So anyway, David asked Pete if I could come out and play "stomp the weenie," and Pete said I could take a break from Absolved so I did. This is of course the same old "Almighty is the Leviathan State" crap that other disarmament advocates spew from time to time. See for example "Resistance is Futile": Waco Rules vs. Romanian Rules posted on David's blog almost two years ago.
No, the odd thing is not the victim disarmament pitch, but rather the guy's handle: "Monsignor." Now for those of you Catholic boys and girls, you know that a real Monsignor looks something like this:
Monsignor is an honorific used in the Catholic Church which describes a title and an office conferred upon a priest by the pope. Something tells me this guy is no priest.
On the other hand, this could be the Monsignor he's talking about:

Monsignor is a 1982 film about a Roman Catholic priest's rise through the ranks of the Vatican, during and after World War II. Along the way, he involves the Vatican in the black marketeering operations of a mafia don, and has an affair with a woman in the postulant stage of becoming a nun. -- Wikipedia.
So, OK, if he's not a priest, maybe he's just anti-Catholic, or is a seriously twisted fan of molesting nuns.
Or, perhaps he means it literally, for Monsignor is a derivation of the Italian "monsignore," which comes from the French "mon seigneur," meaning "my lord". So maybe he just believes he's been appointed by the Collectivist Borg to instruct us commoners in how best to be assimilated. Certainly his response to David's post and subsequent comments suggests a certain arrogance --
Monsignor: Ok. Let's say for instance that the government is really out to exterminate you and your family.
And you have prepared for this by legally arming yourself with the maximum amount of firepower available to a U.S. civilian. You are 100% legal and within your rights.
Do you really think you'll be able to stop laser-guided munitions dropped from 20,000-30,000 feet with your legally-acquired weapon? Do you think you'll ever even see the Navy SEAL who puts the laser-emitter on your roof?
Do you suppose your legally acquired weapon will prevent a chemical attack from a tank sitting a half-mile to your north? How many rounds of ammo do you think it will take to win when the government decides to poison your water? Do you REALLY think you can outshoot a two-man Marine sniper team? How many of them do you think you can defeat? One? Two? A hundred? You honestly believe that you can outshoot 100 Marine sniper teams from your standard brick-n-mortar American home?
Get real. When the government wants you dead you will be dead. Should you cause the deaths of any American soldiers commiting atroicities or violating your rights then the media will simply use this as proof that your death was necessary for order and security.
This "Guns will secure our rights" argument is a canard in the age of smart weapons and megatonnage. Always has been. Always will be.
February 23, 2:04 PM
So anyway this is how I played "stomp the weenie" ad seriatim with this Catholic-insulting scum sucker:
Mike Vanderboegh: Monsignor sings the lullabye of borg slavery, "resistance is futile":
"Ok. Let's say for instance that the government is really out to exterminate you and your family. And you have prepared for this by legally arming yourself with the maximum amount of firepower available to a U.S. civilian. You are 100% legal and within your rights. Do you really think you'll be able to stop laser-guided munitions dropped from 20,000-30,000 feet with your legally-acquired weapon?"
MBV: Yes, by killing the UAV operator, raiding the airbase before the strike is launched, killing the pilot while he is defenseless in the arms of a provided patriotic prostitute. There is ALWAYS a way.
Monsignor: "Do you think you'll ever even see the Navy SEAL who puts the laser-emitter on your roof?"
MBV: Uh, dickhead, its a "laser designator." If you're going to try to scare people, at least get the evil clown's name right.
Monsignor: "Do you suppose your legally acquired weapon will prevent a chemical attack from a tank sitting a half-mile to your north?"
MBV: Again, your ignorance is astounding. Tanks do not have standoff chemical weapon dispensers. Can't you at least conjure some demonic threat that is believeable?
Monsignor: "How many rounds of ammo do you think it will take to win when the government decides to poison your water?"
MBV: Again, patently ridiculous. How can a governemnt, ANY government, wage a civil war against an enemy that is across, athwart and within ITS OWN LOGISTICAL TAIL? All you're doing here is demonstrating your own military ignorance. Let's get this straight. You want us to be frightened of an INVENTED boogeyman from your own imagination?
Monsignor: "Do you REALLY think you can outshoot a two-man Marine sniper team?"
