Her bias was pretty thick, but I'm just glad a good chunk of the left learned about the Window War and the April 19 event tonight. Tomorrow could be an interesting day!
Do you think they have what it takes to stage a counter-protest same place, date, and time? Now that would be doubly-interesting!
So aptly named Mike, "Madcow" I was struck by her and I do use the term loosely,lady. Her deep sounding voice reverberates with massive quantities of testosterone. the sarcasm dripping off of her like venom. The MSM thinks by denigrating you, and the 3+ million, and I mean plus that we will go away and tuck our collective tails between our legs. Boy, will she and hers will have a epiphany.
This will probably backfire on them like this http://blog.bradycampaign.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/starbucks-and-guns.gif backfired on the brady bunch.
For as many as there are insulting you remember always there are many who will not comment their agreements. They're looking through your Archives thinking "these militia guys had better have a plan now. Please tell me they do"
Now would be a grand time to give an invite, Mike. Folks are scared now and looking for leaders not more politics
When will you advocate someone throw a brick through the windows at your home at 6635 Womack Rd, since you suck on the gov't teet/are part of the problem?
If all else fails, you can always change your name to mohammed and take some flying lessons.
With 16,500 IRS workers being hired by the Feds to enforce health care, and with the fact that they have been given the power to:
• Verify if you have “acceptable” health care coverage;
• Fine you up to $2,250 or 2 percent of your income (whichever is greater) for failure to prove that you have purchased “minimum essential coverage;”
• Confiscate your tax refund;
• Increase IRS audits;
etc., etc., etc,...
and considering the fact that nearly half of all these new individual mandate taxes will be paid by Americans earning less than 300 percent of poverty ($66,150 for a family of four,) as well as the fact that the I.R.S will be prohibited from imposing these same taxes and penalties on illegal immigrants...
(The PDF to the Committee On Ways and Means report outlining the above, dated March 18th 2010, can be found here: http://camp.house.gov/UploadedFiles/HC_ ... hority.PDF)
coupled with the fact that The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) intends to purchase sixty Remington Model 870 Police RAMAC #24587 12 gauge pump-action shotguns for the Criminal Investigation Division. The Remington parkerized shotguns, with fourteen inch barrel, modified choke, Wilson Combat Ghost Ring rear sight and XS4 Contour Bead front sight, Knoxx Reduced Recoil Adjustable Stock, and Speedfeed ribbed black forend, are designated as the only shotguns authorized for IRS duty based on compatibility with IRS existing shotgun inventory, certified armorer and combat training and protocol, maintenance, and parts, which anyone that knows anything about shotguns, knows that these particular shotguns would work well for home invasions, :wink:
Fed.Biz.Opps.Gov pdf outlining the above found here: https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity ... =1&au=&ck=
one must resign themselves to the fact that our government will attempt to enforce the current administration's progressive will, even if it means the death of you, and me.
With the tax man, backed by the full power of the federal government, armed and prepared to use whatever force they deem necessary to collect your $$$, I hope those that read this are prepared to defend themselves.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
Progressives, keep writing "Progressive" on your foreheads with red marker. We will keep cleaning our rifles.
Make no mistake, it's time to declare our independence. Again.
Great publicity, Mike! Maybe the "Window War" can go viral now. But I doubt there was much coverage, what with Maddow's 4 listeners probably sipping lattes and reading Alinski at the same time.
I've got you covered on my site - put your news feed in recently. Keep it up - I love to see hypocrites go postal!
I just made a phone call to MSNBC comment line and said if this bitch is going to talk about right wing extremism, she also needs to talk about ole Bill Ayers and the Weather underground. After all, he tossed bombs into police stations. I then lost it and told them to keep pushing, they have not seen anything yet.
Time to cool your jets man. Try words, not bricks. Its hard for mainstream conservatives like me to be taken seriously when others are acting crazy on the fringe. That is definitely not what we need right now. Thanks.
All 12 of her viewers must be frothing mad. Mr. "Internet Radio" moron probably has more listeners than she has viewers.
How in hell can this commie cow gloss over Lexington & Concord and try to paint us with the brush of Waco and McVeigh?
