Obama Picks a Director For the A.T.F. NYT reporter Charlie Savage writes:
Nearly two years into his term, President Obama on Monday finally chose a director for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Mr. Obama will submit the name of Andrew Taver (MBV: SIC, Savage means Traver), the special agent in charge of the bureau’s Chicago field division, to the Senate for consideration, the White House said. He may face a confirmation fight; after Congress changed the position to make it one requiring Senate confirmation, President George W. Bush’s nominee was blocked by senators who used it to criticize the enforcement of gun laws against firearms dealers.
I wrote Savage a quick email telling him that he had been scooped here at Sipsey Street by more than five months. But of course to hear the prags tell it, I'm a "crackpot who knows nothing and has no effect on politics."
ALSO: General Sebastian Snowflake, jefe supremo of the NRA prag army on-line, finally notices Traver.
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