Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Guilt by disassociation? The collectivist Daily Beast smear of the Three Percent and, not coincidentally, me.

After scores of left collectivist spree killers have not fit the firearm confiscationists' desired meme, the Julius Streicher wannabes of the collectivist media finally has some killers that they think they can smear so-called "hatriots" (that's us) with: "Hatriot Politics Created the Las Vegas Killers" by John Avlon whose bio proclaimes:
John Avlon is the editor-in-chief of The Daily Beast. A CNN contributor, he won the National Society of Newspaper Columnists’ award for best online column in 2012.
Jerad and Amanda Miller, the Wingnuts whose killing spree left two policemen, a civilian, and themselves dead, were inspired by fright-wing radio hosts and militia movement groups. The obsessively anti-government Hatriot movement moved from cultivating conspiracy theories to real killing on Sunday in Las Vegas. . .
But the crime scene chronology only tells part of the story—because the Millers’ Massacre had been brewing for a long time, visible online. Their Facebook pages detail a descent into a murderous rage, railing against a tyrannical government and parroting talking points from fright-wing radio hosts such as Alex Jones and militia movement groups such as the Three Percenters while “liking” the pages of conservative activist groups ranging from the Heritage Foundation to FreedomWorks and the NRA. Miller’s profile picture was a skull wearing an American flag bandana against a backdrop of crossed knives over the word “Patriot.”
Further down the guilt by association road (no, strike that, for this is a guilt by disassociation road Avlon is on):
There have been reflexive attempts to associate some recent mass shooters with the right-wing politics of incitement. The common denominator in most cases has been mental illness and access to guns, as in the case of Rep. Gabby Giffords would-be assassin, Jared Lee Loughner. But in the Las Vegas case, the extremist political fingerprints are clear. Jerad Miller was a product of his environment, the unhinged right wing echo chamber and its constant drumbeat about government tyranny being imposed on freedom-loving citizens. . .
Miller reposted articles from Alex Jones’s InfoWars website, promoted slogans about the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives being a domestic terrorist organization, and was deeply into Second Amendment advocacy organizations. Significantly down the political food chain, Miller also seemed to identify with the sovereign citizens movement and the Three Percenters organization, whose founder Mike Vanderboegh’s homepage warns, “All politics in this country now is just dress rehearsal for civil war.”
"Seemed to identify"? With the Three Percent? You mean like our embrace of "No Fort Sumters"? You mean like our insistence upon no targeting of innocents? You mean they identified with the same people who ran them off from the Bundy place? You see, gentle readers, this professional prevaricator for politics and profit links people such as ourselves (and even Ron and Rand Paul) with right collectivist murderers who apparently embraced the swastika and began killing innocents. Avlon's use of lying language and false guilt by disassociation here puts him in the Julius Streicher league, that's for sure. "Hatriots"? It is Avlon who is transparently unhinged, here, not us.


Anonymous said...

Of course, Avlon has reached his conclusions through careful study ad application of his education in psychiatry and sociology, instead of being a collectivist hack? I imagine he is very proud of himself for his extensive investigation and original work which resulted in his conclusions. If he has actually coined "hatriots" as a new term, he will get a lot of kudos from the leftist press.

Anything Avlon has said about the III movement is deliberately taken out of context. A few words here, a few words there, and paste them to match his preconceived notions. Whether appropriate or not makes no difference.

Avlon is right that the perpetrators were wingnuts. Investigation into their motivation has not concluded.

Avlon's article is another typical liberal rant. Two disturbed people shoot officers in a restaurant, throw a Gadsden flag and a swastika on them and Avlon makes it out to be a revolutionary act, in the minds of others than the actors themselves. Nowhere is this site or the III movement mentioned specifically by the perpetrators.

It must be nice to have all the answers before the investigation has been completed.

Anonymous said...

Appears to be a likely candidate for a Carney replacement "Press Secretary" if you like this kind of PRESS.

Billy Beck said...

“All politics in this country now is just dress rehearsal for civil war.”

The earliest occurrence of the idea at my weblog: ten years ago.


Anonymous said...

Laughner was a Democrat socialist commie stooge, like most of these numbnut assassins. The commie media always turns these Democrat wingnuts, like Chris Dorner, Adam Lanzas parents, Jared Laughner, Aaron Alexis, James Holmes etc etc...(the list of Democrat commie assassins is endless) into "right wingers." In Obamas imposition of 1984 doubleplusgood media speak, weirdo Democrat libtards become right wing Teaparty radicals. How quaint.