Personally I think you should place a prominent link to your old posts on McTurd - especially - at the top - perhaps make it a permanent floating header.
When the lefty idiots - or others on the fence - come here to look, perhaps evidence of the Left's blatant lies will help to change some minds...
Zero (aptly named) said:"When will you advocate someone throw a brick through the windows at your home at 6635 Womack Rd, since you suck on the gov't teet/are part of the problem?..."
I'd STRONGLY advise you think twice, gatorbait...
Seriously Mike - you need to publish IP addresses with these threats!
"Time to cool your jets man. Try words, not bricks. Its hard for mainstream conservatives like me to be taken seriously when others are acting crazy on the fringe. That is definitely not what we need right now. Thanks."
Reply: Where have you been? I seem to recall a million voices in 1000 cities simulaneously shouting out "Taxed Enough Already". Where they heard? Absurd, of course, for who in DC can hear someone in another city?
Ok then, so twice as many later gathered in DC and shouted in unison, but Obama actually mocked them.
Ten million pink slips were sent by FedEx, tens of millions of emails shut down the WH network, phone calls made on a daily basis to Congress exceeds their safe network capacity threefold, town halls even got bloody a few times, dozens of lawsuits dismissed for lack of standing, petitions have become as common as toilet paper and often used for that same purpose.
Again, where have you been? Words have not worked for many many months, yet you want to continue with that same approach while expecting a different outcome? Einstein called that "insanity". Resistnet is still holding on to that approach though, you might be welcome there.
You proclaim to be a mainstream conservative and therein lies your problem. These are times which separate the men from the boys so to speak. If you're not on one side you're on the other, for no one lingers in the middle of the battlefield for fear they will be targeted by both sides.
Poll off the link. -------- How safe do you feel knowing there are people around legally carrying concealed guns? http://world-news.newsvine.com/_question/2010/03/23/4036468-how-safe-do-you-feel-knowing-there-are-people-around-legally-carrying-concealed-guns 73.4% Very safe: If a crime is committed or a threat of violence made, they’ve got the means to respond. 32,412 votes 22.6% In danger: These people could be trigger-happy yahoos or stumblebums whose weapon might go off by accident. 9,982 votes 4% Not sure: How would we know? Wouldn’t it depend on the state laws involved and circumstances? 1,754 votes
Mainstream "conservatives" are one of the biggest reasons we're at where we are now. You "conservatives" how kowtowed to the progressives and tried to come up with a "bi-partisan" approach to eliminating your own liberties.
"If we give up just a little bit of our freedom they'll stop asking for any more!" You "conservatives" cheered on Bush as he laid waste to our personal liberties with his Patriot Act and his "socialized medicine" expanding prescription coverage and you even patted yourselves on the back while he was doing this. As such we've reached this point where the "fringe" is having to carry your water because you won't stand up for yourselves. You'll just stand around shouting and waving cutesy little signs and to what effect? Scott Brown got elected and it sure did stop that health care reform didn't it? Time for the sheeple to wake up and stand for your liberty lest they keep taking it away from you one grain at a time and you're GRATEFUL they don't do it faster!
Great job mike.....keep um angry! Marxists think very little in the first place but even less when angry! Maybe they'll do something stupid (well no that's everyday). Maybe they'll show their true colors (well no they've done that also). Ok then....how about I just say thank you....throwing bricks is very fulfilling! Semper Fi
You wouldn't be Darwin B Phillips (AKA Twobears) of East Taunton, MA would you? Or, are you just such a Maddow Fan that you caught the data on her Facebook page?
coming to break yr windows soon :)
Screw that commie whore...
Great coverage! Nice!!!
We probably couldn't have paid for a commercial or PSA that good.
Grats, Mike :)
Her bias was pretty thick, but I'm just glad a good chunk of the left learned about the Window War and the April 19 event tonight. Tomorrow could be an interesting day!
Do you think they have what it takes to stage a counter-protest same place, date, and time? Now that would be doubly-interesting!
I am surprised that she would help you out like that, Mike. Not that very many will see it on msnbc, but every little bit helps!
