"It's a Sicilian message. It means Osama sleeps with the fishes."
Slept late and am off to the doctor this morning, so posts will be somewhat delayed. Overnight, the Navy Seals apparently permanently solved the problem of Osama bin Laden's insomnia -- score a big one for the Green Faces -- and the pundits are already proclaiming that this means Obama's reelection by acclamation. Perhaps. He'll get credit, certainly. All politicians do for stuff that the military does successfully on their watch, regardless of party and Obama's lap dogs in the media will be licking his, uh, ankles, slavishly on this one. Collectivists are nothing if not opportunists and if the death of a competing collectivist can be made to serve the interests of another, so much the better.
Am I glad that the architect of 11 September is gone to terminal virgin appetite disappointment? Certainly. Osama is sleeping with the fishes and I'm sure that the fishes are wondering where their nice neighborhood went to. I remember, however, the immutable Law of Unintended Consequences. Jihadis all over the world, and some in this country, will consider this an outrage and seek to avenge it. There is a multi-sided war of civilizations going on here with various collectivist sides, Osama as titular head of one side, Obama another, at war with liberty, Western civilization and the concept of God-given inalienable rights represented by the Founders' Republic.
Keep your powder dry.
Osama's body may be moldering in the sea, but his damned soul goes marching on.
More later.
Osama is dead,
do the rest of us get to keep the TSA and its bretherin as a (not so) free gift?
I hope to God that we got the right man (DNA? fingerprints?) -- how do we know that this guy was the real OBL? I also hope that the Seals took photographs or video including a "trophy" photo of a dead Osama Bin Laden before dumping the body, the way the terrorists and our MSM take photos of Americans savagely killed by terrorists. Was it too difficult tactically to retain the body? Many questions remain.
Something is awful fishy about the whole story. But a big'Way To Go' to our troops.
Phil in Ohio
I hope all his virgins look like homelier versions of John Shuck and G. W. Bailey - with a heaping helping of Moms Mabley thrown in for good measure.
Last night I heard the NYPD is going to have cops on the streets with full body armor and automatic weapons just in case.
We got to see Saddam's body...
This whole thing stinks.
"architect of 9-11" ?..........
someone was, but the true "architects" wore 3-piece oxxford suits, and reside somewhere in a Virginia suburb
Lets see - no body, no DNA, no forensics.........yep, another SCAM
military bows to islam: Osama given islamic funeral and buried in accordance to islamic law.
full honors. professional courtesy from a 'fellow traveller' in the WH.
Dumped in the Ocean?????????????
Poor Fishies.
I don't trust ANY-BODY,especially when there is No Body.Of course
I'm just being paranoid. But it looks as though I'm in good company.
Anon @ 8:47
That idea would only make sense if Bush & McCain had waited until October 2008 to make the announcement.
Sure took Gunwalker & the NRA's call for Holder to step down, off the news! Watch the other hand!
Sure distracts all attention from the Gunwalker scandal and the publicity which might come from the NRA announcement.
Too many binladen's in the various videos for me to accept this bs.
Makes obummer a hero in his own mind.
No body, no pics, no fingerprints (or hands, as with Che')in short no evidence.
In fact, were someone arrested in a murder case with the above, there is nothing to even proceed to trial let alone win a conviction.
Curious timing, extremely sketchy details, such fortuitously convenient coincidences.
No sale.
I will accept the official story and let the gubbers claim 'mission accomplished' on one condition.
Bring our sons and daughters home from the sand box.
Since that will never happen, I guess I'll call this whole thing bullshit and just another farce.
I was convinced OBL was dead, and had been dead for years, until Obama told me OBL was dead. I'd want independent confirmation from ten other sources if anybody in this admin claimed rain is wet.
Good riddance!! One down...
John, FL
To hell with the body. We have his hard drives.
Any one who believes the official government story about Osama............................
Your government is laughing at you.
The government lies about anything and everything, knowing damned well that we the people can do absolutely nothing about it, that we have no recourse because they successfully destroyed our representative republic ages ago and we have no representation, no recourse.
Mark my words. The “war on terror” will be escalated, and brought hard to American soil and American citizens in the near future.
The savior has slain the brown boogy man from a foreign land. Now the focus will be shifted to the brown American born citizen boogy man, that has been on the saviors hit list. The one who main stream propaganda, has conditioned the mindless masses to fear next.
All the foolish brain washed masses will accept, nay, beg their rulers to wage this “war on terror” on American soil and place more and more of their fellow American citizens on hit lists to be indiscriminately murdered in the name of their own perceived personal safety, never once giving thought to whom the next target will be when their beloved, blood thirsty government and military industrial complex starts to run out of brown targets.
Coming soon to an American city near you..........full fledged war.........on “ terror”!
"I tell you, freedom and human rights in America are doomed," bin Laden said as the U.S. war on terrorism raged in Afghanistan. "The U.S. government will lead the American people in -- and the West in general -- into an unbearable hell and a choking life."
The regime has and will continue to make Osama a profit.
Actually, this:
makes more sense than the official story...
Heh - captcha is "olies", as in O lies! Joe Wilson, you're clairvoyant!
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