Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Dragon Rises.

Democracy and Peace Pushed Farther Away
See also: Asia's Worst Nightmare: A China-Japan War


Anonymous said...

Wow! There's that Heinlein guy again. How the heck did some sci-fi writer get so many things right?

In "Star Ship Troopers" he posits a world of veterans so sick of cleaning up after politicians's mistakes that they collectively forge a new global society where only veterans get to vote.

Not unlike the Little Red Hen, they say if you weren't around when we needed you to put some skin in the game, don't come around afterwards and say how things should be run.

Paul X said...

What a lot of rot.

Nations (that is, governments) war because war is in the interest of the rulers. It sure ain't no help to the peons.

Seriously? People want to stick our nose into a dispute over uninhabited islets? "America, the world's busybody."