So aptly named Mike, "Madcow" I was struck by her and I do use the term loosely,lady. Her deep sounding voice reverberates with massive quantities of testosterone.
the sarcasm dripping off of her like venom. The MSM thinks by denigrating you, and the 3+ million, and I mean plus that we will go away and tuck our collective tails between our legs. Boy, will she and hers will have a epiphany.
Incredible publicity. Would have cost you thousands of dollars to buy such good advertisement, and she gave it away.
This will probably backfire on them like this http://blog.bradycampaign.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/starbucks-and-guns.gif backfired on the brady bunch.
For as many as there are insulting you remember always there are many who will not comment their agreements. They're looking through your Archives thinking "these militia guys had better have a plan now. Please tell me they do"
Now would be a grand time to give an invite, Mike. Folks are scared now and looking for leaders not more politics
When will you advocate someone throw a brick through the windows at your home at 6635 Womack Rd, since you suck on the gov't teet/are part of the problem?
If all else fails, you can always change your name to mohammed and take some flying lessons.
Silly old terrorist is silly.
She kept saying "anti-government" as though, in times ike these, that was an insult...
State-worshiping slut.
I used to like her...some people are so naive
Golly, Mike, I think Rachel is upset with you.
Or is that just PR jiu-jitsu, getting the left-handed batters to bunt into a triple play?
The 'hit counter' at the bottom of my screen says '1175914'.
Excellent. All the free publicity is welcome.
With 16,500 IRS workers being hired by the Feds to enforce health care, and with the fact that they have been given the power to:
• Verify if you have “acceptable” health care coverage;
• Fine you up to $2,250 or 2 percent of your income (whichever is greater) for failure to prove that you have purchased “minimum essential coverage;”
• Confiscate your tax refund;
• Increase IRS audits;
etc., etc., etc,...
and considering the fact that nearly half of all these new individual mandate taxes will be paid by Americans earning less than 300 percent of poverty ($66,150 for a family of four,) as well as the fact that the I.R.S will be prohibited from imposing these same taxes and penalties on illegal immigrants...
(The PDF to the Committee On Ways and Means report outlining the above, dated March 18th 2010, can be found here: http://camp.house.gov/UploadedFiles/HC_ ... hority.PDF)
coupled with the fact that The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) intends to purchase sixty Remington Model 870 Police RAMAC #24587 12 gauge pump-action shotguns for the Criminal Investigation Division. The Remington parkerized shotguns, with fourteen inch barrel, modified choke, Wilson Combat Ghost Ring rear sight and XS4 Contour Bead front sight, Knoxx Reduced Recoil Adjustable Stock, and Speedfeed ribbed black forend, are designated as the only shotguns authorized for IRS duty based on compatibility with IRS existing shotgun inventory, certified armorer and combat training and protocol, maintenance, and parts, which anyone that knows anything about shotguns, knows that these particular shotguns would work well for home invasions, :wink:
Fed.Biz.Opps.Gov pdf outlining the above found here: https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity ... =1&au=&ck=
one must resign themselves to the fact that our government will attempt to enforce the current administration's progressive will, even if it means the death of you, and me.
With the tax man, backed by the full power of the federal government, armed and prepared to use whatever force they deem necessary to collect your $$$, I hope those that read this are prepared to defend themselves.
He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.
Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
Progressives, keep writing "Progressive" on your foreheads with red marker. We will keep cleaning our rifles.
Make no mistake, it's time to declare our independence. Again.
Great publicity, Mike! Maybe the "Window War" can go viral now. But I doubt there was much coverage, what with Maddow's 4 listeners probably sipping lattes and reading Alinski at the same time.
I've got you covered on my site - put your news feed in recently. Keep it up - I love to see hypocrites go postal!
What a great bit of publicity!
Good story with links to the Apr 19th event too. Could not ask for more.
Keep up the great work Mike!
I just made a phone call to MSNBC comment line and said if this bitch is going to talk about right wing extremism, she also needs to talk about ole Bill Ayers and the Weather underground. After all, he tossed bombs into police stations. I then lost it and told them to keep pushing, they have not seen anything yet.
