Saturday, June 14, 2014

Just Shoot: The Mindset Responsible For Turning Search Warrants Into Death Warrants, And SWAT Teams Into Death Squads

Just shoot.


Paul X said...

"Thus, each time we as a rational, reasoning, free-minded people fail to be outraged by government wrongdoing—whether it’s the SWAT team raids that go awry, the senseless shootings of unarmed citizens, ... —we become accomplices in bringing about our own downfall."

Sorry, John, mere outrage is not going to help. Stronger medicine is needed, such as retribution. Outrage without action is a badge of slavery.

"If ever there were a time to de-militarize and de-weaponize police forces, it’s now, starting at the local level, with local governments and citizens reining in local police."

Yeah, go ahead and rein them in (which, if I'm not mistaken, is a euphemism for begging). See how far you get with that. The psychos in the ruling class love cowed people; why would your whining cause them to change their ways?

The problem is basic. Men, fathers, husbands are not doing their job. Until they work up some courage to do it, there will be no improvement in the state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

So...what can we do? Harden our homes with lex-guard instead of glass, steel plates behind our sheet rock, escape tunnels, claymores? Do we open fire if we see black helmets and hidden faces surrounding our homes, especially if we, our wives and little children, are known to be innocent? RELEASE TOO MANY HOUNDS FOR THEM TO KILL?

We vote the bastards out of office that allow this to go on and make the practice of using SWAT teams, military tactics and weapons by civilian law enforcement illegal.

Until then, we probably should shoot first and kill as many of them as possible...because they will not be interested in sparing our lives.

Shawn McEwen said...

The reality of this is worrisome, but this kind of thing is also, in part, romanticized by Hollywood's portrayal "heroes" wearing badges, and packing the latest sexy carbines into "harms way"; and many people buy into that narrative. Couple that with teaching the average type A, LEO personality that discretion, objectivity, and restraint are weaknesses, not assets, and what can we expect.

One thing that I've learned in life is that there are no completely innocent parties, with the exception (in most cases) of children. The longer WE let this happen, the more difficult it will be to stop it. Excess is the enemy here, in all of its myriad forms. Unfortunately there is no way to legislate discretion, objectivity, and restraint... they can be taught by an instructor of integrity though.

For you LEOs out there who fear for your safety enough to justify viewing everyone as a suspect, it's time for you to choose another career path. Get on that.

For you LEOs that still exercise discretion, and valor, teach what you know. I beg you.

Anonymous said...

Plan B:

The time to plan what you are going to do is NOT at 4a when your front door is being kicked in. The time is now and, unless you WANT to kill a stick of SWAT you need to be public and intimidating.
For instance, you need to have an emergency plan with your family. Once that is created get together with neighbors, friends and coworkers. Then do some training complete with Youtube videos. Get your local police involved by finding and SUPPORTING those LEOs worthy of respect.

Then watch the bullies and incompetents squirm in your trained, prepared and firm regard.

Anonymous said...

There is going to be a 'Kill the Bill' rally on Beacon Hill, 6/19 in MA.

We need to stop talking to legislators who refuse to listen and speak to every police officer there; both in uniform and out.

We need to firmly and with resolve ask them: whose side are you on and can we be on your side.

The time to make choices is NOT while both sides are staring down the barrel of a firearm and lining up sights. Responsible, respectable, competent, law abiding law enforcement officers should have NOTHING to fear from free citizens and free citizens should be ready to stand with LEO not 'shelter in place'.

Anonymous said...

An individual home owner has very little chance of any defense at that moment when his front door is smashed open and his house is filled with armed SWAT members.

But it's in the days that follow that will turn the tide of such lawlessness.

Each of these invading members is someone's next-door neighbor. Most have a spouse and kids. When the tide of "an eye for an eye" begins to rise, these above-the-law A#%Holes will starkly see that life is indeed a two-edged sword.

Kenny said...

It's is good to have a plan B.
First is to make sure your sheriff's, SWAT teams and Police in your county don't do the 4 am not knock warranty. I can tell you in the Frederick county and surrounding county's all have CSPOA. During the SB281 in Maryland many did speak against it. I have not heard of no knock's in Maryland, YET.

Anonymous said...

From the article..
quote"If ever there were a time to de-militarize and de-weaponize police forces, it’s now, starting at the local level, with local governments and citizens reining in local police."unquote

These people already started...

Unfortunately, they've asked the Michigan State police to do the investigation. IS the Michigan State police...

I can't imagine ANY scenario where domestic law enforcement need to dress as if they are on a battlefield. This is plain sick.