Bring back the assault weapons ban, and bring it back with some teeth this time. Ban the manufacture, importation, sale, transfer and possession of both assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. Don't let people who already have them keep them. Don't let ones that have already been manufactured stay on the market. I don't care whether it's called gun control or a gun ban. I'm for it.
I say all of this as a gun owner. I say it as a conservative who was appointed to the federal bench by a Republican president. I say it as someone who prefers Fox News to MSNBC, and National Review Online to the Daily Kos. I say it as someone who thinks the Supreme Court got it right in District of Columbia vs. Heller, when it held that the 2nd Amendment gives us the right to possess guns for self-defense. (That's why I have mine.) I say it as someone who, generally speaking, is not a big fan of the regulatory state.
Riiiiight. . . Well, all I can say is that if he gets his way, he will no doubt be tried in the Court that enforces the Law of Unintended Consequences. And that is a court that pays no attention to your position or station in life where the juries are often made up of the victims of the accused and the Judge is not squeamish about maximum sentences.
I love the part where he considers a death sentence for "so much as looking at [any] gun," but dismisses it for, among other things, "logistical reasons."
" I say it as a..." power mongering asshole, who desires nothing more the State(meaning me) having absolute dictatorial power over all people. I say this as an appointee of a so-called conservative who pledged previously to further restrict your rights if Congress passed such an law. I think all of you peons should helpless and groveling at my feet. I am a gun owner and I intend to keep mine, but I have decided, that, well... You don't need to.
But you see mike he knows exactly what will happen. Civil war is what Obama and his followers WANT. They will provoke us by word and deed untill someone; or some group resists. Then Obama makes himself "Papa Doc"AKA presedent for life and Military dictator. This is comeing NOW not later, I expect martial law within 4 weeks. I expect "the camps" to openly start operations within 3 weeks of that. God watch over us all. It has begun.
And he says it all as someone who had damned well better recuse himself from ANY tial involving a firearm in the commission of a crime. What a furball.
Maybe he needs to change his political affiliation to reflect his true attitudes, maybe something like, "Statist, Authoritarian Prick Party of America."
They are all Traitors and the sooner that we disregard all Laws, Both Federal and State and except for Our Lord's then the sooner we can get back to kicking their BUTTs. Do our Duty as the Declaration says. and fixing this evil.
Enough is enough if this madman who is just typical of the Parasitical Infestation, the less trouble, hardship and Force we will need.
Otherwise it will be a long and bloody Conflict for at least one of us.
"the 2nd Amendment gives us the right to possess guns for self-defense"It gives us nothing we didn't already have, obviously he doesn't understand how the Constitution actually functions either
Shows that judges sometimes aren't qualified for the position no matter their ideology. ANY judge that throws the constitution under the bus deserves to be put out to pasture. That said, I wonder if he sends his kids out first to do the confiscating.
This is very unfortunate.Our rights are already intolerably abridged.I have always thought the Second Amendment was a foil to tyranny, and as such the People HAD to provide a credible deterrent.This means serious hardware in the hands of the only ones I really trust..the People. Field pieces,heavy machine guns, name it.I am very unhappy as these treasonous ass-clowns try to destroy my country. ENOUGH! Not only should these idiotic restrictions not be passed, the other infringements must be abolished.NOW.Before it is too late...
Another name for Santa's list of traitorous scum....and he's checking it twice. The gun grabbers have come out of their holes to colaborate with the Marxists in our White House. The 2nd ammendment is the last barrier to a tyranical government...the one we have now. Lock and Load friends, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
This statement by a judge just goes to show how deeply the domestic enemy has embedded itself into our society.. corrupt, illegitimate judiciary have no legal standing but that which they can use illegal force to defend.. traitor.
I've got a message for Judge Burns and the Obama regime, who would like to confiscate guns... Like the guy in Atlas Shrugged Part II said,''If you feel you have the right to use force against me, bring guns...
If the law does not protect me, it equally does not protect thee. Have at it, yer judgeship. The biggest law we have to worry about right now is The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences.
uh...yeah....because we all know that about 3% or less of violent crimes are committed with 'assault' weapons and not good old fashioned handguns.
These pods arent fooling anyone. They want to ban a gun that is NEVER used in violent crimes. Sounds to me more like they are using crimes against US to justify a ban on guns THEY are paranoid about.
This @$$hat is nothing but a black-robed clone of Roland Freisler. Sieg Heil Herr Burns. I would expect that any unfortunate peon tried in your Volks Reichsgericht for any gun-related offense would have an automatic appeal based on judicial bias. _revjen45
What a crock of steamin' bovine excrement....
I agree with Herr Burns....