Time to cool your jets man. Try words, not bricks. Its hard for mainstream conservatives like me to be taken seriously when others are acting crazy on the fringe. That is definitely not what we need right now. Thanks.
All 12 of her viewers must be frothing mad. Mr. "Internet Radio" moron probably has more listeners than she has viewers.
How in hell can this commie cow gloss over Lexington & Concord and try to paint us with the brush of Waco and McVeigh?
Personally I think you should place a prominent link to your old posts on McTurd - especially - at the top - perhaps make it a permanent floating header.
When the lefty idiots - or others on the fence - come here to look, perhaps evidence of the Left's blatant lies will help to change some minds...
Zero (aptly named) said:"When will you advocate someone throw a brick through the windows at your home at 6635 Womack Rd, since you suck on the gov't teet/are part of the problem?..."
I'd STRONGLY advise you think twice, gatorbait...
Seriously Mike - you need to publish IP addresses with these threats!
Anonymous at 9:49 said...
"Time to cool your jets man. Try words, not bricks. Its hard for mainstream conservatives like me to be taken seriously when others are acting crazy on the fringe. That is definitely not what we need right now. Thanks."
Reply: Where have you been? I seem to recall a million voices in 1000 cities simulaneously shouting out "Taxed Enough Already". Where they heard? Absurd, of course, for who in DC can hear someone in another city?
Ok then, so twice as many later gathered in DC and shouted in unison, but Obama actually mocked them.
Ten million pink slips were sent by FedEx, tens of millions of emails shut down the WH network, phone calls made on a daily basis to Congress exceeds their safe network capacity threefold, town halls even got bloody a few times, dozens of lawsuits dismissed for lack of standing, petitions have become as common as toilet paper and often used for that same purpose.
Again, where have you been? Words have not worked for many many months, yet you want to continue with that same approach while expecting a different outcome? Einstein called that "insanity". Resistnet is still holding on to that approach though, you might be welcome there.
You proclaim to be a mainstream conservative and therein lies your problem. These are times which separate the men from the boys so to speak. If you're not on one side you're on the other, for no one lingers in the middle of the battlefield for fear they will be targeted by both sides.
Wow, I can't beleeve it took me this long to find you're page! Where do I sign up for the April 19th gun thingy?
Poll off the link.
How safe do you feel knowing there are people around legally carrying concealed guns?
Very safe: If a crime is committed or a threat of violence made, they’ve got the means to respond.
32,412 votes
In danger: These people could be trigger-happy yahoos or stumblebums whose weapon might go off by accident.
9,982 votes
Not sure: How would we know? Wouldn’t it depend on the state laws involved and circumstances?
1,754 votes
Mainstream "conservatives" are one of the biggest reasons we're at where we are now. You "conservatives" how kowtowed to the progressives and tried to come up with a "bi-partisan" approach to eliminating your own liberties.
"If we give up just a little bit of our freedom they'll stop asking for any more!" You "conservatives" cheered on Bush as he laid waste to our personal liberties with his Patriot Act and his "socialized medicine" expanding prescription coverage and you even patted yourselves on the back while he was doing this. As such we've reached this point where the "fringe" is having to carry your water because you won't stand up for yourselves. You'll just stand around shouting and waving cutesy little signs and to what effect? Scott Brown got elected and it sure did stop that health care reform didn't it? Time for the sheeple to wake up and stand for your liberty lest they keep taking it away from you one grain at a time and you're GRATEFUL they don't do it faster!
Great job mike.....keep um angry! Marxists think very little in the first place but even less when angry! Maybe they'll do something stupid (well no that's everyday). Maybe they'll show their true colors (well no they've done that also). Ok then....how about I just say thank you....throwing bricks is very fulfilling! Semper Fi
Matthew III
Unfortunately, the only support I can give is to openly say that I agree.
Most sincerely, not anonymously, Dwayne Chandler.
Hey Xero,
You wouldn't be Darwin B Phillips (AKA Twobears) of East Taunton, MA would you? Or, are you just such a Maddow Fan that you caught the data on her Facebook page?
Such a sad, sad, little leftard...
Dang Mike, she's laughable!
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