Friday, September 25, 2015

Rough night, rose late.

More later on.


Anonymous said...

More later? Woo hooooo
I can-not-wait to see Mike Vs take on the Silent Speakers abrupt resignation.
You know, I cannot help but think it has direct links to the Brian Terry killers trial and the obvious hiding of plain as day already known to the pubic evidence. I think the bergdahl tapes not used in trial was a direct effort to blunt the search algorithms for evidence not used.
The Silent Speaker knew all about the gun running - he HAD TO KNOW- and it looks to me like it was out YOU go or we out you now.

Gotta go - The Silent Speaker is finally talking - giving his resignation speech.

Unknown said...

Something to cheer you up. Boehner Resigns!Old Yellow Stain is out!Now on a more serious note, May you be blessed and God watch over you and yours. Taz, FL