Might as well get this war started.
The other "gun control" proposals are merely half measures aimed at the eventual goal of complete disarmament.
We are not getting any younger.
I love the part where he considers a death sentence for "so much as looking at [any] gun," but dismisses it for, among other things, "logistical reasons."
Some friend of liberty.
" I say it as a..." power mongering asshole, who desires nothing more the State(meaning me) having absolute dictatorial power over all people. I say this as an appointee of a so-called conservative who pledged previously to further restrict your rights if Congress passed such an law. I think all of you peons should helpless and groveling at my feet. I am a gun owner and I intend to keep mine, but I have decided, that, well... You don't need to.
But you see mike he knows exactly what will happen. Civil war is what Obama and his followers WANT. They will provoke us by word and deed untill someone; or some group resists. Then Obama makes himself "Papa Doc"AKA presedent for life and Military dictator. This is comeing NOW not later, I expect martial law within 4 weeks. I expect "the camps" to openly start operations within 3 weeks of that. God watch over us all. It has begun.
I have always felt that the example set by Patriots against Tories, after the battle of Kings Mountain, would be one to follow.
Andrew Cuomo is considering confiscation as well.
And he says it all as someone who had damned well better recuse himself from ANY tial involving a firearm in the commission of a crime. What a furball.
Maybe he needs to change his political affiliation to reflect his true attitudes, maybe something like, "Statist, Authoritarian Prick Party of America."
They are all Traitors and the sooner that we disregard all Laws, Both Federal and State and except for Our Lord's then the sooner we can get back to kicking their BUTTs. Do our Duty as the Declaration says. and fixing this evil.
Enough is enough if this madman who is just typical of the Parasitical Infestation, the less trouble, hardship and Force we will need.
Otherwise it will be a long and bloody Conflict for at least one of us.
"I say this as someone appointed "
There ya go !
He's a federal judge and he thinks the 2nd amendment GIVES us the right... and he thinks SCOTUS agrees with him?
Okay, all you folks who bleat about how important it is to elect Republicans so they can appoint judges, let's hear your take on this one.
"the 2nd Amendment gives us the right to possess guns for self-defense"It gives us nothing we didn't already have, obviously he doesn't understand how the Constitution actually functions either
Shows that judges sometimes aren't qualified for the position no matter their ideology. ANY judge that throws the constitution under the bus deserves to be put out to pasture. That said, I wonder if he sends his kids out first to do the confiscating.
Tarleton's Quarter
This is very unfortunate.Our rights are already intolerably abridged.I have always thought the Second Amendment was a foil to tyranny, and as such the People HAD to provide a credible deterrent.This means serious hardware in the hands of the only ones I really trust..the People.
Field pieces,heavy machine guns, name it.I am very unhappy as these treasonous ass-clowns try to destroy my country.
Not only should these idiotic restrictions not be passed, the other infringements must be abolished.NOW.Before it is too late...
Sounds like you're threatening a federal judge, Mike, and I've just reported the threat.
Another name for Santa's list of traitorous scum....and he's checking it twice.
The gun grabbers have come out of their holes to colaborate with the Marxists in our White House.
The 2nd ammendment is the last barrier to a tyranical government...the one we have now.
Lock and Load friends, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
This statement by a judge just goes to show how deeply the domestic enemy has embedded itself into our society.. corrupt, illegitimate judiciary have no legal standing but that which they can use illegal force to defend.. traitor.
Yank lll
I've got a message for Judge Burns and the Obama regime, who would like to confiscate guns... Like the guy in Atlas Shrugged Part II said,''If you feel you have the right to use force against me, bring guns...
From my cold, dead, GSR-begrimed hands. I'll give 'em my guns one 150gr .30 cal FMJBT at a time.
If the law does not protect me, it equally does not protect thee.
Have at it, yer judgeship.
The biggest law we have to worry about right now is The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences.
B Woodman
And yet, with all that, we still won't have solved the actual problem...soft targets.
Sorry, preaching to the choir again.
uh...yeah....because we all know that about 3% or less of violent crimes are committed with 'assault' weapons and not good old fashioned handguns.
These pods arent fooling anyone. They want to ban a gun that is NEVER used in violent crimes.
Sounds to me more like they are using crimes against US to justify a ban on guns THEY are paranoid about.
This @$$hat is nothing but a black-robed clone of Roland Freisler. Sieg Heil Herr Burns. I would expect that any unfortunate peon tried in your Volks Reichsgericht for any gun-related offense would have an automatic appeal based on judicial bias.
"Don't let people who already have them [assault rifles] keep them."
I want the judge to tell us in great detail how he proposes to make that happen.
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