This just in from Daniel Almond:
Can you please link this announcement about the upcoming RTC rally in NC Aug 14th?
I'll be there. This is an opportunity for folks who, for whatever reason, were not able to make the 4-19 event.
I'll be there too, folks. Hope to see you there.
I'm from NC. I was at the first RTC rally in VA on 4/19. I'll be sure to be at this one too.
Might even bring the same good 'ole FR8 that I had before....
Keep your powder dry,
Atlas Shrug
I look forward to hereing you speak.It´s only 1486 mi.From Brownsville,Texas.Now to find some one to share driving time and fuel cost.I´m currently unemployed. In April could not go because I could not lose the time at work,this time I have NO excuse.
Keep in mind that it is illegal to carry a gun at any protest in NC.
Mike can you confirm or rebuke the Legality of carrying in N.C.,see post by Chris June 7,2010 6:45PM I´m sure all will be interested?
Thank You.
First, I'm no lawyer.
Second, here is a good summary of the laws here in NC:
(FWIW, the author of this is a generally good guy who is a shooter and member of a gun club that I'm in.)
Third, I think this statue is the one that Chris posts about:
Based upon my reading of it, while it's true that NC prohibits the carrying of ANY "dangerous weapon" as below:
"upon any public place owned or under the control of the State or any of its political subdivisions"
It appears that this prohibition does not apply at areas under Federal control, again per my reading.
I will seek further confirmation, but this is my understanding at present.
Keep your powder dry,
Atlas Shrug
I'll be there... with bells (er, ah) guns on.
Thanks for the heads up, Mike.
FYI this is the wording of the N.C.Law on carrying at protests.
thank you Atlas for the link
§ 14‑277.2. Weapons at parades, etc., prohibited.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person participating in, affiliated with, or present as a spectator at any parade, funeral procession, picket line, or demonstration upon any private health care facility or upon any public place owned or under the control of the State or any of its political subdivisions to willfully or intentionally possess or have immediate access to any dangerous weapon. Violation of this subsection shall be a Class 1 misdemeanor. It shall be presumed that any rifle or gun carried on a rack in a pickup truck at a holiday parade or in a funeral procession does not violate the terms of this act.
(b) For the purposes of this section the term "dangerous weapon" shall include those weapons specified in G.S. 14‑269, 14‑269.2, 14‑284.1, or 14‑288.8 or any other object capable of inflicting serious bodily injury or death when used as a weapon.
(c) The provisions of this section shall not apply to a person exempted by the provisions of G.S. 14‑269(b) or to persons authorized by State or federal law to carry dangerous weapons in the performance of their duties or to any person who obtains a permit to carry a dangerous weapon at a parade, funeral procession, picket line, or demonstration from the sheriff or police chief, whichever is appropriate, of the locality where such parade, funeral procession, picket line, or demonstration is to take place. (1981, c. 684, s. 1; 1983, c. 633; 1993, c. 412, s. 2; c. 539, s. 174; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1997‑238, s. 4.)
This rally is in the old pre-Revolutionary 'Regulator Rebellion' territory. I have to be there; my outlawed many great grandpa would be proud that the ideals he fought for in the Regulation and later in the Revolution lives on.
Spero Meliora!
just posted this at the muster4-19 site:
See section II, E, 4, Events Occurring in Public Places. Expressly prohibited at public rallies within NC jurisdiction, which quits at the entrance to the park where federal regulations take over. DO NOT have public rallies on public property. We know that already. This is what led to the "have it on private property" line of thought. Maybe next time, in another state, this might be necessary. That's exactly why we do this inside National Park Service parks. It's the ingress and egress that that need special attention.
More discussion of the legalities here:
I'd get a lawyer's read on this. National Park rules mimic state laws. No idea if that can derail things or not, but because of uncertainty, the organizer needs to get definitive counsel.
so let me get this straight;
you all are going to "protest" again by asking permission of your masters ...er the government and by obeying the rules set in place by the tyrants...er political leadership?
Thought comes to mind:
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