitatsii i propagandy), i.e., Department for Agitation and Propaganda, which was part of the Central and regional committees of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The department was later renamed Ideological Department.
The term propaganda in the Russian language did not bear any negative connotation at the time. It simply meant "dissemination of ideas". In the case of agitprop, the ideas to be disseminated were those of communism, including explanations of the policy of the Communist Party and the Soviet state. In other contexts, propaganda could mean dissemination of any kind of beneficial knowledge, e.g., of new methods in agriculture. Agitation meant urging people to do what Soviet leaders expected them to do; again, at various levels. In other words, propaganda was supposed to act on the mind, while agitation acted on emotions, although both usually went together, thus giving rise to the cliché "propaganda and agitation". -- Wikipedia.

Hacked DOT Road Sign Reads "Impeach Obama"
Awesome. I blame Michael Land. And thank him.
Gun Range Victory
Long Live The Republic!
Signs by ADDCO are most common. Controls are on a hand-held wired gadget in a small box, sometimes locked, sometimes not. Newer units are Blue-Tooth enabled.
Default password may be DOTS or DOT1. If those don’t work look for the password hand-written in the box.
Some ADDCO units can have the password reset to default by typing in DIPY while holding down the control and shift keys.
The menu is fairly simple. You should have no trouble entering your own message.
We need instructions on doing this
And if the message said "Tea Baggers hate America," you'd call it a property crime. You'll have to move up a few rungs to even get to pathetic.
Is there enough space to list all the impeachment charges?
A troll, how cute.
Nice job on the sign, hope to see many more :)
The sign wasn't necessarily "hacked". There are surely DOT people who would like to see Obama impeached
Anonymous at 19:31
Nope - we would realize it was a pathetic attempt by a liberal to be 'funny'. (or maybe self descriptive?)
BTW - since you are obviously 'in the know' - can you please explain what 'teabagging' is - I understand it has something to do with oral sex but NONE of the libs I have asked will describe it...............
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