Monday, April 14, 2014

Cowboys and Communists

"It is now a virtual certainty that Obamite acts of tyranny will be resisted, by hundreds, even thousands, and if necessary, by force."


Anonymous said...

The question is, will the Obamites show up with a bigger force next time.

Anonymous said...

Their pride has been hurt. At this moment ATF and FBI-HRT "roid-ragers" are sending cat calls and hoots to their counterparts in BLM telling them what a real 3 letter agency would have done.

Count on it.

They were not bloodied. They do not think our side can bloody them. They have already forgotten or discounted what happened to their initial assault at Waco. ("They sucker punched us! They could never pull that off in a stand-up fight!")

They will try again. They have no choice. They are who they are.

You can count on that too.

Anonymous said...

Running a four minute mile was once considered to be virtually impossible, so very few tried to do it. Then Roger Bannister did it in 1954 and proved it was possible, so people from all over began trying to do it themselves. Not only is the four-minute mile now considered to be the standard, but it has since been beaten several times by as much as 17 seconds.

For many living today they have never seen anything like what happened in Bunkerville. For them it was like watching Roger Bannister prove the four-minute mile could be done. Now they know it's possible to force the feds to back down and many others will try. Not all will succeed, but many will try. I believe the relationship between government and the People has entered a new phase. Should be interesting to say the least!

Anonymous said...

N0, the question is how reasonable everyone is going to be in respecting the constitution and bill of rights.

That should pretty well clarify the issues for everybody.

"They" aren't going to be, and as we already know, will lie first, last and always, at every opportunity, in order to prosecute their war on the American people, and that is exactly what it is.

Treason against the American people, constitution and bill of rights by virtue of treasonous appointed judges and their political friends and bosses, as well as their hired guns.

All they have left, is attempting to control the news coverage and opinions of the people. If they loose that, they're done. But the media, even Fox, are their fellow travelers and so one can appreciate the gravity of the situation, and the carnage which is in the offing.

Anonymous said...

MV expand the 5th and 6th photo and check the arm patchs...

Anonymous said...

Feds preparing for a raid on the Bundy ranch.

"According to Mack, the so-called retreat was nothing more than theatrics. “It was a ploy to get people to back off, to get people out of the way. They weren’t expecting us to get this amount of people here. They were surprised by the numbers and so they wanted a way to get us out of here. This was a ploy to get us out of here and then they’re going after the Bundys.” Mack said that when he was at the Bundy ranch on Saturday there were an estimated 600 to 800 protesters present when federal agents were releasing the cattle."

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SWIFT said...

Harry Reid says it isn't over. Now normally, good ol' Harry is a serial liar and not to be given any credence. But, this time, billions of dollars are at stake, forcing him to tell the truth. Bundy will need thousands of us for the next confrontation. It will be a bitching trip for me, something in the vicinity of 3,000 miles, but I'm going. This will be a bolt action rifle event and that's what I'm taking.

Anonymous said...

Michelle Obama: “For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I’m Really Proud of My Country”

My reply: "For the First Time since your asshole husband was elected, I'm Really Proud of These Americans."

Michelle Obama: "All of this for a damn Flag?"

My reply: No, "You POS, All of this for the flag and our rights."

To the Obamas, Reids, Pelosis, Durbans, Feinsteins and other assorted loose.

Unknown said...

Yes, they will be back in just a matter of days. They should be met with entrenched militia standing guard.

Anonymous said...

Gotta post this somewhere besides just facebook. Someone needs to give the Bundy's a heads up and get some protesters and/or some armed people down there.

Anonymous said...


MV expand the 9th and 10th photos and check the arm patchs...WTF!

Anonymous said...

Odd, someone in tac gear apparently there for the BLM with a III patch?

Anonymous said...

Clearly, that III patch must mean something else....

Leslie Bates said...

This is not over. Those who value POWER over others will not surrender it. The feds will return and with full deadly force.

Mark Matis said...

Either that, Anonymous at April 14, 2014 at 7:06 PM, or make the raiders' families regret what their traitorous spouses do for a living by letting them enjoy the fruits of their labors under their very own Rules of Engagement.

Anonymous said...

Well, if it's truly a III patch then maybe that "fine gentleman" can explain WTH he's doing taking up arms against the citizenry. If it means something else then I'm all ears.