Wednesday, June 12, 2013

CSGV characterizes oath to obey Constitution as 'treason'

There is no denying that there are subversives in this debate. They're the ones trying to demonize those who have vowed not to obey an unconstitutional order. The only logical reason to object to the Oath Keepers is a desire that such orders be carried out. So who are the "traitors," again?


WarriorClass III said...

Kurt Hofmann does a great job, but I have to take issue with his statement about Treason:

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

Readers have probably noticed that the Oath Keepers have not been "levying War against" the U.S., and CSGV would probably be hard pressed to name any "Enemies" of the U.S. to whom the Oath Keepers have given "Aid and Comfort."

The "them" in the definition refers to the people, not the government. If the government levies war against the people, the government is guilty of Treason.

Other than that, Kurt, I love your columns. Since I dumped Facebook I can't comment there, but keep up the good work!

FedUp said...

If resistance is futile, why does Josh Sugartwit have his panties in a constant knot over the prospect of it?

Anonymous said...

Dear Oathkeepers:

What part of "shall not be infringed" don't you understand?

Stop enforcing gun laws. Look the other way. Stop being a kapo.

NICS checks, full auto bans, CCW permits, federal licensed dealers, ammo bans, mag bans, and private party sale bans are unconstitutional infringements.

Obey your oath.

William Flatt said...

Obeying the Constitution is indeed treason, treason against the tyrants and usurpers.

I believe Patrick Buchanan said it best, back in February 2000: "Loyalty to the Republic is Treason to the New World Order".

Conservatarian1 said...

Constitution prohibits the Federal gov't from infringing and interfering. Individual States however MAY institute their own control measures. Now, the feds have no authority whatsoever, for or against and should be butting out, as should the SCOTUS. If you're not happy with your State's decisions, either work to change their legislations against the people, or vote with your feet and get to a desirable State.