Monday, April 1, 2013

Well, there's another (tyrannical, collectivist) country heard from.

United States should nationalize guns and ammunition


Sean said...

Why do that? The US govt. couldn't manage its way out of a handbag.

SWIFT said...

The good doctor got his information from My, my, my and he displayed no shame in telling it.

Anonymous said...

I think the article is from a New England publication. Of course, that almost is another country as far as the 2nd Amendment is concerned.

Allen said...

please don't judge the rest of NH from the comments of an idiot in new castle. that place may as well be a gated "limo liberal" community.

we have the Free State Project here, and it pisses people like that off to no end (as it should)

A Texan said...

Ever heard of CNC machines, lady?

How about 3-D printing?

You think that the mere nationalization of firearms production will stop people that want freedom?

Oh, by the way, having a 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms without infringement MEANS JUST THAT! Nationalize everything in order to keep track of the people like criminals for the "crime" of mere ownership of inanimate pieces of metal and wood (or metal and plastic, as the case may be) is not at all consistent with "shall not be infringed." How'd you like to nationalize the internet, along with the production of books, copiers, etc.?

Dumb bitch!

Anonymous said...

Not so sure that Newcastle is another 'country' but terrieharman makes the typical lib/hoplophobe mistake of deciding that since she can't control her baser instincts no on else can either. Therefore full blown 'gun control' by the gummint is the 'only' answer.

Anonymous said...

The writer of this is from the hyper-liberal and very well-to-do New Castle on the seacoast in this formerly red state. New Castle should be in Massachusetts for ask intents and purposes.

Anonymous said...

1. April Fools!
2. Not really, say Collectivist newspaper editors.
3. General sentiment of actual humans in Maine are found in the letters below the GunGrabbing Utopian.

Bracken and Rawles are optimists.

MV could make a few bucks if "Absolved" went to print.


Anonymous said...

Hahahah the same government that was able to keep the consulate at Benghazi so secure? The same government that does such a faaaabulllouss job at running the Veterans Affairs?

I am not saying the government isn't a threat but if anyone thinks nationalizing guns and ammunition will keep guns from the hands of the people, they have their head up their ass.

Ed said...

Nationalize ammo production? You mean like Lake City?

Anonymous said...

The author obviously got his firearms "education" at LSMB (the leftist school of mythology and bullcrap).