Meet Elston K. McCowan. McCowan is a one-time organizer, and now the Public Service Director of SEIU Local 2000. He is also a board member of the Walbridge Community Education Center in St. Louis., Allegedly a Baptist minister he has been a community organizer for more than 23 years. Last year, he ran for Mayor of the City of St. Louis under the Green Party banner, during which time he accused the Democrat Mayor of setting fire to his van and called Slay a racist.
It was Elston McCowan who accosted Ken Gladney, who is also black, at the Carnahan town meeting in St. Louis Thursday night with the words, “Why is a nigger handing out ‘Don’t tread on me’ flags?"
Shortly after that, McCowan and several other SEIU thugs and Carnahan supporters ganged up on Ken Gladney and beat him so badly they put him in the hospital with injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face. McCowan has since been arrested by the St. Louis police for assaulting Gladney.
Of you would like to see a video of the assault, you may go here.
This is a letter from Ken Gladney's attorney to the St. Louis Tea Party:
August 7, 2009
Dear Mr. Hennessy:
I am Kenneth Gladney’s attorney. Kenneth was attacked on the evening of August 6, 2009 at Rep. Russ Carnahan’s town hall meeting in South St. Louis County. I was at the town hall meeting as well and witnessed the events leading up to the attack of Kenneth. Kenneth was approached by an SEIU representative as Kenneth was handing out “Don’t Tread on Me” flags to other conservatives. The SEIU representative demanded to know why a black man was handing out these flags. The SEIU member used a racial slur against Kenneth, then punched him in the face. Kenneth fell to the ground. Another SEIU member yelled racial epithets at Kenneth as he kicked him in the head and back. Kenneth was also brutally attacked by one other male SEIU member and an unidentified woman. The three men were clearly SEIU members, as they were wearing T-shirts with the SEIU logo.
Kenneth was beaten badly. One assailant fled on foot; three others were arrested. Kenneth was admitted to St. John’s Mercy Medical Center emergency room, where he was treated for his numerous injuries. Kenneth was merely expressing his freedom of speech by handing out the flags. In fact, he merely asked people as they exited the town hall meeting whether they would like a flag. He in no way provoked any argument or altercation, as evidenced by the fact that three assailants were arrested.
We hope that Kenneth fully recovers from his injuries; however, he is in great pain at this time. We will be pursuing legal action at our discretion. This was a truly senseless hate crime carried out by racist union thugs. Regretfully, Representative Carnahan’s statements blaming Kenneth for being a disruptive force are wholly untrue and slanderous. We would like to think that an elected official in Representative Carnahan’s position would gather accurate information before carelessly rushing to judgment.
Kenneth supports conservative ideals, although he subscribes to no particular political party. We are calling on the SEIU, Representative Carnahan, and President Obama to condemn the racist actions of these union thugs. In the days to come, we will be investigating whether these thugs are working at the behest of Representative Carnahan and how strong their alliances to various organizations–such as ACORN–may be.
We hope the St. Louis Tea Party and tea party organizations around the country will protest Representative Carnahan’s offices and also protest SEIU offices in every major city across the U.S. These Democratic strong-arm tactics must end now.
Attorney David B. Brown
I concur. This was no fluke. The SEIU has been mobilized to provide "security" at all "town meetings" of Democrats across the country so as to ensure they won't be disrupted by the "mobs" of "Don't Tread on Me" flag distributors like Ken Gladney.
Another example of SEIU thuggery from Tampa is what happened to Randy Arthur of Oldsmar, FL (photo below) who was outside the town hall meeting room with his wife, Kathy, when SEIU thugs tried to close the doors. Kathy was slammed up against the wall. Her husband was also assaulted with a ripped shirt and scratches visible on his chest as a souvenir of SEIU "organizing tactics." It is obvious he got off easy compared to Ken Gladney.

The Brown Shirts wore swastikas. These thugs wear the logo of SEIU. It is apparent that whatever "service" it is that the Service Employees International Union provides is a service on behalf of the Imperial Lightworker, King Barack the First.

