Darrell Issa is reported to have had enough stalling by Holder & Co.
Heard about this tip yesterday and spent this morning verifying: the first Gunwalker scandal hearing is penciled in for the week of 13 June, according to sources in Washington DC and California. There are currently no hearings listed on the schedule for the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, but sources say Issa has had enough and is serious about getting to bottom of the Gunwalker scandal despite the stonewalling and delay on documents.
Said one source, "They're fine-tuning the the witness list right now and subpoenas should be flowing after the Memorial Day holiday recess with the hearing to come very quickly."
And that, boys and girls, ends on Monday, 13 June.

Once again, why would ANYONE expect them to honor these subpoenas? If they refuse, or even if they show and perjure themselves, just exactly WHAT is going to happen to them? Does anybody seriously expect ANY "Law Enforcement" in this country to arrest ANYONE in this administration for perjury or anything else?
You know, Mark, one of the reasons I keep posting your universally defeatist comments is to consciously grow the public pile of self-made excrement you're going to be forced to eat later on. -- Vanderboegh
Works for me if that happens. Will you do the same when it doesn't?
Let me make this very clear. I have no problem thanking Law Enforcement when they honor their oath, or when they do something good for the citizens. But I will curse them for dishonoring that oath, and for looking the other way when their fellow officers do so. And I will curse them when they refuse to honor contempt of court citations against the Administration, as they are doing with the Obamatorium. I see Eric Scott, and Jose Gurena, and the little girl in Detroit, and on and on. And daily I see www.injusticeverywhere.com documenting REPORTED criminality by "Law Enforcement" that is tracked by one guy as a sidelight to his day job. And I realize that what shows there is merely the tip of the iceberg, in that "Law Enforcement" agencies routinely shove as much into the "personnel action" file as possible, which is rarely reported. I see an overwhelming stench. And it smells like what it smells like.
If "Law Enforcement" actually has the guts to arrest the culpable for Project Gunwalker, I will be ecstatic to sing their praises and acknowledge my stupidity and callousness. But I look at Lon Horiuchi, and I look at Waco, and I look at hundreds if not thousands of other cases throughout this country, ESPECIALLY where Federal "Law Enforcement" is involved, and I curse them every day for what they have done to this country.
Is there such a thing as "Contempt of Congress" when hearings are held? I have heard of people being jailed for being "in contempt of court" and there is no time limit that the judge can have someone jailed. Wouldn't it be funny if Holder got sent to the pokey for giving Issa the run-around.
I confess to be somewhat dubious myself...down here in Florida, we're watching a murder trial that has taken 3 years to begin, and might last for 2 months. And the defendant is a party girl.
We need this case to go forward, and to do so quickly, lest the administration bury it in executive orders and immunity. I sincerely hope that Issa will make this happen. It's all we have. I also believe that Obama believes he is untouchable, as is his cronies. This could be the straw...
There are ATF Agents ready and willing to testify truthfully before Congress or the Senate. They have already been interviewed under oath, and have kept true to their oath to protect the U.S. Constitution, and don't give a damn about protecting Kenneth Melson or others who have lied, or omitted truths to the American People.
ATF's "Acting Director" and a few lackies may choose to dodge the subpoenas, but I won't. The truth is the truth, and it always comes out eventually.
You cite a lot of cases that unfortunately are true. There are however a lot of LEO's in this country, local, state and federal that do take their oaths seriously. If Melson,, Holder and company get thrown under the bus as I expect the will, I will love to see them doing the perp walk.
Sorry, Dutchman, but I'm with Mr. Mathis. I do not expect anything to happen. I would be tickled eighteen shades of pink and a few shades of blue were something TO happen but I don't think any congress critters are going to have the juevos to actually do something.
Besides, even if they actually DID grow a pair, finding someone in contempt of congress can take YEARS to play out.
Nope, ain't nothing gonna happen to Melson and forget about Holder and/or Obama.
Mike, I'm worried about you. It appears to me that you are SO invested in these miscreants getting what they deserve that you cannot accept that they probably never will. This is a serenity issue, oh person I would like to drive 800 miles to shake their hand, pray for the wisdom to see it.
Bad Cyborg X
Instead of telling us why it can't be done, why don't you naysayers invest energy *every day* in trying to make it happen?
Our congress critters have yet to file a bill of impeachment against obuma for his actions. I don't think his minions have any real worry unless to much heat lands on obuma. Them its under the bus.
Can you say "perjury":
I thought you could!
Any bets on what, if anything, will be done to them?
Murdering swill. The stench is overwhelming. And once again it smells like pig.
What they (Mark Matis and Bad Cyborg) are saying is they have no faith in the Justice Department, the Congress, the president, or anybody else in the U.S. Government to follow the law of the land, i.e., the U.S. Constitution. This is an excrement of a government, lawless and flouting it, and they don't give a damned that everyone knows it. They've shown they can get away with murder, and they're counting on re-election to validate their untouchableness. I know, it's not a word; but, it conveys what I want.
The dead elephant party just can't get its' act together, nor can they overcome the Senate, or there'd surely be impeachment proceedings mounted. I hope for this with all my might; but, hope doesn't count for doggy do-do right now. I am ashamed of our Congress to the nth degree for their cowardice in not bringing charges against this regime from the president, all the way to Holder and Melson. The judges in the federal system aren't much better, so I hold no hope that justice will be done. I'm sorry folks. I just have no faith in our government the same as Mark Matis and Bad Cyborg.
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