Saturday, June 15, 2013

Apparently it was Sharyl Attkisson's Benghazi reporting that scared the Obamanoids into hacking her computer.

"Until CBS News releases more from its investigation, we won’t know who hacked into Attkisson’s computer. It could have been a competitor, or someone else with a grudge against her, although one would expect that kind of hack to go after personal details rather than work product. Before the Rosen revelation, the DoJ would have been unthinkable as a suspect. If I were CBS now, though, I’d be executing a FOIA demand to know whether Eric Holder and the Department of Justice acquired a Rosen-like warrant on Attkisson in the days after that scoop went live."
Meanwhile, Janet Napolitano Denies Existence of ‘Orwellian State’. There, now, don't you feel reassured?


Crotalus said...

I feel so safe with Janet "Skunk" Napolitano watching over me! NOT!

Anonymous said...

Well we can be pretty well assured that it was not her stellar reporting regarding Fast & Furious that 'scared' them - oh wait, didn't she earn some sort of journalistic award for that??? I hope no one misunderstands this - she truly did an outstanding job, but all it netted US was some phony 'executive order'. Meanwhile, Brian Terry is still dead, along with at least 300+ Mexican Citizens........

Slobyskysa Rotchikokov said...

That is a face of pure, unadulterated evil in the strict sense of the word

Anonymous said...

Please-I'm so sick of this Atkisson worship-Atkisson would be long gone if she was working alone--sorry-but her 'rogue' status at CBS is a joke-

she gets compensated very well for playing against type with the network run by one of Obama's own--

why the special assignment?-so she can make CBS look all fair and objective-oh brother-sop--

they control all sides and we're supposed to feel when one of their own's computer is hacked--welcome to the party Sharyl-you and your million dollar payoff.

Dutchman6 said...

Anonymous 5:20:

If you knew shit from shinola about Fast & Furious -- or had an inkling of what SA did behind the scenes to push the story forward -- you wouldn't diss her. Her sin in the eyes of the White House and their CBS management defenders was her curiosity and her intellectual honesty -- dangerous in a reporter. The fact that she is currently in talks to leave the network AFTER winning an Emmy for her F&F work is also evidence.

I posted your comment because I honor everyone's basic right to demonstrate in the public marketplace of ideas how ignorant they are.
