Soliciting civil war with a cheery "Sieg Heil!" Collectivist "intellectual" harridan chants: Obama is fuhrer. Obama is benevolent. Obama will fix things with a decree. Just you wait.
Dr. Barbara LeSavoy, State University of New York, wants to kill liberty in this country, and doesn't care how many of our bodies she stacks up in the process. Her email address, should you wish to engage her in polite discourse, is
I used to think such people were just smoking too much dope and trapped in their own la-la land, but no sentient being could be this out of touch with reality. No, she knows what she is demanding. She just doesn't care how many of us get killed in the process. "Obama’s legacy on guns should be to ban them."
I reprint this insane screed in its entirety in case the editors of the newspaper it appeared in regain their senses and delete it.
I urge President Obama to ban firearm possession in America. He is the president of the United States. He can change the country. He can do it today. I believe in him.
I voted for Barack Obama. Twice. During his 2008 presidential campaign, my two daughters, partner, and I ate every meal in our house on Obama placemats. We bought these at our local supermarket, plastic-coated, plate-sized paper rectangles with an image of his face framed by colors of the flag. While politically minded, I am not overly patriotic, so this mealtime ritual of American allegiance was odd for me. Still, we looked at the image of his face each day and we believed that he really could be the change in America.
As Obama’s 2012 campaign approached, I was a little jaded. Some of his promises to our country did not come true, and I was anxious about rising social tensions he and his administration faced. Racial inequality plagued the news, gender-based violence grew in global proportion, and women’s reproductive freedoms had become increasingly vulnerable.
Still, I did not waver. I dug into our old dining room cupboards, and found our worn but resilient Obama placements. I dusted them off, and once again, my family and I ate all of our meals looking at his image. In his presidency, we still imagined a country on the edge of change.
Today, I write this letter with a bleeding heart. I admire Obama. But he has let me down. I am disappointed because his presidency could have done more for our country, and sadly, the many taken lives who cannot read this essay. I still worry about urgent social tensions facing our nation, and I recognize their ongoing complexities in policy and legislative action. But gun violence can be averted. Can our country ever be free from senseless gun-crime?
Firearm possession should be banned in America; President Obama can orchestrate this directive. His presidency can be remembered as a remarkable turn in United States history where a progressive leader forever changed the landscape under which we live and work. This is his legacy. To establish gun control laws in America that will reduce high levels of male violence and usher in a culture of peace and civility.
Barack Obama is the president of the United States. He can change the country. He can do it today. I believe in him.

Our higher education institutions have become holding tanks for the mentally ill while spewing their viruses and infecting almost all who wander into their webs.
OMG, an actual self proclaimed Bleeding Hearter.
With a PhD in Social Foundations of Higher Education.
This clueless, little useful idiot is asking her supreme leader to sign his own death warrant. Her supreme leader knows this, as all successful bullies instinctively know their limits. They know their victims may eventually fight back if pushed too far. So, the good "doctor" is free to blather on in her safe little collegiate insane asylum while her words fall on deaf ears. Pitiful creature!
Forget ISIS, we’re going after ‘Anti-Government’ Americans! – Obama’s Dept. of Justice
Obama’s Department of Justice is saying they’re not worried about the beheading terrorist demons of ISIS, and they’re gonna focus on, well, probably you and me.
The things you come up with are amazing, Mike. You are a treasure.
Considering that this woman is a college professor and holds a PhD, her opinion piece reads like a third-graders school assignment. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this is what passes for higher education intellect, considering she 'teaches' at a publicly funded college in New York.
The only thing scarier than her love of Obama is her profile at the College at Brockton website.
I e-mailed her!
Hope there is a big response to e-mail this wacky progressive.
Here is a list of what she teaches..... Is it any wonder she is clueless?
How can someone so screwed up have the responsibility to teach our kids?
Courses Taught
Sex and Culture
Honors Sex and Culture
Introduction to Women and Gender Studies
Gender, Race, and Class
Feminist Theory; Graduate Level Feminist Theory
Feminist Research Methods
Senior Seminar in Women and Gender Studies
Practicum in Women and Gender Studies
International Work
SUNY Russian Programs Network
St. Petersburg Institute of Linguistics, Cognition, and Culture, Summer, 2014. Faculty Teaching/Travel Award, Teaching Gender Roles Across Cultures
Sent her a one-liner. It reads,"Just remember, communist, if you get your wish, I get mine".
end of the world zombie right there
Constitutional Resistance" - We Can Overrule the Supreme Court
Legal scholars and university professors, led by Robert P. George, the McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and Director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University, along with the American Principles Project, are leading a “Constitutional Resistance” movement.
As such, they urge every federal and state judicial office holder, civil magistrate and government employee to reject the Supreme Court’s unconstitutional ruling on Obergefell v. Hodges. As well as encouraging others to join them in refusing “to accept Obergefell as binding precedent for all but the specific plaintiffs in that case.”
They declared in a joint statement:
“We have great respect for judges. We have even greater respect for law. When judges behave lawlessly, it is the law that must be honored, not lawless judges.
“The Supreme Court is supreme in the federal judicial system. But the justices are not supreme over the other branches of government. And they are certainly not supreme over the Constitution.”
These scholars emphasize the foundation to American jurisprudence rests in the supremacy of the U.S. Constitution, and also in the separation of, and a balance of power among the three branches of government. And, the Supreme Court is only part of one of these three branches.
The Supreme Court holds no final word on any legal matter. Its opinion can be overturned.
This woman (?) teaches our young? She's allowed to vote? To reproduce? Yikes!
The comments section of the artic.., er, bullshit opinion piece are much better reading.
