Food riot.
Go here.
Rising grain prices from Russia's drought and fires will pressure populations already hit by the financial crisis and could stoke unrest -- particularly in the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Europe. Wheat prices have risen by nearly 70 percent since June after Russia suffered its worst drought in 130 years and are at their highest since 2008, when the last major food price rally sparked protests and riots in a string of emerging nations. Analysts warn that if prices stay high then the threat of street violence will increase -- at least up to a point.
Frederick Forsyth wrote a novel titled "The Devil's Alternative". In it, the USSR suffers a failure of its wheat crop due to disease. As a result, the Politburo considers an invasion of Western Europe to seize its grain fields instead of buying wheat from the U.S. Just a thought.
This is a non-story. America and Canada can take up the slack. This is our chance to get some money back from the Saudis. But, knowing Barry and the Deocrats, they will give the wheat away.
..and at that point they will want to take ours to redistribute to them who are so deserving.
Might run low on bread, but with all this meat running in the street ya won´t starve.
Really though ya don´t need wheat we could make do very well with Corn Bread. Also if the wheat supply was to run short here in the U.S.A. we could just keep it here, that don´t mean Obarry won´t use it to keep the populace in line. Don´t forget the Ukraine.
And it will spread...
I agree that rising food prices are a sure way to kindle unrest.
Grain prices are only just getting back up to the same number of $ a ton that they were 20 years ago, and prices 20 years ago were low.
I doubt whether the cost of the grain it contains is even 10% of the cost of a loaf of bread.
grow or stock up on your energy crops like potato and cabbage. grow your gardens, control your own food. Buy extra non-perishable foods when it is cheap and you can afford. your freedom depends on your ability to control your own food.
Then don't worry to much. Lets keep our eye on the ball, which is the restoration of our liberty.
Anonymous said...
This is a non-story. America and Canada can take up the slack. This is our chance to get some money back from the Saudis. But, knowing Barry and the Deocrats, they will give the wheat away.
August 11, 2010 6:07 AM
What Wheat, we have NO Wheat in our strategic reserves. See for yourself:
Their weapon WILL be Food or the Lack of Food.
Good time to get the rumor out that we're fertilizing the wheat and corn crops with pig manure.
Besides, the Saudi's like selling their oil at world market prices. We should tie the price of a bushel of grain to a barrel of oil. Don't like the price? Eat your oil!
re: "don't like the wheat price - eat your oil"
Most nitrogen fertilisers (a moan ium night rate and Urea) are synthesised using oil and gas byproducts, so fertiliser price effectively follows oil price.
It used to be that a ton of wheat was same price as a ton of 35% N fertilizer. now fertilizer is 4 times the price of wheat.
Anonymous August 11, 2010 12:06 PM wrote: "Good time to get the rumor out that we're fertilizing the wheat and corn crops with pig manure."
Damn! Boy, but I DO like the way your mind works. Excellent idea.
Or maybe we could put out the rumor that all U.S. grain crops are genetically engineered and have pig genes!
Bad Cyborg X
"People who jump to conclusions seldom stick the landing."
Anon 12:06 PM. "We should tie the price of a bushel of grain to a barrel of oil. Don't like the price? Eat your oil!"
Best comment I've heard, Anon.
Sounds like real money. Might also consider pegging it to one box of 12 gauge shells or 10 boxes of .22 shorts. That makes 'em all worth $1.00 in silver coin (when I was a boy.)
Mountain rifleman
Got grain?
B Woodman
wv: "sompitie" -- nope, fresh out.
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