MBV: Me? No. Some of many friends? Oh most certainly yes. You are also assuming that Marines will take orders from collectivist dickheads to kill their own neighbors and relatives. They are more likely to shoot the SOB who gave the op order.
Monsignor: "How many of them do you think you can defeat? One? Two? A hundred?"
MBV: As many as they send, jerk. As many as they send, with a little help from my friends.
Monsignor: "You honestly believe that you can outshoot 100 Marine sniper teams from your standard brick-n-mortar American home?"
MBV: Again, you're assuming they will fight on the evil bad guys' side, but even if they do, why would I want to wait for them? There are better ways to kill people in righteous self-defense than standing up and waiting on them.
Monsignor: "Get real. When the government wants you dead you will be dead."
MBV: Perhaps. But when they do, they will have sown the wind to reap the whirlwind.
Monsignor: "Should you cause the deaths of any American soldiers commiting atrocities or violating your rights then the media will simply use this as proof that your death was necessary for order and security."
MBV: Certainly. And right after that, my friends will enforce Bill Clinton's Serbian rules of engagement on the politicians who sent the killers and the media who support them. They are willing to fight to last ATF agent. Are they willing to fight to the first politician? The second editor? The third media talking head? If they try it, we will find out.
Monsignor: "This 'Guns will secure our rights' argument is a canard in the age of smart weapons and megatonnage."
MBV: Really? Then I guess the Red Chinese didn't fight us to standstill in Korea, the North Vietnamese lost the last Southeast fracas, and Robert McNamara is your candidate for sainthood.
Again we see the obvious fact that you have never smelled gunpowder, cordite, burning buildings and bloated bodies. Of what utility are WMDs IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY WHICH YOU SEEK TO CONTROL?
Monsignor: "Always has been. Always will be."
MBV: NEVER has been. NEVER will be.
I can only suggest that you crawl back in your uninformed hole, hide and watch. We will demonstrate how it is done, if we are attacked. You are welcome to take notes.
-- Mike Vanderboegh
Pinson, AL
Note: I am now back at work on Absolved so save your insults, or direct them at David and Pete.
Thanks for posting this. I read his blog (and yours) daily, but I don't have the stomach or the patience to read the entire DIGG file.
Take care, my friend.
Og look out of cave.
Og see d1ckhead.
Og not like d1ckheads.
Og smash d1ckhead upside the head until Og's arm gets tired.
Og goes back into cave and finishes book.
his whole argument is based on one person being worth those kind of resources. sounds something like a mall ninja.
a socialist government, on the other hand, is based on the slightly less retarded notion that things can be done if and when you decree them done, irrespective of the economic calculation neccessary to determine whether the deal is a good one, let alone a good one for the people you claim to represent.
even the mafia is not this stupid.
if they expended the kind of resources this anonymous mouth-breather is talking about to eliminate even a slightly higher-value target than just some guy with a couple-few guns and a four-digit count of ammo for each, they'd still go broke before they even hit 1% of gun owners of such description.
the reality is that the threat is going to come from your own neighborhood, at little or no cost to the individual taxpayer.
the youthful generation that will betray its elders in the name of the state may already be breeding in "our" public "schools" even now.
they'll be paid minimum wage, but they'll report you for suspicious activities nonetheless.
I am reminded of the story from WW2, when the Germans occupied Yugoslavia. Tito (later "Marshall" Tito) was the head partisan fighting the Germans.
He was asked by a reporter how he planned to defeat the Germans, in their new Panzers, with a force armed only with old rifles. His response: "When the Germans leave their new tanks to take a piss, my partisans will shoot them with their old rifles.
In short, you don't fight an enemy where he is strong and you are weak, you fight him where he is weak and you are strong. Most of the time dumbshits don't realize this.
I will say this, though: if the government really, really wants you dead, dead you will be (the few obvious exceptions like Obama, err, uhhh, Osame bin Laden being the exception that proves the rule). However, there are many, many, many more of us than of them, and as many military strategists will point out, quantity has a quality all its own.
zwiazek walki zbrojnej
Explanation of Anon's post above:
Związek Walki Zbrojnej
Związek Walki Zbrojnej (ZWZ; Association of Armed Struggle) was a cryptonym of the Polish Army formed in Poland after it was occupied by Germany and the Soviet Union as a result of the Polish Defence War. It was created on November 13, 1939, out of the earlier organisation named Służba Zwycięstwu Polski and on February 14, 1942 it was reformed into the Home Army.
