Anybody else see a pattern here? What I want to know, Darrel Issa, is where are the ATF oversight hearings you promised the F&F whistleblowers?
But, oh, no, Issa doesn't DO anything that might actually HURT the federal establishment, he just calls them names.
quote:"I acknowledge deficiencies and mistakes in this operation," said ATF spokeswoman Ginger Colbrun of the Riverwest effort. "We are reviewing the actions of personnel and appropriate discipline measures will be considered if appropriate."unquote
right. Appropriate discipline measures will be considered if appropriate. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Priceless. How do they keep a straight face. Redlining the INCREDULOUS-METER notwithstanding, I'm absolutely convinced the entire ATF is in last stage addiction to Synthetic Lobotomy Serum. I mean..you couldn't make this stuff up. Appropriate. Eric Holders new euphemism for how to look stupid without trying. He needs it tattooed on his fucking forehead. In this case, even the 10 Steps to De-Stupification program would fail
"Issa doesn't DO anything that might actually HURT the federal establishment, he just calls them names."
Gotta say I called this back when you and David were so happy about Grassley and him "stepping forward" on Gunwalker. You can never - I say again FREAKING NEVER - trust a thing a politician tells you! Ignore their words and "listen" only to what they DO! And even then make sure you video them at 10K frames/sec from multiple angles! I think politicians should be the second group eliminated after lawyers. Since a big percentage of pols are lawyers the first part would go a long way towards the second.
He was converted on Davos.
What kind of landlord begs the former tenants to come get their 204,000 cigs they left behind?
I'd have been advertising the mother of all abandoned property auctions.
Don't look at F&F, or Benghazi, or the Boston false flag, or the phony sequester. Look at the big picture. The signs are everywhere that "government" is unraveling. Not even their lies can cover the shredding of the seams that held everything together. Even as you look and watch, you'll see an acceleration of the whole thing coming apart. Nothing works. Both parties know that their time at the public trough is about finished. As more people wake up, public trust in government is collapsing. I see real fear on the faces of those who know what's around the corner. There is real fear in Washington right now over the Boston false flag. But, it is just a symptom of a greater sickness. We will all get front row seats, soon me thinks.
I finally figured out what the T shirt says. Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me. In bureau speak. Will some one please call Don Rickles and see if I won a cookie?
Sean, I had to read it a few times, too. Are they for sale?
My son has a birthday in May. He's just smart enough to get it. He may take after me, though, and need to read it more than once.
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