Saturday, June 15, 2013

Old Gunhand looks at the ammo shortage and draws the wrong conclusions.

"We are shooting ourselves in the foot with ammo we cannot afford or find."


Anonymous said...

He sold off his .22s because the price of ammo has gone up? Maybe he need to work harder at shopping around - I bought 2100 rounds of Federal .22LR a few months ago for $.05 a round, shipped. Ammo is out there at decent prices - maybe not pre-panic prices, but decent prices.

Oh, and read the comments for his take on reloading. This guy is a member of Mensa?

Anonymous said...

Yes; he is missing an important point which his commenters sorta addressed. I recently was at my FFL having some work done and was able to sit down in the room they use for CCW classes (because that was the only place to sit for an hour and wait). Anyway, the class started up with about 2 dozen people there of all ages. The instructor asked how many people already had pistols, and perhaps only one out of 2 dozen raised their hand. I thought that was bullshit until they were asked to come up individually and drop a mag and rack a slide--massive fails. Now, two things hit me--First, it was not just older people in the class, the 20-somthing crowd was very well represented. Second, if this class was representative, people are starting out with defensive carry in mind **before** purchasing or even firing a gun. That, my friends, makes a statement about what's going on. Essentially, there may be a latent population of ammo purchasers out there that will continue to dribble in. That's handgun stuff, and I think the long gun ammo story is different. Just look at the BC calibers--Are you telling me everyone is rushing out there to buy 7mm-08's? No. Prove it to yourself by checking the rifle inventory at Davidsons or elsewhere. This is a profit and primer story. It has happened before.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I could barely read that drivel. Old Gunhand is a whiny bitch and an idiot. I sent him a comment which I seriously doubt will be posted. He is in denial of reality - people, rightfully so, are concerned that either our right and ability to purchase guns and ammo are threatened, so we stock-up or that there is war on the horizon and we had BETTER be ready. Old Gunhand seems to be in denial of these stark realities and wants the rest of us share in that denial. Sorry, no deal. I have been stocking up for years and will continue to buy what ammo I can use whenever I find it at reasonable prices. There is no such thing as too much ammo. For those of you struggling to get what you need - you have nobody to blame but yourselves.

Roger J said...

I'd bet that the accidents he witnessed were the result of shooters using early model progressive reloaders. All it takes is one case without powder in a rapid fire scenario to make a ka-boom. I load mine one round at a time in a single station press - slow as molasses but my ammo is consistent. I do agree with him to the extent that distracted or inattentive people should not reload, however I know of several cases in which guns blew up because of defective factory loads.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't post any dissenting ideas that conflict with his short sighted senile view

Fight islam Now

Unknown said...

old gunhand is another of the hand wringers. The awesome power of fedguv makes any resistance futile.

he also doesn't seem to understand that this isn't supposed to be a majority rule gubmint.

Anonymous said...

I am Anonymous at 9:16 posted above. I went back to his blog and I see that be responded to me and, no doubt, other readers with an addendum to his article. As the post above me reads - he refuses to post anything that eviscerates his POV or even mildly disagrees with him. Normally, I wouldn't be so hard on a fellow gun owner with a different idea about what is happening, but in this case, I believe that his ignorant and wholly one-sides opinion is not only complete false but also dangerous. It's guys like Old Gunhand, steeped in their normalcy-bias and superiority complex that have lead to the crippling apathy we witness in this country today. He is an arrogant buffoon who thinks that because it hasn't happen yet, means it never will. Fine, old man. Stay home and die. The rest of us will continue to prepare for a fight that hopefully never comes, but will be ready for if it does.