6,176 hits yesterday. Phew. My average these days is about 1,500 or so, so you can see why they call it an "Insta-lanche." What happened? Well, Glenn Reynolds of Pajamas Media/Instapundit linked to my piece on GOP sellouts in re Holder and Steele. It just goes to show you that with a gruesome picture of the hanging corpse of a rogue circus elephant, all things are possible. A H/T to the Bitter/Sebastian NRA Tag Team of Verbal Wrestlers for getting me motivated on THAT.
As Frank Zappa famously said --
Do you love it?
Do you hate it?
There it is.
The way you made it.
From "Who are the Brain Police?", 1965.
You will also notice a bump back on Friday of 3,700 hits. (The dates on the graph are mis-labeled. What can I say? It comes from California.) That happened because John Rawles' Survival Blog linked to my piece on "Guerrilla Scavenging as an Art Form."
And the dumpster divers linked to me from Rawles. I'm getting hits from the dumpster divers' blogs now.
So welcome to all you Instapundits, survivalists and dumpster divers. Hope some of you stick around to join in the fray.
And thanks again to Bitter and Sebastian at Snowflakes in Hell. Great work, guys. Great, great work. I shall channel you again for my dark muse in the future.
What will you do with your new-found nefarious and widespread influence?
I say organize a nationwide "gun show loophole" day - just provide a counter to record millions of arms, receivers and parts sold and transferred without paperwork for the express purpose of confounding those 'in power'.
Its still legal and would be a great protest
Hmmm... if everyone privately sold one "papered" firearm on that day, that'd put a hiccup in the list, wouldn't it.
After that the phama industry might name you "Salesman of the Year", like the gun industry did The One.
Congrats, amazing how things can "snowball".
"And thanks again to Bitter and Sebastian at Snowflakes in Hell. Great work, guys. Great, great work. I shall channel you again for my dark muse in the future."
And now we know why you link to them :)
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