Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Oath Keepers welcome New Year with free viewing of ‘Molon Labe’

The public is invited to view the new documentary on militias and the right to keep and bear arms for free until January 6, a press release from Oath Keepers announced Monday.


Allen said...

meh. I saw Captain Chemtrails in the trailer, now I have no interest in watching it.

Anonymous said...

Waiting for the next cattle car to paradise.


Anonymous said...

You made our local news at 6:00 pm...keep up the good work and never give up and never give in Molon labe

SWIFT said...

Oath Keepers make a video on the militia ? That should ewe-nite the SPLC, ADL and their butt buddies in the FBI and Homies.

Jon said...

Spent the evening investigating the "Molon Labe" from Oath Keepers.

Excellent case of FLAPPING GUMS. The only thing they got right was the institution of the Civilian Milita but not Why. Not one of the EXPERTS ever cites the reason for a well REGULATED MILITIA.

Seems as though the Oath Keeper experts have forgotten of Shays' Rebellion that prompted the whole bill of rights thing as well as the Constitution.

I urge all of you at Oath Keepers to review the effects of Mr. Shay and remember that Gov. James Bowdoin of Massachusetts assembled a private Army to put down Shay and the other Citizens of the State that were shutting down the Courts.

When you look at the people of Shay you see the Civilian Militia at work, working to protect the people and Gov. Bowdoin with no Militia at all. In fact the Gov. had a private Army doing his bidding......So, ask yourself this question: Was Bowdoins private Army the reason for the WELL REGULATED MILITIA?

The Militia Regulations of 1792 call for a Supreme Court Justice to authorize a warrant for the Militia to use in defense of the Constitution. This Regulation disappeared in 1903 with the Federal Code of Regulations of 1902.

Well I will stop FLAPPING MY Gums.
Mike thank you for all you do....

Jon H. in Palm Springs

Anonymous said...

Then there is always 'Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire'

It pretty much starts and finishes with a premise that background checks are necessary for our safety. It's subtle, but it is there. Fudds get to speak too. I had high hopes for it but oh well.

A. Jones has been pretty much been saying the same things he did 20 years ago, and being right. His showmanship today grates on folks, and it's understandable. Conspiracies are theories not "proven yet" ya know like building #7, increased levels of aluminum in environments it is not naturally resident in, or Oswald not acting, knowingly or not, alone.

Point is, is there is a great deal of information one can glean from these tools that can be added to any grassroots individual's tool bag.

Allen said...

anon 12:36am..

alex jones is a PATCON stooge who graduated from the same program that Hal Turner did.

he has a track record of poor intel analysis, worthless tangents, and deliberate misdirection.

yes, every once in a while the raving lunatic in the town square gets one right. but a stopped clock is right twice a day too. that doesn't make it an accurate means to tell time.