Here's another one that a couple of Irregulars tipped me off to:
Rep. Giffords' Tucson office vandalized after health care vote
By Rhonda Bodfield Arizona Daily Star
Posted: Monday, March 22, 2010 10:59 am
The front door was smashed out at Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords’ congressional office last night.
At 2:40 a.m., just a few hours after staff left the building after the late-night vote, the alarm system went off, said spokesman C.J. Karamargin. The panel to the front door and the glass panel alongside it were smashed out. The perpetrator likely had to hop the gated fence to get access to the door, since it’s not viewable from the parking lot.
Karamargin said it was unclear if the glass had been shot out with a kind of pellet gun, if it had been kicked or smashed with an object. The door has been covered with plywood.
Police had no more information when reached this morning.
While the calls into the office in the past week were “more nasty and rude” and laced with profanity than the office had ever received before, Karamargin said, they did not reach the level of threat that prompted any police involvement. Throughout all of the protests over the past several weeks as the health care proposal entered its final push, the office was often full of people — many vehemently opposed to the health care proposal — but this incident was the first involving any vandalism.
“It’s unfortunate that the reaction to Sunday night’s vote was a violent one. It’s a good thing no one was here,” he said.
Damn... I work in her building, but stayed home today. I wish I could have seen the boarded up windows, it would have absolutely made my day.
The strategic error, of course, is targeting DEMOCRAT windows, instead of POLITICIAN windows.
Now it looks like partisan bickering, instead of something meaningful.
Quote from elsewhere:
Don’t you love all the Boehner-McConnell Republican threats to repeal Obamacare? It is the conscious duty of the Republican statists to make their voters accept Democratic statism, and vice versa.
Mitt Romney’s medical scheme in Massachusetts is as bad as Obamacare, but almost no Republican cares about it. After all, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II all massively expanded government subsidization and control of medical care. Republicans just want the jobs, the subsidies, and the payoffs. Socialized medicine: it’s as Republican as apple pie.
Again, why do they act so surprised?
Sounds like it's starting to escalate...
The challenge is on folks. We've read about 100 heads, but for now it's 100 windows. Who will be next?
Well, if any of the Stupid Party voted for this, then it would be bi-partisan window-breaking. I would expect that any Donk who voted NO might be spared this round of opprobrium.
This round...
Better hurry up folks, while the fruit is low hanging. I'll bet within a week or so, most of these offices will have security cameras, which complicates things, if only slightly. At a minimum, after 20-30 of these make the news there will be more regular patrols in the area.
ANON 12:16:
No republicraps voted for the Socialist HC Bill. There were 30+ something demoncraps that voted with the Republicraps against the SHC Bill. Be sure and spare the offices of those demoncraps!
Why should republicraps windows be broken? They didn't vote against the will of the people - in this instance.
If there's video cameras, here's something that may be useful...
Seems easy enough to tie it on, do what needs to be done, then around the corner, undo, reverse, and put it back on as a shirt again...
"Now it looks like partisan bickering, instead of something meaningful."
The media will frame it that way, as well the local party activists, but ultimately it will be seen as what it is: an outpouring of frustration by the constituents of these "representatives" that voted for this insanity.
Giffords got the message LOUD AND CLEAR that this health care reform bill would not be tolerated.
She chose to ignore them, and instead took counsel of the hardcore ideologues in her party.
So sad, too bad. See you in November, Gabby.
Man, I don't think that Link worked. Mike can you fix it? If not, just Google "tshirt ninja mask"
"They didn't vote against the will of the people -"
I believe that the will of the people had absolutely nothing to do with the outcome of the vote. This was a pissing contest, and has been for sometime.
The desires of We The People were secondary to a party victory. It's time to clean 'em all out. We don't need republicans OR democrats. We need American patriots who understand the concept of service to country rather than loyalty to a party.
Every single Republican that voted 'no', is just as much a traitor to the Constitution as the Democrats that voted 'yes'. All of them advocate federal regulation of heath care, which is not one of the limited powers delegated to the federal government in the Constitution. The only difference between the two parties is the manner in which they intend to violate their Oaths and sacred trusts.
The building could have collapsed and not a single innocent would have perished.
Actually Ory - THIS is much much better: http://hacknmod.com/hack/blind-cameras-with-an-infrared-led-hat/
I'm waiting on my LEDs to come - I bought several - including a couple of visible white ones - to add to the "license plate lights" on my cars as well.
If ever called on the car, I'll simply claim it was a used car, and that way when I bought it. Nobody can possibly blame me for not noticing the invisible light - right?!
CorbinKale, Your right.
Republican lovers take note. Although they all voted no, the bill had over 200 Republican amendments in it. They still reaped the rewards without appearing like they supported the bill.
Actually Ory - THIS is much much better: http://hacknmod.com/hack/blind-cameras-with-an-infrared-led-hat/
I'm waiting on my LEDs to come - I bought several - including a couple of visible white ones - to add to the "license plate lights" on my cars as well.
If ever called on the car, I'll simply claim it was a used car, and that way when I bought it. Nobody can possibly blame me for not noticing the invisible light - right?!
March 22, 2010 3:08 PM
Blogger rughmaster said...
CorbinKale, Your right.
Republican lovers take note. Although they all voted no, the bill had over 200 Republican amendments in it. They still reaped the rewards without appearing like they supported the bill.
March 22, 2010 5:29 PM
+1 Guys, It is a little short man behind the curtain with a BIG light at his feet making him look HUGE............It is all Theater, Nothing more OR less.(Wizard Of OZ?)
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