Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Poor babies. “Whichever way you stand on the Second Amendment, recruiters showing up armed is not going to make either educators or parents comfortable.”

Marine Corpos general uses hoplophobia as an excuse for unilateral disarmament.


PhilaBOR said...

And maybe the potential recruits that are afraid of guns are NOT THE ONES WE WANT IN THE MILITARY!

Anonymous said...

Showing up in a hoop skirt with some tasteful pumps and matching handbag would definitely make the "educators" more comfortable...

PO'd American said...

Just a suggestion....why don't we place all general officers HQ offices inside these recruiting stations?

Josh said...

At the top it's semper retarded.

This series of videos will try to explain what we're seeing in US mil commands;

Anonymous said...

Listen folks, there is a reason that brass doesn't want the recruiters armed, and it is the same reason they don't want most armed in base. It has ZERO to do with gun control efforts od direct disarmament, but it is related to it.
Brass interacts with regular joes. If regular joes are armed, two possibilities exist and THOSE are what they want to remain hidden.

First, and most pathetic, is that there is almost NO firearms training in basic training. There is not much for most job assignments afterward. What they want hidden is that MOST of our military personnel do not train regularly with arms. Our Militia is not well friggin regulated. Higher ups fear "accidents" because so many of these young people have NO ARMS SKILLS and to boot they are not teaching them or practicing them.

Second is the fools errand it is to have muslims and aliens (not citizens) among the troops. There is serious danger of "grenades tossed into our tents". Rather than get off the political correctness and boot those peckerwoods out of OUR military, they play the "unity through diversity" idiocy.

Kids graduate boot camp only shooting a few dozen rounds. Many of these kids enter the military having never touched a firearm. Some will refuse to believe this reality......sadly. But they ought get their head out of the sand.

Our military is not well regulated because our population is not well regulated. Maybe we ought try adhering to the Second Amendment.....