Mike, remind me to NEVER piss you off in a war of words!
I need what little weenie I have left after 15 years of marriage!
When is the finished Absolved book expected?
BTW, loved your resposne to Monsigneor.
Those who do not learn the lessons of the internet are forced to Google for it.
The year was 1998, the place was USENET, the thread was titled 'Tanks in Cityscapes: Can You Say Targets?'
The money quote(among others) is
"M1s don't roll when the drivers get shot in the back of
the head when they go to the john in their favorite titty bar.... "
Absolutely the best response imaginable to "his lordship".
I also notice that the prick did not have the balls to actively engage you in a war of wordsmanship.
Now, chain yourself back to the desk and get to finishing "Absolved".
This monsignor character reminds me of a cretinesque clerk at a gun store who warned me I wouldn't be so smug when 'they' come crashing into my house with APCs. -rolls eyes-
The Obamanation has triggered new conversations with my wife over dinner. Not so much about "how was your day, dear" as "I agree, you do need a new gun..."
Or, last night it started with, "have you been buying ammunition?"
Which segued into something about "from my cold dead hands..." and a discussion of our plan to see our last breath drawn in the doorway of our household as the storm-troopers pay a heavy price for their intrusion.
We are old enough that we won't take to the hedgerows or live the guerilla life. We'll simply live out what time we have in small-town America, watching the smoke from the cities darken the horizon and then, like our neighbors all around us in "fly-over" country where we still "cling to our guns" we will take a toll as they try to implement their policy.
It will be very expensive for them. I spent my life in service to my country, willing to give up that life for it. That might still be my fate.
Molon labe.
Way to put him in his place!
Do you really think you'll be able to stop laser-guided munitions dropped from 20,000-30,000 feet with your legally-acquired weapon?
Well, at that point, the war is won, and the government lost. CNN would have wall to wall coverage of the bomb site, and pilots would have to live in caves in Arizona. Good luck at recruiting any more, too.
If an insurrection lasted years, maybe you would see that after years of escalation. As the opening salvo? Epic fail.
Where do I send money so that I can have the book drop-shipped from the printer?
No hurry. Don't believe in "spellczech" get a few sets of good eyes to proof-read several times with red pencil.
That was [ABSOLVED]wonderful how you [ABSOLVED] tore that guy [ABSOLVED] a new ass! You really [ABSOLVED] have a talent [ABSOLVED] for the rational [ABSOLVED] argument Mike!
Mr. Vanderboegh, are you trying to tell us that tanks don't have chemical shells?
Mr. Anon,
Are you suggesting that the U.S. government would initiate a chemical attack on its own citizens?
I wonder how many people monseigneur is willing to kill to achieve his goals.
In any case, military hardware is very high maintenance. Go after the mechanics who keep it running and soon the planes are planters and the tanks are roadblocks.
The real issue is people like this don't understand the basic principal of it's better to die a free man than to live on your knees.
They must thank others for their freedom because they lack the fortitude to defend it themselves and certainly to have ever acquired it had they been born oppressed.
They hopefully can cook, since you know they can't shoot, and cannon fodder that curls into a ball and doesn't move isn't very useful.
Amen, Patriots. I want to give a shout out to the brave lads going overseas, who keep the Iraqis from landing in LST's and taking our freedoms at scimitarpoint.
This guy sounds like a sixteen year old mall ninja.
No, Anonymous, tanks do not have chemical shells. Your choices for the 120mm gun of an M1A1 or M1A2 Abrams are APFSDS (armor piercing fins-stabilized discarding sabot, a big AP dart), HEAT (high explosive anti-tank, a shaped charge), or the recently reintroduced canister round, which turns the tank gun into a huge shotgun.
The last battlefield chemical weapons in the US Army inventory were 155mm howitzer rounds. Those are mostly destroyed at Bluegrass Armory, Dugway Proving Ground, or at Johnston Atoll in the Pacific.
Of course, if you aren't a brainwashed nationalist, you'll realize that AmerEagle was using sarcasm. But I see it cleared the State-worship Magisterium.
Props, AmerEagle.
Seriously Mike, as diverting and enjoyable as it is to destroy soft targets like "My Lord", your opus will be Absolved.
No pressure you understand, but
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