Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Congressman Who Went Off the Grid

Roscoe Bartlett spent 20 years on Capitol Hill. Now he lives in a remote cabin in the woods, prepping for doomsday.
“You drove a long way to get here. How many houses did you see that were on fire?” he asks.
“None,” I say.
“Exactly, but I’ll bet you every one of them has fire insurance. And not one of them has insurance against something like this,” he says. “That’s all I’m asking for. A little common sense. This will happen, and we’re not ready for it.”


SWIFT said...

In recent news, Bernie Sanders of Vermont, confronted the NSA over spying on members of Congress and staffers. The NSA, thus far, has only offered a non-answer. I believe NSA did indeed spy on congress and has files on every member. If I am correct, this means we are in effect, being governed by our spy agencies, not the legislative branch. This is the most dangerous possibility I can imagine. I use the term "agencies", as I also believe the FBI and CIA, are in bed with the
NSA. While most patriots cannot follow the example of Roscoe Barlett, those who can should do so immediately. For those of us who cannot afford such a life style, lock and load, practice situational awareness and shoot FIRST at ANY threat, real or imagined. We are in the most dangerous time since the civil war.

Anonymous said...

quote:" I believe NSA did indeed spy on congress and has files on every member."unquote

Your suspicion was confirmed by Russ Tice...

As well your suspicion NSA shares intel with other agencys. In this case, SOD is CHARTERED to lie through it's teeth. If this isn't living proof of the Surveillance State gone mad..nothing is. "PARALLEL CONSTRUCTION" is simply a USG euphemism for LYING to a court. King George must be laughing his ass off.

FedUp said...

SWIFT, the NSA's answer to Bernie says it all.

"Welcome to the party, pals. You have the same privacy rights as any other citizen, in other words, none."

Anonymous said...

I would posit that damn few Americans who are actively involved in getting off-grid and out of the system, can afford the likes of what former "representative" Bartlett has set up for himself.

It must be especially nice to live off a bloated pension paid for by the very folks who will be left to endure the shit sandwich created by congressthings. Because I agreed with or you agreed with some of his votes doesn't make the sandwich taste any better.

Do also note he still keeps a finger in the pot for which he is most assuredly compensated handsomely...nice to have connections in this, the rotting corpse of the FUSA.

Thanks for all you did Roscoe. Hope you remain safe from the Zombie horde. We will be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Glad you printed this Mike. Saw it yesterday and the one thought that came to mind is We need about 98 Senators in the US Senate just like him. And 433 elected members of the US House of Representatives. We will leave a non breeding pair of Liberals around in both houses to remind everyone what assholes and brainless turds they really are. Debbie Stabs-us-now aka the Heat Miser from Michigan and Dickhead Durbin in the Senate and Rosa DeLuro CT and Hank Johnson from Georgia in the House. Johnson is the one that ask a Navy Admiral if they put more people on Guam would there be a danger of the island capsizing. Real brain power there.

Grantmeliberty said...

Hoover had his blackmail files, and I seriously doubt that he was the first. If by some great blessing of God some clean and straight individual were to be elected, I am sure that threats to family would provide all the leverage necessary.
Almighty God is our sole refuge and recourse, and repentance is our way back to Him.