I read this article off American Thinker this afternoon, & thought I'd pass it on for you'all to post and pass on.
My 2 cents worth of thought -- anyone living in the areas affected by this "news"paper needs to go out and have a Boston Tea Party with this paper. Paint it, ruin it, cut it, rip it, destroy it, make it unreadable and unsellable. Unless the vending machines are the property of the "news"paper, leave 'em alone. They're the personal property of someone else trying to make an honest living. Same with stores, book stores, kiosks, and front porches - do not destroy. We want to keep the good will of the people with us.
Show this bird cage liner the meaning of "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
Others have suggested that perhaps a small window war is in order. Of course my previous record on the the topic of Sons of Liberty tactics is matter of fact. But what I think is that at the moment we don't know enough about the economic links of this rag to the wider world -- stock holders, advertisers, etc. Perhaps they would like THEIR personal information posted for all to see.
Regarding the newspaper boxes themselves, one tactic that has been used in the past is the use of crazy glue squirted in the coin slots of the machine. Another is the use of a plastic or metal key to open the box through the coin slot (USA Today used a curved plastic piece) and removal of all the papers. Folks who don't have access to a key can simply, for the cost of one paper, avail themselves of a volume discount and remove ALL the newspapers from the box, depositing them in the trash some distance away.
It will be interesting to see what happens, now that these collectivist ideologues have raised the ante. As my correspondent says, "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."
Stock holders and advertisers aren't responsible for what goes into newspapers.
Public information is public information, so you won't actually be doing anything wrong by posting their information.
But what the issue of public information really comes down to is keeping the government from collecting and making our information public, and simply not being so willing to allow our personal information to be put in databases to begin with.
OK by Me. I think that my neighbors know that I not only carry but WILL SHOOT since I put 3 bullets in a DRUG ADDLED BURGLAR last year when I encountered him in my neighbor's house that I had been entrusted to watch. The Harbor Freight wireless motion detector worked like promise when the drugged-up burglar broke in. The Police who arrived after I shot him told me that I should have KILLED HIM since they were tire of fooling with him OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Nothing like a career criminal having his career cut short. I guess I could have cornered him and sung songs like Kumbya My Lord, Burglarize No More, Kumbya but that would NOT HAVE STOPPED HIM. Three slugs did stop him. my2 cents worth.
Mike et al, As an add-on to this conversation, read today's (Sunday) Day By Day cartoon. The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences is alive and well and operating perfectly.
As I recall from my days as a high school student trying to make enough money to pay for my after school activities the "distributor", an "independent contractor" is responsible for all copies given to them. The paper assumes that any copies not returned have been sold. I would suggest only removing the relevant sections so that the bulk of the paper can be returned to Gannet, hopefully without incurring financial damage to the distributor.
Most of the people that are distributing papers are trying to make and honest living and have quite probably fallen on hard times. This is thankless hard work and I do not want to be a antagonist to this group of individuals.
The sound outing of this front line media mouthpiece is endearing, but once again we have found the wrong target. A bit too much "high angle dangle". Drop angle for rear echelons would be more effective. Would it not be more viable to know coordinates of the upper level generals of this malfunction. Where do the constituent fed leaders sleep, eat, and breed? Unless a network of that intelligence is parlayed, we are pissing in the wind. What time and where did they attend church today? This is Battallion Battery, what is objective grid coordinant? HE ready.....
The people that distribute that rag are only trying to make a living. However the same can be said of 3M and zyklon b and the folks who labored to produce it. They share some of the responsibility.
As pointed out by many commenters on the stories about this, not only can criminals - who have been relieved of the paper-trail generating step of filing a FOIA for this information - use the maps to find where weapons ARE, but also where they are NOT. Someone might very easily use the info to burglarize a home and acquire a weapon, then go next door to burglarize and/or rob anybody who is likely to be unarmed. Most people are law-abiding and being constrained by state laws from owning weapons unless they're "permitted" makes them sitting ducks.
Several versions of the Law of Unintended Consequences come to mind:
Burglar uses maps to locate, identify gun owner, determine place of employment, then observe work schedule. Breaks into house when owner is absent, acquires weapon, commits subsequent armed crimes. Since the editor(s), reporter(s), publisher(s) names/addresses are now published on the various websites - and knowing these are often high salary individuals - criminals will do the same information gathering and observation of them, as well. Publisher/editor/reporter has home burglarized or is robbed at gunpoint by criminal who used info that was provided to him by the self-made "victim".
Criminals eventually get caught and the weapons can then be traced back to the original theft of a published address. When they do a plea bargain and spill the beans about how they picked their targets, both the weapon-owner and non weapon-owner victims sue the paper out of existence.
Criminals use the counter-published names/addresses of the Gannett Co. executives in iteration of above techniques to burglarize/rob them.
Gun grabbers who publicize their approval of the maps, or criticize those who object, have their addresses published. Criminals have a ball with them, too.
Enterprising "assault attorneys" (especially liked that term used by one commenter!) file huge class action lawsuit against Gannett Co. on behalf of dozens or hundreds of victims of their newspaper's stupid decision. Gannett goes out of business, tens of thousands of liberal media whores wind up in unemployment and welfare lines.
Members of Anonymous who think the 2nd amendment is a good idea (at least to protect ourselves from the tyranny they decry) enter into the fray and publish in-depth details of individuals of gun-grabbing groups and/or legislators. This could be quite profitable for serious criminals - and entertaining for those of us who have been trying to warn them about their stupid behavior.
Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, as Yul Brynner would say.
Mix all ingedients well, bake at hellish temperatures for 6 months to a year, stand back and watch the rebellion start. Absolved (and Unintended Consequences) get played out in real life.
