"Well, after today's FOX report, let me tell you how much my career is worth. Just about this much."
I knew this was coming and told the Committee folks about it this morning. This story just broke on FOX.
At some point, the institutional white cells within the FBI who are very protective of their PR are going to throw Robert Mueller in the Potomac and bust the National Security Council, acting like they just found out about Gunwalker.
EXCLUSIVE: In the latest chapter of the gunrunning scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, federal officials are refusing to explain how two suspects obtained more than 360 weapons despite criminal records that should have prevented them from buying even one gun.
Under current federal law, people with felony convictions are not permitted to buy weapons, and those with felony arrests are typically flagged while the FBI conducts a thorough background check.
However, according to court records reviewed by Fox News, two of the 20 defendants indicted in the Fast and Furious investigation have felony convictions and criminal backgrounds that experts say, at the very least, should have delayed them buying a single firearm. Instead, the duo bought dozens of guns on multiple occasions while federal officials watched on closed-circuit cameras.
Congressional and law-enforcement sources say the situation suggests the FBI, which operates the National Instant Criminal Background Check System, knowingly allowed the purchases to go forward after consulting with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which initiated Operation Fast and Furious. Under the failed anti-gun trafficking program, straw buyers -- those who legally purchase guns and illegally sell them to a third party -- were allowed to buy guns, many of which were sold to Mexican drug cartel members.
Court documents show the breakdown involves suspects Jacob Wayne Chambers, 21, and Sean Christopher Stewart, 28, both of Phoenix. Police arrested Chambers for felony burglary and trafficking stolen property in 2008, a year before he began buying more than 70 guns that ended up in the hands of the Sinaloa cartel. Stewart pled guilty to resisting arrest and criminal damage in 2001 and was arrested on drug charges in 2010. He was also charged with violating an order of protection and a local municipal court issued a warrant for his arrest. Stewart purchased 290 weapons.
"You cannot sanction the violation of federal law by enabling or co-enabling prohibited persons, which includes felony convictions, from purchasing firearms," said Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), a former federal prosecutor and a member of the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee, which is investigating the botched ATF operation. Gowdy said he would discuss the apparent violation with Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), chairman of the committee.
When asked about the breakdown, Stephen Fischer, a spokesman for the NICS System, said the FBI had no comment. However, ATF Special Agent John Dodson, who worked the Fast and Furious investigation, said NICS officials called the ATF in Phoenix whenever their suspects tried to buy a gun. That conversation typically led to a green light for the buyers, when it should have stopped them.
The apparent corruption of the system concerns Gowdy. "It is unconscionable and goes beyond just being a terribly ill-conceived investigation to bordering, if not crossing, into criminal activity," he said.
The investigation into why these men were able to purchase weapons and this sting operation gone wrong continues on Tuesday. The House Oversight Committee will hold a third hearing, focusing on what was happening on the other side of the border in Mexico.
The former and current ATF attachés to Mexico will testify that their agency never informed them of this operation.
Committee Chair Issa and his colleagues will have their first opportunity to question ATF supervisors who have defended Operation Fast and Furious and the Justice Department’s decisions to committee investigators.
I am so tired of the MSM (including Ms. Atkinson) calling this a "failed" or "botched" investigation/operation.
It was never an investigation.
It existed solely to funnel weapons with NO, NONE, ZIP, ZERO intent to track them. Violence and deaths south of the border WAS ITS INTENT!
It succeeded!
There was nothing botched about this other than the coverup.
As long as the media (including Ms. Atkinson) continue on that government sponsored farce the hearings and everything else are just a dog and pony show.
This was AN OVERT CRIMINAL ACT by parties known (Melson, Nowell, et al.) and parties unknown.
Start calling it what it is/was MSM!
And once again, it was this country's "Law Enforcement" who enabled this. May every one of them rot in hell for what they have done!
They had no means of tracking the firearms. It would not have have benefited them in any way to engage in these actions, for that purpose.
If however their intention was to magically find U.S. privately held arms at crime scenes in Mexico, it makes perfect sense and would be traceable and would not require the knowledge of complicity of Mexican personnel.
The only possible motive was to undermine and destroy the second amendment and by extention the constitution, and DOJ is at dead center of the program. You can bet Obama KNOWS.
We have TREASON here.
American citizens and government officials who are more loyal to Carl Marx than their country of birth, constitution and American way of life.
TREASON, flat out! They are traitors, every one of them and anyone who knew and, said nothing!
Laugh out freaking loud Conficted Felons buying GUNS oh my Gosh! Who else could they count on to MAKE SURE THAT THESE GUNS GOT TO MEXICO.
Everything WAS going according to plan until You started following cleanup atf .org and put two and two together and then put Agent Dobson in contact with Senator Grassly. Then we had the BIGGEST GOVERNMENT SCANDEL SINCE WACO OR WATERGATE. Now BLAST THOSE MOTHER F#CKERS OUT OF THE WATER. We all been chuming for ya let the feeding frenzy begin.
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