“All Jews are swine, un-German, and unpatriotic traitors.” -- Adolf Hitler, quoted by Georg Bernhard, “Tactics of Hitler.” New York Times, 13 December 1931.
Well, Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer have finally come around to the "U" word -- "Un-American" -- when describing their opponents. Writing in a column in USA Today, entitled "'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate," they opine:
The failure of past attempts is a reminder that health insurance reform is a defining moment in our nation's history — it is well worth the time it takes to get it right. We are confident that we will get this right. . . In the meantime, as members of Congress spend time at home during August, they are talking with their constituents about reform. The dialogue between elected representatives and constituents is at the heart of our democracy and plays an integral role in assuring that the legislation we write reflects the genuine needs and concerns of the people we represent. However, it is now evident that an ugly campaign is underway not merely to misrepresent the health insurance reform legislation, but to disrupt public meetings and prevent members of Congress and constituents from conducting a civil dialogue. . . These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task for decades.
Uh huh. I doubt they're referring to the Service Employees International Union
beating up people who express opinions contrary to the health care wishes of the benign Obamanoid regime of gangster government.
The thing is, from their world view they're right in saying that we're "Un-American" for we do not agree with their vision of what America was, is and should be. For our part, we find them to be traitors to the Founders' republican vision. So too, I dare say, would the Founders.
Billy Beck, writing last Friday at his Two-Four Blog had it right:
"All politics in this country now is just dress rehearsal for civil war."
This is something to always keep in mind. When they call us "Un-American" they're not talking about our America, but theirs -- just as Hitler was talking about his Germany and not the Germany that tolerated people and dissent the Nazis hated.
When Hitler won power he expected, and arranged, to have no more "anti-German" opinions or people. Now that the Obamanoids have won power, they expect the same. This leads to the collectivist theory of "peace," which ends in the graves of your opponents.
So, yes, by their lights we are "Un-American." The only question is, whose America will be standing at the end of the conflict? Theirs? The Founders? Or something worse?
Pick a side, pick a country, because Billy's right. The civil war is coming.
Political definition of "Un-Patriotic" - Anything which a vocal group is against, but the current administration is for.
See also GWB - Opponents of Patriot Act
See also BHO - Opponents of Nationalized Healthcare
I'm afraid that Billys' right. Equally chilling were the lyrics and link to the song 'Silent Running' by Mike and the Mechanics. It's hard to believe that things have come to this level in this country, but it sure looks that way. If the healthcare plan is shoved down the throats of the American people in October, I'm betting all hell is going to break loose.
Hi Mike,
"Pick a side, pick a country, because Billy's right, the civil war is coming!!!" For quite a while now I just keep humming the tune,"When Johnny comes marching home." The low and slow real Bluzy lament. From my back deck, I take aim at the tin cans I have lined up on the board out past the shed. "POW" and one flips up in the air when the round hits it. "Practice, practice" I think. And I hum,"When Johnny comes martching home again, haroo...haroo.."
Blue Skyz,
Thoughts, most excellent.
"If the healthcare plan is shoved down the throats of the American people in October, I'm betting all hell is going to break loose."
Not a doubt in my mind, if not before.
If the collectivists manage to shut down debate and pass their government takeover into law, the PRODUCTIVE citizens of this country will become nothing more than the oxen pulling the wagon full of these freeloading PARASITES - forever.
Our Bill of Rights, and our Constitution are being trampled, spit on, shredded, and destroyed right before our very eyes. The level of anger is increasing by the day, and rightfully so, as these treasonous politicians insist upon raping and enslaving the American people. The rope gets pulled tighter and tighter, and eventually it will snap with a resounding CRACK! I can feel the tension in the air. It's rising, and has been for over a year now. How much longer it will take no one knows for sure, but one thing I do know is that those on Criminal Hill will not back down, and neither will true American Patriots.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." ~Thomas Jefferson
The tree is looking rather dried out right now......
