Sunday, July 5, 2015

Excellent observation from an email correspondent.

Sam Adams did NOT organize the "Sons of Democracy" in Boston in revolutionary times. Patrick Henry did NOT say "Give me Democracy or give me death". There is NO Democracy Bell in Independence Park in Philadelphia. The word Democracy does not appear on United States coinage. The Pledge of Allegiance does NOT say "with Democracy and justice for all". And it is absolutely certain that there is NOT a Statue of Democracy in New York Harbor.


Pat H. said...

"Democracy - The God That Failed" by Hans-Herman Hoppe.

Anonymous said...

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” -- Benjamin Franklin

"The founders never could have imagined....." -- various modern day revisionists twits who run their mouths without knowing the topic at hand.

It's actually hard to find a topic that the Founders didn't imagine and debate among themselves and with the populace in general, in depth, and at length.