Transformers are easy to shoot, but are the property of the power company, not the newspaper. The big 7-ton rolls of paper, on the other hand, are subject to water damage, and if even slightly wet on just one end can't be fed onto the presses, as the paper swells and registration is ruined. A bucket or two of water (hmmm, maybe mixed with some well-used cat litter just to give it that nice aroma) might suffice. They're stored inside but often get trucked to the printing press building on open, flat-bed trailers.
This could lead to a small exodus from the eastern states where this kind of stupidity can happen to more gun-friendly states, especially the ones which now offer the choice of cc without requiring a permit.
Stock holders and advertisers aren't responsible for what goes into newspapers.
Public information is public information, so you won't actually be doing anything wrong by posting their information.
But what the issue of public information really comes down to is keeping the government from collecting and making our information public, and simply not being so willing to allow our personal information to be put in databases to begin with.
OK by Me. I think that my neighbors know that I not only carry but WILL SHOOT since I put 3 bullets in a DRUG ADDLED BURGLAR last year when I encountered him in my neighbor's house that I had been entrusted to watch. The Harbor Freight wireless motion detector worked like promise when the drugged-up burglar broke in. The Police who arrived after I shot him told me that I should have KILLED HIM since they were tire of fooling with him OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Nothing like a career criminal having his career cut short. I guess I could have cornered him and sung songs like Kumbya My Lord, Burglarize No More, Kumbya but that would NOT HAVE STOPPED HIM. Three slugs did stop him. my2 cents worth.
The professor who's quoted in the article calling the posting of "private" information "childish" now has his info posted:
Mike et al,
As an add-on to this conversation, read today's (Sunday) Day By Day cartoon.
The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences is alive and well and operating perfectly.
B Woodman
As I recall from my days as a high school student trying to make enough money to pay for my after school activities the "distributor", an "independent contractor" is responsible for all copies given to them. The paper assumes that any copies not returned have been sold.
I would suggest only removing the relevant sections so that the bulk of the paper can be returned to Gannet, hopefully without incurring financial damage to the distributor.
Most of the people that are distributing papers are trying to make and honest living and have quite probably fallen on hard times. This is thankless hard work and I do not want to be a antagonist to this group of individuals.
With complete respect,
Don't forget... there are cameras almost EVERYWHERE.
Shoot the transformer. Can't produce a paper without power.
The sound outing of this front line media mouthpiece is endearing, but once again we have found the wrong target. A bit too much "high angle dangle". Drop angle for rear echelons would be more effective. Would it not be more viable to know coordinates of the upper level generals of this malfunction. Where do the constituent fed leaders sleep, eat, and breed? Unless a network of that intelligence is parlayed, we are pissing in the wind. What time and where did they attend church today?
This is Battallion Battery, what is objective grid coordinant?
HE ready.....
The people that distribute that rag are only trying to make a living. However the same can be said of 3M and zyklon b and the folks who labored to produce it. They share some of the responsibility.
As pointed out by many commenters on the stories about this, not only can criminals - who have been relieved of the paper-trail generating step of filing a FOIA for this information - use the maps to find where weapons ARE, but also where they are NOT. Someone might very easily use the info to burglarize a home and acquire a weapon, then go next door to burglarize and/or rob anybody who is likely to be unarmed. Most people are law-abiding and being constrained by state laws from owning weapons unless they're "permitted" makes them sitting ducks.
Several versions of the Law of Unintended Consequences come to mind:
Burglar uses maps to locate, identify gun owner, determine place of employment, then observe work schedule. Breaks into house when owner is absent, acquires weapon, commits subsequent armed crimes. Since the editor(s), reporter(s), publisher(s) names/addresses are now published on the various websites - and knowing these are often high salary individuals - criminals will do the same information gathering and observation of them, as well. Publisher/editor/reporter has home burglarized or is robbed at gunpoint by criminal who used info that was provided to him by the self-made "victim".
Criminals eventually get caught and the weapons can then be traced back to the original theft of a published address. When they do a plea bargain and spill the beans about how they picked their targets, both the weapon-owner and non weapon-owner victims sue the paper out of existence.
Criminals use the counter-published names/addresses of the Gannett Co. executives in iteration of above techniques to burglarize/rob them.
Gun grabbers who publicize their approval of the maps, or criticize those who object, have their addresses published. Criminals have a ball with them, too.
Enterprising "assault attorneys" (especially liked that term used by one commenter!) file huge class action lawsuit against Gannett Co. on behalf of dozens or hundreds of victims of their newspaper's stupid decision. Gannett goes out of business, tens of thousands of liberal media whores wind up in unemployment and welfare lines.
Members of Anonymous who think the 2nd amendment is a good idea (at least to protect ourselves from the tyranny they decry) enter into the fray and publish in-depth details of individuals of gun-grabbing groups and/or legislators. This could be quite profitable for serious criminals - and entertaining for those of us who have been trying to warn them about their stupid behavior.
Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, as Yul Brynner would say.
Mix all ingedients well, bake at hellish temperatures for 6 months to a year, stand back and watch the rebellion start. Absolved (and Unintended Consequences) get played out in real life.
Transformers are easy to shoot, but are the property of the power company, not the newspaper. The big 7-ton rolls of paper, on the other hand, are subject to water damage, and if even slightly wet on just one end can't be fed onto the presses, as the paper swells and registration is ruined. A bucket or two of water (hmmm, maybe mixed with some well-used cat litter just to give it that nice aroma) might suffice. They're stored inside but often get trucked to the printing press building on open, flat-bed trailers.
This could lead to a small exodus from the eastern states where this kind of stupidity can happen to more gun-friendly states, especially the ones which now offer the choice of cc without requiring a permit.
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