Monday, April 1, 2013

St. Louis anti-gun rally openly calls for subversion of 2nd and 14th Amendments

An outbreak of honesty from the gun grabbers.
Granted, the likelihood of this proposed amendment becoming reality is exactly zero, and that high only because a negative likelihood is mathematically impossible. The mere introduction of the amendment in Congress would be something of a shock, even considering some of the bizarre amendments that do get introduced.
Still, to ignore fringe loons like Drs. Garrett and Flood, to allow their insane rhetoric to go unchallenged, is to risk that some day it will move from fringe lunacy to mainstream lunacy.


Anonymous said...

They can start with a child's right to live free from an abortion at the whim of their drug crazed mothers.
But then, when do child's rights stop trumping the rights of everyone else? At what age? 28? 38?
What if the individual just never grows up; a 50 year old child. Pants on the ground. Hat on backwards. No job nor any willingness to get one. That is just another big can of worms.
I'll just keep my guns.

Anonymous said...

Mayoral election, April 2nd, 2013.

One candidate with obtuse ties to CPUSA and big union $$.

An incumbent candidate who has just shared center stage with U.N. gun grabbers.

This cannot turn out well.

Anonymous said...

They don't need to amend the constitution. They will simply ignore it, probably under the guise of a "national emergency"

By being so open, they are giving up their facade of legitimacy. Either they are unbelievable stupid (possible considering how well the "war on drugs" has gone) or they are very close to what they have planned.

Anonymous said...

Yeah well, my rights are not subject to a vote. Until which time I no longer draw breath, I will get to vote because I have the means to insure that I do.

Anonymous said...

Have you seen ONE discussion about the gangs? (such as the St. Louis precipitating incident)
Have you seen ONE discussion about the demographics, violent acts, and failures to prosecute?
Are we EVER going to force this narrative upon these socialists?

Anonymous said...

While St. Louis talks, Connecticut does.

Some perspective -
American Revolution: 25,000 American dead
American Civil War: 625,000 total dead
World War I: 117,465 American dead
World War II: 418,500 American dead
Korea: 36,574 American dead
Vietnam: 58,220 American dead
Afghanistan: 2,003 American dead
Iraq: 4,487 American dead

How can America be so willing to sacrifice so many to preserve freedom, and then be so easily duped by demagogues to throw it away based on the actions of a few madmen?

Some more perspective -
Second American Civil War: dependant on the fools we allow ourselves to be led by

What an avoidable waste.

Anonymous said...

What the anti-gunners don't realize is that the "end-game" can get ugly! I do not ask myself if i am willing to die to keep my guns, but ponder whether the anti-gun people are willing to die taking them.........

Paul X said...

Let's not get our panties in a bind over this gun-grabber circle-jerk. It's going nowhere. Son_of_Liberty is right, they don't need any amendment to do what they have on their agenda.