Tuesday, June 11, 2013

It's that old "despised by the despicable" thing. Congrats to Kurt Hofmann. And I make the "Insurrectionism Timeline" for the fifth time. (But the ignorant bastards can't spell my name right.)

St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner humbly accepts CSGV's highest honor
Also, Kurt informs me, "You made the "Insurrectionism Timeline" again (for the fifth time, by my count), too:"
April 20, 2013—Speaking at a rally organized by the Connecticut Citizens Defense League, former Alabama militia leader Mike Vanderbeogh (sic) voices his displeasure with new gun laws passed by the Connecticut state legislature in the wake of mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school. In repsonse to the regulations, Vanderbeogh (sic) urges the crowd to "Defy. Resist. Evade. Smuggle." He adds, "If we wish to avoid armed conflict, get this message across to the collectivists who have declared their appetites for our liberty, our property and our lives: 'When democracy turns to tyranny, the armed citizen still gets to vote.'"
Kurt adds: "Nicely done, but haven't they noticed your Temple speech yet?" Good question. The collectivist mokes are slipping. Maybe I should send them an email.
Kurt's "Insurrectionist" patches with "Chairborne" tabs. I have a hat with the one on the right. (Minus the 'Chairborne' tab, of course.) I wear it when I'm reloading.

1 comment:

Inquiring Minds said...

"Maybe I should send them an email."

Haven't you been watching the news? You just did.