Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Treaty is coming! The Treaty is coming!"
Gentleman, I can excuse the younger guys but, all the old timers should know Mike is a RAT. He blathers out comments in the hope of inciting a few of the more eager beaver citizens to say or do something illegal, passes such intel to his contact and collects his meager reward. Be wise new people. Those that do, DO. Those that make outrageous statements, statements that guarantee a visit from FBI yet nothing happens, are I N F O R M A N T S. Be wise patriots.
Actually I was born in 1952, the year of the dragon.
Well Mike, I don't "really" know if you are a rat or MI6 or the Queen of England in drag. I don't know this for certain because I have never met you though even then I might not know. Hell, maybe I am Jimmy Carter and I don't even know it. I have, however, read your posts and I have decided to believe in your sincerity as a Patriot. There are plenty of rats already scurrying about, gnawing away at what Liberty remains for us all and we III-pers/Patriots/'insert other titles here' are the type of bunch that doesn't really give a rat's ass who tattles on the mean and rotten things we might say. Personally Mike, I think you are the real deal; even if you weren't, the worst you'd get would be some angry ranting from some guys and gals that have just about fucking had enough. I already have diarrhea of the mouth on Facebook, where such language is much more likely to get me into trouble...I just don't give a shit. What could happen to me? Will I get black bagged in the middle of the night?...the black baggers better wear ballistic face shields as well. I have done nothing wrong and neither have damn near all of us here; we are not plotting to kill civilians or blow up buildings because that is not a very honorable or Patriotic thing to do, in fact it is just plain wrong.
If Mike is a rat, an agent provacateur, then I am an assassin with a bucket list of lefty asshats and their AOs.
Oh, wait....
Word to the "wise", Analamouse.
1989, year of the snake. So does that mean we're kinda related? Assuming dragons are reptiles...
I remember an occasion, where I made a rash comment that could have gotten me into trouble. Mike was kind enough to NOT publish my comment, and gave me some good advice on being more responsible in choosing my words.
Exactly opposite of what anon claims.
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