Monday, June 9, 2014

“I guess Mississippi doesn't want Federal money anymore.”

Mississippi voters stagger Thad Cochran --- and K Street


Anonymous said...

Time to start running all of these assclowns out of jobs.

Anonymous said...

"I guess Mississippi doesn't want federal money anymore."

What exactly is "federal money"?

Would that be the money taxed out of the pockets of American Citizens and corporations? Or would that be the money borrowed from our good friends in Beijing?

Either way, apparently the good people of Mississippi figure that borrowing 40% of every dollar of "federal money" spent is a really bad idea, and have decided to take steps to rein it all in.

They might just break a few "K-Street" rice bowls in the process.

Anonymous said...

Get a load of the rent seeking commenter at that article.

That's what is so nefarious and insidious about this whole system. It creates dependents, who become defenders of the system because they derive their sustenance from it. Even as they scream at the suggestion that the gravy train be slowed from a torrent to a mere downpour, bemoaning how it will affect them, they remain utterly callous to how much of a burden the gravy train is to other people. It really is a form of parasitism.

This state of affairs, it simply cannot last.