Friday, June 7, 2013


America in the Midst of a Coup d'Etat
He said whether you believe it or not, there is not one document linking Adolf Hitler to the holocaust. Adolf Hitler never put it on paper what he intended to do. There is no smoking gun. And yet what happened? We know that the Nazis engaged in the Holocaust. Herb Meyer's point was that the people Hitler hired didn't have to be told. They didn't have to be given instructions. All they had to do was listen to what Hitler was saying. All they had to do was listen to what his objectives were. And he said the same thing's happening here with this administration. He went to great pains to say: I'm not calling this administration a bunch of Nazis. I'm just using this as an illustration. I know people will get my point if I use something this notorious, the Nazi regime.
It's a point that I've made here about the IRS. They say, "Well, you can't link it in to Obama." You don't need to link Obama to it. He hired these people. Lois Lerner and everybody at the IRS who's doing this is doing everything they can to please Obama. There's not gonna be a smoking gun, but you don't need a smoking gun to know where this administration's doing what it's doing.
Obama puts people in positions that mirror him. Eric Holder, you name it, they're doing Obama's bidding. Everybody. Susan Rice and Samantha Power, they are Obama, and there's a context for what's happening. Herbert Meyer, if I may quote him again, asserted that essentially what's taking place in the United States right now is a coup, not a violent coup, and not a million artistic coup, but nevertheless a takeover of a government, and it's being done by the Obama administration.


Charles N. Steele said...

Very well said. Mark Levin is making a similar case as eloquently -- the makings of a police state.

Freedom First 1775 said...

A Revolution is when the people rise up against an established government and replace it entirely.

A Coup d'Etat is when forces within an existing government supplant the forms of government WITHOUT the consent of the governed.

You are entirely correct in your assertion that this administration is replacing our forms of government without our consent.

What remains is will the sheep notice the change in management and do something about it?

Anonymous said...

Not to be a stickler, but Hitler DID put his goals on paper, an entire book, and there were mountains of documents captured by the Allies that ended up at Nuremberg as evidence.

However, Rush's ultimate point, as the old saying goes, "Everything Hitler did was legal."

Anonymous said...

Mike, do you think there's a possibility of organizing protests right outside the gate at Camp Williams to remind the NSA employees and even those helping to build that Beast hub out in Utah that we're watching them, too?

Anonymous said...

Toadies are sometimes more dangerous than the Big man himself.

Anonymous said...

Very well stated, sir. these are historically significant times.

Anonymous said...

So stop flappin yer lips And flogging your keyboard and DO SOMETHING. You want Change? Then get you lazy asses out side and DO IT.

William Flatt said...

Rush Limbaugh missed the fact that ECHELON and other electronic spying programs have been around for a long time, and these programs have been aimed at American citizens to an increasing extent over the last 20 years. Bush didn't start the modern internet surveillance on Americans, Clinton did. Programs like Magic Lantern, Carnivore and Omnivore were some of the first. Bush simply ratcheted up the spying, and he did it on the 9/11 pretext even though most of the NSA programs that have been defended as "a necessary byproduct of the war on terror" actually began at least 7 months BEFORE 9/11.

The fact of the matter is, Clinton's interest in spying on Americans was purely political. He wanted to do what Obama has done, including using the IRS as a political weapon. Indeed, collectivists like these rarely change their stripes.

What's being lost in all of the buzz about PRISM and the swarm of other scandals lately is the fact that SCOTUS has given its blessing to the complete digital repudiation of the 4th Amendment. The Fibbies (FBI, for all you FNG types) were green-lighted for the collection and analysis of ALL telephone CONTENT and internet traffic of American citizens, via the massive federal data center in Utah. This center has the capability of holding at least several hundreds of petabytes (that's like 1000 terabytes or a million Gb) of data. In short, the federal storage capability here is greater than the total sum of everything on the internet. They need this massive capability for one simple mission; total information awareness. If that sounds familiar, that's because that was the actual name of an office at DARPA that was started after 9/11 and headed by convicted felon John Poindexter (ADM,USN Ret.) of Iran-Contra infamy.

It has also been a long established fact that the feds have secret, FOIA-inaccessible files on everyone living in the US, and a great many people who live outside the US, including American citizens and foreigners of interest. I have often mused how extensive and colorful my 'file' is, although I am sure that it's not as large or as colorful as Mike's.

In other words, the federal government has been spying on Americans for a VERY long time, and that surveillance grid is now absolute. It would be the envy of the Gestapo, Stasi, and KGB. In short, people need to start assuming that ALL communications are monitored, because they are. All voice traffic, all text messages, all internet, every word you say or type is collected by the JBT's. IF you want to be secure, you need to use TOR browser for web privacy, Gnu PG encryption for email, Cryptocat instant messaging plugin for Firefox, and other encryption for other digital applications.

Even 2/6/10m radio communications can be encrypted, though the FCC says that's a no-no (illegal). What's important is that you establish the capability and have it ready to deploy BEFORE the balloon goes up.

Most 3%rs have so much guns & ammo that it gives scum like Feinstein & Schumer nightmares :-) but how many of you have radio & computer gear? I know that having a ruggedized laptop and an Ironkey USB stick is expensive, but all top commanders should have this, along with a full array of radio gear. I know Mike has done a Praxis article on this before, and I hope he does so again. I cannot emphasize how important communications and organization are to a resistance movement, which is PRECISELY why this total surveillance grid is being deployed by the feds.

Get your commo and your crypto and train your people on it now, and as often as you go shooting. Leaders need to train on CPX (command post exercises) as soon and as often as possible, with an eye towards OPSEC.


Anonymous said...

The American people need to wake up to the fact that unless these surveillance programs are stopped, the US gov't will have the most perfect tool for political repression ever devised. These programs don't stop terrorists (i.e., the Boston bombing); they are not deployed overseas against foreign threats, these spy programs are all aimed at the American people. If this isn't stopped soon, America will very rapidly turn into a total lockdown police state of nightmare proportions... and it has already begun.

Dave said...

No need to invoke Godwin, this method is quite a bit older than Hitler.

"Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?"

Silver-tongued devils in positions of power have never really needed direct orders to have their will carried out.

Paul X said...

Eh, one can go overboard with this stuff. Anyway the horses are already out of the barn. We just need to assume the surveillance has already been happening for a long time. The "right" to privacy is a fantasy, always has been. For most of our existence there was no privacy in human society. Every little town is like living in a fishbowl.

There are a couple of things to do however. It is never a bad move to decrease one's footprint or signature, so start using encryption technologies - if only to annoy the snoops (and also to protect against things like ID theft). One very hopeful development is "bitmessage" making all email traffic encrypted without any effort. Google it, install it, start playing with it.

The second thing is to develop and use offensive technologies. If we have to live in a fishbowl, then the ruling class does also. "Turn about is fair play."

The idea is not to get depressed about loss of privacy, but instead to not care. I've been posting a long time on the internet and the snoops no doubt have a large electronic dossier on me. They want to do something, well that's what my battle rifles are for. I'm not going to live in fear. In fact, more than the value of the "intelligence" they gather on us (of which 99.999% is of doubtful utility), I think what they are really shooting for with this surveillance is getting us to fear them. Don't fear them. They and their crowd are dinosaurs, about to be overcome by technology and human will.