Works for me. Obama administration tries scaring the GOP with the lumpenproletariat boogeyman.

Lumpenproletariat is a term that was originally coined by Karl Marx to describe the layer of the working class that is unlikely ever to achieve class consciousness and is therefore lost to socially useful production, of no use to the revolutionary struggle, and perhaps even an impediment to the realization of a classless society. The word is derived from the German word Lumpenproletarier, a word literally meaning "miscreant" as well as "rag". The term proletarian was first defined by Marx and Friedrich Engels in The German Ideology (1845) and later elaborated on in other works by Marx. The Marxist Internet Archive writes that "[lumpenproletariat] identifies the class of outcast, degenerated and submerged elements that make up a section of the population of industrial centers" which include "beggars, prostitutes, gangsters, racketeers, swindlers, petty criminals, tramps, chronic unemployed or unemployables, persons who have been cast out by industry, and all sorts of declassed, degraded or degenerated elements." -- Wikipedia.
Government shutdown could cut off food stamps

. . . In the late 1960s, Huey P. Newton and the Black Panther Party came to believe that the lumpenproletariat could have a progressive role. Newton argued that the economic and social system of his time was fundamentally different from that which Marx based his analysis on, saying, "As the ruling circle continue to build their technocracy, more and more of the proletariat will become unemployable, become lumpen, until they have become the popular class, the revolutionary class". This is the class the Black Panther Party sought to organize, he said. Some disregard Newton's interpretation, saying he applied the term to, and sought to organize, the temporarily unemployed, rather than the true lumpen. However, a careful reading of his writings reveals repeated references to the "unemployed" and "unemployable" as those with revolutionary potential.
Frantz Fanon also argued in The Wretched of the Earth (1961) that revolutionary movements in colonized countries could not exclude the lumpenproletariat, as it constitutes both a counterrevolutionary and a revolutionary potential. He described the lumpenproletariat as "one of the most spontaneous and the most radically revolutionary forces of a colonized people". However, it is an ignorant and desperate class, particularly susceptible to being co-opted by counterrevolutionary forces. Therefore, he claimed, education of the dispossessed masses should be central to revolutionary strategy. -- Wikipedia.

Well, there is always lovable "Lumpy" on Leave it to Beaver.
Dumb them down in order to control them, yeah sounds like a great idea. What happens when they become too dumb, to zombified, to be "organized"? Too feral to be civilized? Well, you get inner city Chicago and DC and Baltimore. You get uncivilized feral anarchy. When that is not dealt with properly, for many generations, well, you get the depravity and barbarism witnessed in other parts of the world - from Riyahd to Rawanda. You get local tribal genocidal bloodletting.
I submit that countering the Ferals, by trying to educate them indeed has merit, but that is a serious roll of the dice because knowledge offered requires acceptance. When Ferals do not WANT to learn, there is no way to teach them. That leaves only the same path they already travel - warfare. The question left then is simple.
Do the Ferals win out by the intellectuals refusing to fight back or does Liberty win out because while intellectuals bow to fear and the supposed power of their abstract ideas, freemen choose to defend their rights against all comers assault?
Freemen have to address the tactical mistake of aiding the enemy out of "humanitarianism". It has to be recognized that feeding and clothing those who seek to slit your throats or enskave you is abject idiocy, that there does come a point when the "humanitarian" thing to do is teach a man to fish, rather than giving him a fish, or accept that if he simply refuses to fish he gets to go hungry because it is his chosen decision to be hungry.
Time to stop feeding those who will not do anything to feed themselves but whine and demand someone else feed them.
Fools who want to provide cradle to grave "aid" are just going to have to understand that no longer will taxation be a tool to suffice their personal desires, but instead they will have to spend their own resources to feel good about themselves. As for the leeches, the gibsmedats, well, sorry bout yer luck - go suck an egg you vampires.
"And the blacks still don't realize what chumps they're being played for by their "black" president....."
May I add, NAACP, Jessie Jackson, Sharpton, Farrakhan, White Middle Class Anarchist's, Socialist Americans, Pimp like American Politicians........
Until they STOP Identifying(as People)chained to past....NOTHING will change.
And well this says it all..
"The process has been complicated because of a battle over federal funding for Planned Parenthood and the group's involvement in the practice of procuring tissue from aborted fetuses for research purposes."
Then there are these...
They are there own worst enemy, just listen to there "Leaders" and there "Celebrities" they Mimick and Idolize.
When is the black community going to figure out that the democrats are NOT their friends!
My question: Can these mouth-breathers run faster than 980fps? We obviously cannot have any reasoned debate or discourse with them. So, we must prepare to protect ourselves from them.
"When is the black community going to figure out that the democrats are NOT their friends!"
Never. Individuals have and will but the community as a whole will never fgure it out. Or if they do it will be far too late to matter.
The government is "threatening" to interrupt its own lifeblood, the continuous destructive cycle of theft, enablement, dysfunctionality, and victimization? I'm terrified!!!
Nice trial balloon by the current administration.
Expect ebt cards to fail going into the election, riots break out, martial law declared, elections suspended, GOPe backs the "emergency measure" so they can remain in Congress.
Let it begin. It's going to happen sooner or later, it's inevitable. Why wait until their numbers increase even more? Let's get this ball rollin'.
When Marx has no use for ya that's pretty bad...
From my reading of Solzhenitsyn, the state was able to use urkas to good advantage against the run-of-the-mill zeks in the camps. Same principle applies here, I'd say.
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