Narcissus . . . in Greek mythology was a hunter from the territory of Thespiae in Boeotia who was renowned for his beauty. He was exceptionally proud, in that he disdained those who loved him. As divine punishment he fell in love with his own reflection in a pool, not realizing it was merely an image, and he wasted away to death, not being able to leave the beauty of his own reflection. -- Wikipedia.
The vanity of Barack Obama.
Buzzle.com says this about Pathological Narcissism, Psychosis, and Delusions
One of the most important symptoms of pathological narcissism (the Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is grandiosity. Grandiose fantasies (megalomaniac delusions of grandeur) permeate every aspect of the narcissist's personality. They are the reason that the narcissist feels entitled to special treatment which is typically incommensurate with his real accomplishments. The grandiosity gap is the abyss between the narcissist's self-image (as reified by his False Self) and reality. . .
Though the narcissistic personality is rigid - its content is always in flux. Narcissists forever re-invent themselves, adapt their consumption of narcissistic supply to the "marketplace", attuned to the needs of their "suppliers". Like the performers that they are, they resonate with their "audience", giving it what it expects and wants. They are efficient instruments for the extraction and consumption of human reactions.
As a result of this interminable process of fine tuning, narcissists have no loyalties, no values, no doctrines, no beliefs, no affiliations, and no convictions. Their only constraint is their addiction to human attention, positive or negative.
Psychotics, by comparison, are fixated on a certain view of the world and of their place in it. They ignore any and all information that might challenge their delusions. Gradually, they retreat into the inner recesses of their tormented mind and become dysfunctional.
Narcissists can't afford to shut out the world because they so heavily depend on it for the regulation of their labile sense of self-worth. Owing to this dependence, they are hypersensitive and hypervigilant, alert to every bit of new data. They are continuously busy rearranging their self-delusions to incorporate new information in an ego-syntonic manner.
This is why the Narcissistic Personality Disorder is insufficient grounds for claiming a "diminished capacity" (insanity) defense.(Emphasis supplied, MBV) Narcissists are never divorced from reality - they crave it, and need it, and consume it in order to maintain the precarious balance of their disorganized, borderline-psychotic personality. All narcissists, even the freakiest ones, can tell right from wrong, act with intent, and are in full control of their faculties and actions.
Cool. That means he can still be hung after the war crimes trial subsequent to the civil war he starts.
I'll bring the beer! And soda for those who prefer....
You're a dreamer, ain'tcha? The 0.00000000003% are going not only to wage and win a civil war, but they'll then get to put all their political enemies (that is, the OTHER part of the US not included in the 0.00000000003%) in front of a firing squad.
Talk about delusions of grandeur. And you dislike the President's vanity? You're more narcissistic than he dreams of being. Reality check: you're 0.000000000003%, dude. You drew a massive crowd of about 20 to your last big public appearance.
Seek psychiatric help immediately.
A narcissist - who surrounded himself with sociopaths(which is also a fairly normal pattern for that syndrome).
I'm in favor of burning at the stake. I'll bring marshmellows.
"[N]arcissists have no loyalties, no values, no doctrines, no beliefs, no affiliations, and no convictions."
It is a narrow gulf separating pragmatism from narcissism. ;^]
Hi Mike,
Your last sentence in the post and DaveIII's comments got me to thinkin'!! That Hangin' scene in that East Clintwood spaghetti western comes to mind. Some joker sellin' sarsaparilla to the crowd, the Preacher leadin' the crowd in a verse of "Rock Of Ages," the Hangman takes a swig off his flask of whiskey before he looks up to get the nod from the Judge to pull the plug, and more!! Could this be Barry's fate? To be standing there after staggering up the 13 steps of that plank wood gallows stage, the rope ready to be put around his skinny neck, he reads his "last speech" from the teleprompter and...."kerlatch!!!..the trap door is sprung....NO!! he screams as he wakes up from the dream only to find he is being led away by Nicoli and Elene Ceausescu who take him by the hand and say,"Welcome to HELL Comrade!"
PS And remember, the Hangman did not wear a mask!
Dear anon,
Learn math. Your 0.00000000003% is less than 2/10's of a person when applied to the Earth's entire population.
And we do not view anyone who is not "with us" as being "against us", so we won't be lining the rest of the country up against the wall when the revolution comes, just the oath-breakers and those supporters who have committed serious crimes. Trust me, anon, I doubt that you are on *anyone's* list . . .
The word among the Secret Service guys is, there are so many ornate mirrors in the White House that it takes Obambi an hour just to walk from one wing to the other.
Unfortunately, I think you are reading this wrong, Mike. The alien in the WH does indeed have a distorted view of reality and his place within it. A true narcissist would be doing what he could to re-acquire the "love" of the masses, would be doing what he could to shore up the strength of his image. Would - to a certain extent - bend with the wind.
The not-so-Mighty Kenyan is convinced his worldview is right, and it is only a matter of not being able to explain it in simple enough terms for us unwashed and ignorant peons to understand the brilliance of it. That is why the article in the Weekly Standard is so significant concerning his narcissism - he doesn't get it. He isn't dealing with reality. And that is why he can tell the devastated Democratic Party that 2012 will be different, because then it will "be about me".
Not that I think for an instant that our country would ever try him. We let WJC get away with treason. Why not this even greater monster, not only unbridled by conscience, as was Clinton, but also resident of a world that none of us would recognize?
Learn math.--Bruce Krafft
This requires "anon" to learn time management, as well.
When you spend all your waking hours manufacturing synthetic rage, math skills will rapidly deteriorate.
For real justice... leave him alone in a room full of the mothers, wives and daughters of those soldiers who committed suicide over the previous year.
Might need to rent a stadium somewhere.
MamaLiberty said...
For real justice...
The Pulled Pork treatment is not a humane end, even for the things a POTUS might be convicted of.
Torture is not good for the torturers, either.
Let the world see how orderly, swift, fair, efficient and final the justice system is and they might send some investments our way, again. The current system is verging on a form of "modern art" where if you squint enough and are half-drunk on wine while being flattered by staff and eat plenty of cheese and crackers, the checkbook might come out.
Anon 4:03, not only is your math poor, your notion that the numbers of people at Restore the Constitution Rallies represent ALL patriots in America is foolish thinking.
I represent tens of thousands of people in my state, most of whom are heavily armed and are in 100% agreement with the sentiments expressed by Mr. Vanderboegh on this subject.
Last, my constituents make Mr. Vanderboegh appear like a flaming leftist, think about the implications of that fact.
This impending "civil war" will be highly entertaining, albeit short. A few thousand delusional goobers versus the U.S. Army? Pass the popcorn!
It even has delusions as to which side the military will be on. Even Janet, Eric, and The One recognize that. Although the Perfumed Princes and Princesses WILL follow his lead...
They say 40% of the military will follow orders and shoot US Citizens, as they have in the past. That leaves 60% who will not. Half of those will fight for the citizens, as has happened in other Revolutions. That would mean about 450,000 active service men and women would defend freedom. The % will be higher in the reserves as they have more contact with the citizens. That should mean about 600,000 reservist support the citizens and the Constitution. You should have 3% of the general population fighting for freedom, many of who are former military. That would mean over 10.8 million citizens fighting for freedom. That adds up to 11,850,000 men and women fighting for freedom.
I wonder if Mr. Psycho Liberal is pissing him self yet?
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