I am in receipt of an interesting communication from Senator John Blutarsky, by way of COL Robert "Mad Bob" REDACTED of the legendary Dogtown Rangers. ("Bluto" and "Mad Bob" are old college buddies.) Both Senator Blutarsky and "Mad Bob" remind me of the ancient and honorable practice of expressing one's opinions of the powers-that-be by vandalizing road signs with forcibly projected lead particles of various sorts. I will have more on this after I have verified some details, probably tomorrow. For now, I thought you might enjoy this little game from the United Kingdom, which, despite what we hear about severe gun control there, has a problem with what they term "sign snipers."
I've seen those signs, in NC. About 20 miles of cones sitting peacefully, blocking a perfectly good lane on the interstate. Come back a week later, they're still there, nothing's been torn up, nothing's been put down. Good thing, too, because the pavement looks pristine already.
The city near me is using transportation stimulus money to replace the historic Capitol Square brick sidewalks with porous pavers, "so pollutants from the streets won't wash downhill into the river."
Meanwhile, certain intersections that lawmakers and city officials DON'T have to see flood to depths of 4 feet, even AFTER "flood control projects" costing a million or so.
Word is, it cost a million or so dollars to PRODUCE THE SELF-CONGRATULATORY SIGNS. Steel imported from Japan??!!
Shooting signs? Okay. May I suggest....................
A 23mm shell from a handheld rifle in a moving vehicle? Damn, that guy's serious...
From the article: "Mr Seiber, who is now a fleet driver trainer, says he found one sign in Leicestershire that had been attacked with a high-velocity 23mm shell from a rifle."
I'm pretty sure I've never seen a 23mm rifle at Wal-Mart, maybe I can special order one....
"Mr Seiber, who is now a fleet driver trainer, says he found one sign in Leicestershire that had been attacked with a high-velocity 23mm shell from a rifle."
Somebody at the Telegraph is STONED or something...Common "23mm drive-by sign shootings with a towed ZU-23-2"??? Happens ALL THE TIME!
I haven't noticed any signs like that one in Dakota Territory yet. I speak out against shooting traffic signs because it gives the anti gun people something else to bitch about.
I feel lucky that my shotgun or rifle don't have to be in a case in my vehicle so I can still road hunt coyotes and other vermin which present themselves. Next thing you know they'll want that too like the dumb asses in Minnesota.
Love the add on to the sign, $$$ going into a toilet is a great touch..... now I have to make some more sticker signs ..... fun fun.
Well.......at least we know that gun control works in England. they've been doing it long enough.
I see the U.S. isn't the only country with uninformed writers. Either that or someone in GB has a cannon mounted in their car - a "23mm rifle" at that. Somehow I don't think it was a shoulder fired weapon.
I'm willing to bet that the "23 mm" was in fact a .223...
Let's get those 3per stickers out and start putting them everywhere, especially on the gov't signs. That should really make them grind their teeth for awhile.
Don't risk having a bullet land somewhere nasty through incompetence!
There are other ways. Take a look at what the Auzzies do:
There was a guy in Britain putting 2" holes through sign posts in the 1960s, before he was banned from the machine shop at "The Works".
He's still serving a life sentence after he killed a council planning officer in front of the TV cameras. His is not a shining example.
I see these darned signs all over Georgia! They are all over perfectly good roads, and there are cones blocking those perfectly good lanes, and there is no work being done. Typical thing I would expect from Obama!
I want to yell everytime I see one.
That article is too funny. Actually, it makes me want to puke.
Evil 9mm and .45 cal projectiles. I mean, the horror! To think someone would actually have a 9mm or a .45 handgun! Or-worse- a former military rifle.
What a bunch of whipped, servile subjects in England. Just think, they have an NRA too...
But for the three percent, that is our future...
>>>"A 23mm shell from a handheld rifle in a moving vehicle? Damn, that guy's serious..."<<<
Don't make me laugh like that anymore!
(Till the next time)
They should change the signs to say "This traffic jam was brought to you by Obama"
See... Gun control does work! ROFL
When you take the guns away from the responsible, only the irresponsible will have guns.
Though I think the English Gov. is getting a little scared that many people seem to be armed that they do not know about! Maybe they will be free one day...
Love the sticker on the lower left...priceless
Screwed is right!
It would be great to design a sticker that could be placed over most of the sign. The first line would remain (Project Funded by The) and then the rest would be covered by a sticker that reads "government-sanctioned theft from future generations" or something to that effect...
Oh please, someone please make those dollar flushing/screw signs.
Please please please.
I may even try my hand at it.
Unless you have been blessed with a high enough paying job to be able to afford an NFA firearm and are planning on shooting a message into a large enough sign, why not just spraypaint it?
Couldn't we come up with something that fits perfectly over that round seal and says everything we want it to?
Hard to believe it hasn't been vandalized already - what's with the tricolor circle with a screw and the money going down the toilet?
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