Monday, November 18, 2013

If Congress 'finishes the job' as Brady Campaign demands, the 2nd Amendment is finished

Banning private sales will not "finish the job" to the gun prohibitionists' satisfaction. Even total forcible citizen disarmament is only a step (albeit an enormous one) in the direction the "progressives" would take us--toward a destination an armed citizenry would never allow itself to be taken. And even that is unlikely to be the ultimate end point.


Roger said...

Molon Labe

Anonymous said...

These Brady clowns get tiresome. Of course they have not a clue as how to achieve their objectives. The majority of society does not agree with them. Yet they keep on with their tired old rant. If they read the newspapers, or watch the news, it is clearly
unlikely to get this congress to much of anything. Just as well.

Anonymous said...

I can understand how getting shot in the head made Mr. Brady an imbecile, but I don't understand exactly how it had the same effect on Mrs. Brady and her supporters.
They must have all been imbeciles to begin with, don't ya think?