Saturday, June 8, 2013

"Mistakenly." Right.

Officials: NSA mistakenly intercepted emails, phone calls of innocent Americans


Anonymous said...


Kinda like the guy who accidentally stabbed his wife 27 times.


Anonymous said...

Is that anything like "losing track" of the 2000 or so "semi-automatic military-style assault weapons" that ATF fed into the hands of the Mexican cartels?

Zombie Adolf Eichmann said...

Boy, do I have egg on my face! It turns out that the Reichskanzlerei wanted me to *thrill* all of the Jews. Apparently, I was supposed to hold a big fair and show them the advantages of helping us out in the war effort. Whoops! Aren't I the silly goose!

No hard feelings, right? Right?

William Flatt said...

Riiiiiighhhhtt.... just like Waco, Ruby Ridge, Arkansas suicides of Clinton opponents, etc.

More 'Mandate of Heaven' slipping from their grasp. Hopefully the trend will accelerate until all of our government, Federal and the states that deny liberty - like CA, IL, NJ & NY - are as believed & trusted like "Baghdad Bob", and we can get back to 1776.