Can our country ever be free from senseless morons like this one??? Being an intellectual does not make one smart by any means, go figure. Common sense is definitely not on the side of the collectivists.
No email. Night letters. Pranking. Monkeywrenching. Do you honestly think you can argue/debate the issue with this hideous, homely, Marxist bitch? Get real. And get busy, New Englanders!
Here's a scary thought. Liberals have claimed for years there are too many humans on earth. Is there a way to thin the population a bit than with a bloody civil war. They would cheer the slaughter of, first, all the conservatives, then the theologians followed by anyone that does not agree with the party doctrines. The idea of 50 million or so initial murders committed by government agents would have no moral effect on these people.
The error in their judgement is that they think they will be allowed to sit on the sidelines, (they are self-declared pacifists), and watch the carnage take place with glee and a smile on their faces. This is why we have "the list". It's a collection of names and addresses of the very ones who foment these atrocities. They will be hunted down and eliminated.
No wonder our children struggle finding a job. This hack can barely write a coherent sentence.
Hey puke, no one can tell me what to do with MY BODY. If my hands desire to encircle a firearm that is MY CHOICE. If I desire to reload ammunition with MY hands which are MY BODY, that is MY choice!!!! Why do you only care about body freedom when it's about pre-murder, oh my bad abortion, oh my bad "undesired tissue replacement"?
Not surprising:
"International Work
SUNY Russian Programs Network
St. Petersburg Institute of Linguistics, Cognition, and Culture, Summer, 2014.
Faculty Teaching/Travel Award, Teaching Gender Roles Across Cultures"
Call me, "stunned."
I can think of a coupla uses for an Obama place mat. Might have to cut it down a mite but it'd look FREAKING GREAT in a urinal. I'd also like an Obama bathmat to rest my feet on while I'm on the throne before I use the Obama toilet paper. I thought about Hildabeast TP but I figure it isn't fair to my shit. That and I don't want to risk damage to my ass from proximity to a representation of her FACE!
Hi Mike,
Yup, you hooked a another nice, big "Choupique!!!" (Sho-Pic) Trouble is, people like her are a "Dime a Dozen," ...and i'm lookin' for the guy supplyin' the dimes!! (Thank you Fred Blassie)
Got Gunz......OUTLAW!!!!,
PS, If ya' ever hooked a Choupique ya' know what I mean!!!
Thank god for 0bama toilet paper!
Why yes! I think we need to encourage all our progtard friends to pursue this course of action wholeheartedly. Why I would even go so far as to recommend that the Democrat Party make it a central part of their Party plank. Hope and Change!
"Some of his promises to our country did not come true, and I was anxious about rising social tensions he and his administration faced. Racial inequality plagued the news, gender-based violence grew in global proportion, and women’s reproductive freedoms had become increasingly vulnerable."
Most of his promises, not some. For a prez who was supposed to bring this country together sure looks like he has had a heavy hand causing more division.
"I admire Obama. But he has let me down. I am disappointed because his presidency could have done more for our country, and sadly, the many taken lives who cannot read this essay. I still worry about urgent social tensions facing our nation, and I recognize their ongoing complexities in policy and legislative action. But gun violence can be averted. Can our country ever be free from senseless gun-crime?"
So again you state that as a president he hasn't done the job he promised, twice.
Also, gun-violence... but your focus (and the prez and others) is on the gun not the violence, that is a fail.
"Firearm possession should be banned in America; President Obama can orchestrate this directive. His presidency can be remembered as a remarkable turn in United States history where a progressive leader forever changed the landscape under which we live and work. This is his legacy. To establish gun control laws in America that will reduce high levels of male violence and usher in a culture of peace and civility."
Firearm possession cannot be banned, not by a pen and a phone. It required Article V to be followed legally, so good luck with that. Repealing the 2nd Amendment doesn't change the right, it just removes the barrier to government infringement, you would still have to pass legislation. Also, most all States have their own 2A version in their State's Constitutions, so you would have to deal this those as well, again good luck with that.
His "legacy" is already shambles.
So I'm reading this, and saying to myself, "this has got to be a deliberate parody." Then I follow the academic bio link.
Oh. Some people are that stupid after all.
There have been suggestions that it is better to follow the course of mercy and put this...'scholar' out of our misery rather than allow her to witness the full consequences of her folly. I'm not proud of admitting it, but I rather like the thought of not letting her evade the logical outcome so easily.
I wouldn't sacrifice the hopes for anyone else who might be saved, though. So I guess that she'll be spared the fate she really deserves.
I'm done asking why the left can't come up with presentable spokes(wo)men. Doesn't she have any friends? Couldn't one person who knows her grab those glasses and throw them in the trash? And what is that cow pie on her dress? This is her "public face", the way she dresses when she wants to make her best impression. Can you imagine how she dresses when not in public?
She'll fit right in.
Why stop at something as trivial as banning guns?
If she's really serious, why not advocate rounding-up all those bitterly clinging to their guns? And then OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!
Academia is chock block full of these "educated elites" who fill the minds of our youth with their special brand of communist poison.
I believe these folks should be jailed and eventually tried for treason against the constitution when the shit hits the fan. The universities that are beholding to these "Constitutionally illiterate" communists should be burned to the ground, all in the effort to stop the further poisoning of the minds of our young people.
Academia has become evil at the highest levels, giving homes and fine paying jobs to those who intent is to spread marxism across our once great land.
These people, because they are in the perfect spot to indoctrinate our youth are the worst evil in the country today! Down with em all!
Oh it will be a great day when we can take our nation back from these evil people. I just hope I live to see it.
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