Presumably the arc and the impact represent the trademark SEIU sucker punch.
You know, the website of the SEIU has a list of all their local offices. Of course, you can find such info in your local area by simply consulting the telephone book, and doing so leaves no electronic tracks.
Just a thought.
Another, possibly unconnected, thought. One day, people in this country are going to get pissed off enough at being shoved around by gangster government thugs that they are going to take the fight straight to the thugs in a way they least expect, can't defend against and one which costs the gangsters money straight from their own pockets. These new Sons of Liberty might, in fact, resort to some of these tossed through the windows of every SEIU thug office and union vehicle in the country.

Or maybe wrapped in Ken Gladney's favorite flag:

Now, wouldn't that be something?
Mike Vanderboegh
The alleged leader of a merry band of Three Percenters.
Author of The Window War, found here: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com/2009/02/back-by-semi-popular-demand-window-war.html.

For a long, long time, I've been thinking that people were going to get pissed off enough at being shoved around by gangster government thugs that they are going to take the fight straight to the thugs..... Knowing that I or just a handful of people can't do it alone, I've given up on the nutless cowards that pass for Americans today. The experiment called the United States of America has failed. We've shamed our founders with our effeminate weakness.
You are awesome. Thanks for all you do at Sipsey street!
God bless the Constitutional Republic of America!
Here's my big worry:
Somone of a mind like me who simply will not take a beat down from thugs is going to use a CCW to defend themselves.
Then the gun grabbers are going to go pedal to the metal for conscfication.
Sounds like assault, with a hate crime chaser. Go get 'em! For lots of money. The SocDemLibLeft has used the same tactic for many years on small companies to extort more dollars then those small companies can afford. Time to return the favor. Hit 'em where it hurts, in the wallet. Three ways; long, deep & often.
As for apologies, or calls for calm, from the SocDemLibLeft leadership (chirp, chirp, chirp).
Can you just HEAR the silence?
And our response, in whatever form, should be, "Can you HEAR ME NOW??"
B Woodman
As always, thanks for the lucid commentary. I'm going to flip through my phone book tonight.
You ought to get a kick out of the SEIU's "side".
They're saying their guy was the victim...
B Woodman said: "Can you HEAR ME NOW??"
Love it!!!
Mike V, thanks for all you do for the Cause.
Blogger David Codrea said...
You ought to get a kick out of the SEIU's "side".
They're saying their guy was the victim...
Well no doubt the self hating Uncle Tom badly bruised the knuckles of the heroic union member by repeatedly striking them with his face
They say they caught the guy who threw the rocks in Austin. Now we need to get in touch and see what his motivations were.
While I was watching the video, I was waiting the whole time to see that SEIU prick end up on the ground with Tazer probes sticking out of his ass. Unfortunately not. I was hoping the sheriffs would give these SEIU pricks a taste of what it feels like to be drug gang members being arrested.
Where is appropriate law enforcement measures when we really need them?
The institutionalized gangbangers are really starting to act like brownshirts now. I was immediately reminded of the Nazi street thuggery of 1933 and 1934 when I saw this.
Also, isn't it such a sick irony, that the main thug was wearing a "HealthCare 09" T shirt at the same time he and his scrooges were terrorizing innocent, law abiding activists?
Why not use the RICO laws against them? Oh, wait! We need an investigative branch that cares.
This stuff is gonna come to a head, and somebody's gonna die... We the People are so divided (by the cockroaches on Criminal Hill) that there is no middle ground. When someone (or numerous someones) get killed, and they come for our guns, all I got to say is what Charlton Heston said. "Out of my cold, dead hands"... We are now witnessing the beginning of the Revolution....
Mayberry III
Now will you believe me when I say this cannot be settled peacefully?
Peaceful gets your ass beat down. Well, not mine. At least, not for free. And I don't mean a damn lawsuit in their arena.
As much as I would like to be wrong, I truly don't see much hope that this will end up without blood in the streets, and plenty of it.
Health Care reform my ass! What we need is government reform.
Mr President, madam speaker, and all the rest of you in Washington who work for us, the American people have given you our answer. That answer is NO. If you are not willing to do as the majority of this country have demanded, please consider yourselves FIRED.