Mayberry III
What I have learned: Americans don't like being ruled. And they really don't like their patriotism besmirched.
Americans certainly do not want to pay higher taxes for worse health care.
But they also don't want their Medicare messed with. Since Medicare is a form of collectivism, it surely looks like collectivism does not work.
Robbing your neighbor so you save $4500 on a new car is unfair. It does not produce economic growth, either.
Collectivism does not work economically, psychologically, politically, or governmentally. Collectivism is a huge failure. It is nothing short of a catastrophe.
It would be helpful, in terms of education, to move from "Don't Tread on Me" to "Collectivism in all forms from socialism to communism to fascism is a disaster for human beings. We WANT to be free even if we are scared of the prospect. That's why we reject the BIG STOMPING FOOT of federal government beyond the miniscule amount of government necessary for roads and bridges and national defense. We stand for the Bill of Rights and the original Constitution. We reject racism. Everyone who wants to work is welcome."
Change is coming, either civil war or an economic collapse caused by collectivist principles. Maybe we'll see economic collapse AND civil war.
The freeloaders have been getting a free ride in the wagon pulled by the productive people for a very long time now. The top 5% of earners pay 95% of income tax, you know. What has changed is now the Obasmites are handing out whips to the usless eaters.
Time to do some more reloading.
shiloh1862 said...
Time to do some more reloading.
That, and more range time, and more walking to get in shape and more collecting enough food for supply disruptions and having a look a solar to have refrigeration long-term and on and on....
Not to mention seeing to my faith and taking on a leadership role at my tiny Church because I believe faith is important.
And keeping a job so I can provide for my family
And finally carving out some time for fishing so the above doesn't drive me bat-guano crazy.
....the PRODUCTIVE citizens of this country will become nothing more than the oxen pulling the wagon full of these freeloading PARASITES - forever.
And we PRODUCTIVE citizens will do nothing but pull it. We might complain a little but we are to cowardly to do more.
"we reject the BIG STOMPING FOOT of federal government beyond the miniscule amount of government necessary for roads and bridges and national defense. We stand for the Bill of Rights and the original Constitution."
Collectively funding transportation such as: roads, bridges, right of ways, eminent domain, Federal Railroad Administration, Amtrak, FAA, TSA strip searches, interstate highways, crashworthiness standards, MPG standards, air pollution standards, seatbelt and helmet laws, driver's licenses, license tags, speeding tickets for revenue, tasering the deaf and disabled, General Motors, and carbon caps is a catastrophic huge failure, too. And General Washington didn't appear to have any qualms about squishing a tax protest with the constitutionally-approved, collectively-funded, government-commanded army he called up. They want Medicare, you want highway entitlements and military adventures. Liberty wants neither.
The Free State Project seemed to discover "a common language of resistance" when people agreed to move to New Hampshire together if and when 20,000 people could be signed up. They didn't make their numbers and the move was off, but the commitments seemed to be taken quite seriously. How about instead the Free of State Project, which seeks one million commitments to never pay a tax bill again? People promise that if the one million number is made, that week they file a new W-4 with "Exempt" written in line 7, and they stop paying taxes, licenses, permits, etc. They sign up pseudonymously so they don't put themselves on a list prematurely.
Since fear-of-death courage and disagree-with-the-herd courage are separate qualities, this approach may be an even scarier prospect for this readership.
Stop with the apocalyptic rhetoric. It is true that politics in this country is divided. It has been divided for quite awhile. What is different now is that those of you who are in the minority (remember that Obama was elected with a sizeable majority) have chosen to try to demonize him instead of working with the majority to get the best you can out of the legislative initiatives. What the minority party has always done is take its medicine, learn its lessons, and work to convince a majority of the American electorate that its ideas and policies are what they should vote for next time around.
So...Stop stamping your feet and screaming until you turn blue, and start working in a mature way! To the extent that we even get close to a "civil war," it will be as a result of too many people believing someone like Glen Beck, who actually called the sitting President of the United States a racist!
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