Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"Vanderboegh warns against ‘delegitimized’ government at Texas rally."

“This is unpleasant stuff, this is dangerous stuff,” he acknowledged. “But this is what happens when a regime delegitimizes itself [and] throws away the Mandate of Heaven.”


Anonymous said...

Until examiner accepts comments from something other than fb, I'll answer here: the delegitimized gov't can kiss the asses of almost everybody in northern Arizona, since we all look like that poster.

Just try invading us, you'll see what a civil war is REALLY like.

SWIFT said...

Many on this board and other sites have pointed to solid evidence that for years, the government has been gearing up for war against Americans. The evidence has reached beyond a reasonable doubt stage. Plausible deniablity is only for ostriches. The targets of a white man, dressed in camo, are another small piece of the puzzle: the FEDs reach down to the state level of so-called law enforcement. If investigated, I believe you would find Fusion Center involvement in the targets. Some of you will recognize what I'm about to say. Before a dangerous event/situation, there is a "change". If you pay attention, you can feel it inside like a sixth sense. For me, there is also a smell that something isn't right. Hard to explain, but it is as real as the cup of coffee in front of me. It is like an awakening, a warning, that danger is stalking you. As many others have said, this is not going to end well.

David Codrea said...

Until gun owners start using social media, the other side will have a huge and effective information war weapon to use against us. No excuse will alter that reality.


Anonymous said...

What amazes me is what happens to people when they get employed by the government, especially if they have one shred of power. Especially LEO's and bureaucrats. They provide living testimony to the old axiom...
"Power Corrupts. Absolute power, corrupts absolutely." What they don't understand is power is simply an addiction to Synthetic Lobotomy Serum, and Obomber is in its last stage. After all, the IRS thing is living proof. He redlined the DUMB-O-METER on this one.

Anonymous said...

Ah...those poor little LEOs. They were upset that people are tired of wrong house no-knock warrants, their corruption and/or disregard for their oaths to the constitution; that we're fed up with them using the tired, lame excuse of "I'm just doing my job" while infringing on the people's rights?


Tough shit.

Anonymous said...

Ya Codrea....

As if Facebook and Twitter will somehow turn the tide of the collectivist brainwashing in this country.


Facebook is fast becoming a bastion of regulated speech....so that avenue of reaching the masses with politically incorrect speech is not going to work anyway.

Couple that with its failing business model and I'm not convinced FB will be around much longer anyway, what with all the fake user accounts, and false marketing of user profiles.

David Codrea said...

Ya Anonymous--I never said it would. It's just another tool in the belt that's very useful for some things and not at all for others.

Anonymous said...

GOT SOUND! Mozilla Firefox *may*
have been the difference. Maybe