Make no mistake about it, something is going to happen. Americans, as a whole, do not like being pushed around and detest bullies and their tactics. We certainly are not going to back down. The left is seeing this and is, I believe, getting desperate. A staged incident is a very real possibility. The last thing BHO and the gang want is honest and open discourse. Nothing is beyond these people.
Darn. Just looked on the SEIU map. No offices in Utah at all. Lucky them. . . .
B Woodman
"I've given up on the nutless cowards that pass for Americans today. The experiment called the United States of America has failed. We've shamed our founders with our effeminate weakness."
- Anon
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free."
-Ronald Reagan
"Iranians are not even armed and yet they don't surrender. That should be a lesson to all the people in the world who care about their freedom."
-Craig, 6/28/09 comments at GatewayPundit
Honduras throws out tyrant for unconstitutional power grab. They have Huevos!
If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were ever our countrymen.”
— Samuel Adams
Yikes! I am in real trouble if the Service Employees International Union ever discovers my shrine to Robert E. Lee.
For those of us who are Alabamians, take a look at section 13A-11-59 in the pdf document below.
It clearly states the following in part (b)...
"It shall be unlawful for any person, other than a law enforcement officer, to have in
his or her possession or on his or her person or in any vehicle any firearm while
participating in or attending any demonstration being held at a public place."
Just thought some of you might like to know what the rules are here in Alabama regarding CCW and demonstrations, speech giving or many other activities that may draw a crowd.
I think that in this situation, defending himself with a firearm would be a bit overkill, however a collapsable baton would have done wonders to the knee-caps of the SEIU Brownshirts. I'm sure the Union has their healthcare covered just fine and this would probably be considered a "Workers Compensation" claim since they were injured whilst on the clock...
anon asked:
Why not use the RICO laws against them?
IIRC, unions are generally exempt from RICO.
May I suggest that we now need to attend protests in buddy teams or better yet Triads.
B Woodman I had the same thoughts exactly!
Maybe a trip to Las Vagas is in order, no then they would hit us with RICO. Well I can dream or plot for later.
Weaver said: "Mr President, madam speaker, and all the rest of you in Washington who work for us, the American people have given you our answer. That answer is NO. If you are not willing to do as the majority of this country have demanded, please consider yourselves FIRED.
I would substitute the following, as we are not a nation of majority rule, but one of law: "If you are not will to do as the Constitution demands, please consider yourselves fired.
Not trying to nitpick, but words do have meaning, and from that meaning comes action and from action, comes power and results.
To paraphrase, "Majority rule is two wolves and a sheep deciding what's for dinner"....
By the way, the new talking point for those opposed to Obamacare seems to be to compare them to McVeigh ("Welcome to the party, pal" and all that).
This is happening so often I think it's time for a new "Godwin's Law" about that.
"Here's my big worry:
Somone of a mind like me who simply will not take a beat down from thugs is going to use a CCW to defend themselves.
Then the gun grabbers are going to go pedal to the metal for conscfication."
As far as I can see, there isn't much of a way around that. If one is serious about defending themselves, that means that they will have to be prepared to accept all consequences.
IMO, The above scenario is not a good enough reason to not defend yourself against crime and tyranny. Yes, they'll get around to confiscation, but it was bound to happen anyway, right? I do not look forward to that kind of situation, and I will not do anything to make it happen. But, I will continue giving warnings on blog comment boards and whatnot, and I will act accordingly if or when the time comes.
BTW. Modern fingerprinting analysis can pick up fingerprints from brass due to residue from the finger tips, even if the brass was wiped clean. I wonder if this can be beaten with a mild acid wash. But, I know it can be beaten by not touching brass with bare fingers.
Steve K. I strongly disagree with you. When three large men are beating one man to a pulp they need to be shot. Morality demands it. It is a damn shame that they were not.
However, it is not too late. As I understand it, all of them are now known. At some point when the law fails a victim such as this, the victim if he survives will seek extralegal justice. I just hope I'm on his jury when he does.
I won't tell you how I know of this inevitability.
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