There were none made officially in .45acp, although a similar but single-shot design known as the "sleeve gun" was made in .45acp. Ever drop a marble on a tile floor as a kid? That's about the same sound you get, aside from the bullet hitting something. I suggest you look into that, there are full blueprints available, and they're perfectly legal to make so long as the owner-to-be files and is approved for a $200 silencer stamp and $5 (or, if making by yourself and not through a SOT, $200 as well) AOW stamp.
you can also order Swiss precision models in pistol and carbine models but have to go through those legal hoops to get them from B&G AT. They euphemistically call their version of the Welrod, the VP9, a 'veterinary pistol'. for use in humanely terminating large animals. Love their sense of humor.
There's already a better weapon out there. The AWC Amphibian. It's a Ruger Mark III chambered for .22LR with a modified integral suppressor barrel. I have one. They call it "amphibian" because it runs wet or dry. It's a pretty quiet pistol. But If you want it to be super silent, just pour two tablespoons of water down the barrel into the suppressor baffles. A sneeze is louder. The working action is louder. You get ten really silent shots before you need to add water again. And it's made from Titanium, so it won't rust out. Just clean it good, then air blast it dry.
One of the cool things is the internally vented barrel that slows high velocity rounds down below sub-sonic. No need to use subsonic ammo. As a matter of fact, they recommend against using sub-sonic ammo. Has great Ruger Mark III accuracy.
I was doing some urban pest control out in our yard. Fired it four times. My wife and kids indoors heard nothing. Neither did anybody else. I wasn't using it in wet mode.
It's not a cheap gun. $1600 plus the $200 suppressor tax.
I recall that the OSS developed a semi-auto fully silenced pistol in .22. The tale is that it was brought into a room occupied by FDR and a full magazine fired without him hearing a thing. He supposedly replied after it was shown to him that the person who fired it (Bull Donovan perhaps) was the only Republican that FDR would trust with a pistol in his presence. I have never been able to confirm that event actually happened or how many of the pistols were built and/or used.........
a pen flare gun, a standard oil filter, and an adapter between the two chambered in .380 or .45. some means of sighting the beast might be useful...I wonder if a laser pointer could be secured to the side of the oil filter but still be easily removable...
There were none made officially in .45acp, although a similar but single-shot design known as the "sleeve gun" was made in .45acp. Ever drop a marble on a tile floor as a kid? That's about the same sound you get, aside from the bullet hitting something. I suggest you look into that, there are full blueprints available, and they're perfectly legal to make so long as the owner-to-be files and is approved for a $200 silencer stamp and $5 (or, if making by yourself and not through a SOT, $200 as well) AOW stamp.
Oh yeah... Gotta love a .45
A Geriatric Threeper
where can I order a half-dozen?
you can also order Swiss precision models in pistol and carbine models but have to go through those legal hoops to get them from B&G AT. They euphemistically call their version of the Welrod, the VP9, a 'veterinary pistol'. for use in humanely terminating large animals. Love their sense of humor.
Can I have the Fairbairn - Sykes too?
There's already a better weapon out there. The AWC Amphibian. It's a Ruger Mark III
chambered for .22LR with a modified integral suppressor barrel. I have one. They call it "amphibian" because it runs wet or dry. It's a pretty quiet pistol. But If you want it to be super silent, just pour two tablespoons of water down the barrel into the suppressor baffles. A sneeze is louder. The working action is louder. You get ten really silent shots before you need to add water again. And it's made from Titanium, so it won't rust out. Just clean it good, then air blast it dry.
One of the cool things is the internally vented barrel that slows high velocity rounds down below sub-sonic. No need to use subsonic ammo. As a matter of fact, they recommend against using sub-sonic ammo. Has great Ruger Mark III accuracy.
I was doing some urban pest control out in our yard. Fired it four times. My wife and kids indoors heard nothing. Neither did anybody else. I wasn't using it in wet mode.
It's not a cheap gun. $1600 plus the $200 suppressor tax.
I recall that the OSS developed a semi-auto fully silenced pistol in .22. The tale is that it was brought into a room occupied by FDR and a full magazine fired without him hearing a thing. He supposedly replied after it was shown to him that the person who fired it (Bull Donovan perhaps) was the only Republican that FDR would trust with a pistol in his presence. I have never been able to confirm that event actually happened or how many of the pistols were built and/or used.........
In 45ACP there was the DeLisle Carbine. Not concealable but more accurate.
a pen flare gun, a standard oil filter, and an adapter between the two chambered in .380 or .45. some means of sighting the beast might be useful...I wonder if a laser pointer could be secured to the side of the oil filter but still be easily removable...
the wheels are turning.....
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